Wednesday, August 17, 2022


By Rebecca
Fox Sports

Misery loves company right? Isn't that how the saying goes? It does tend to be true in terms of people. Those who are extremely unhappy tend to bring others down with their Eeyore the donkey's boohoo attitude. Poor me, I have nothing, I have no one, nothing good ever happens to me. Be careful because those types of folks can suck the life right out of you.

But what if miserable were a town, a city a place to live? Ewwww why? I sure wouldn't want to move somewhere that is considered miserable. Oddly enough there is actually a list of the most "miserable cities in Texas." Let's dive deeper...

According to Business Insider, these are the top 5:

1.Port Arthur-mainly because "the small city is often in the path of the state's worst storms."

2. Brownsville, Texas-according to Business Insider, this city ranks 12th overall in the nation. Of Brownsville's 183,000 residents, more than 31 percent live in poverty and 35 percent don't have health insurance.

3. Huntsville, Texas- The Texas prison system is headquartered in Huntsville, where, since 1999, all the state's executions have been done.

4. Harlingen, Texas- Business Insider shares that this city is just a short drive away from Brownsville and the U.S.-Mexico border, Harlingen often experiences influxes of immigrants.

5. Pasadena, Texas-for starters, I had no clue there was such a city in Texas and I was born and raised here! According to this article, the small, working-class city was once the headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan. Now, petrochemical plants litter the cityscape, and one-fifth of the city's population lives in poverty.

Fortunately, the Permian Basin did not make the top 5 and in all honesty, I myself have never been to any of the Texas cities in the top 5. If you have, do you agree with the list?

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Anonymous said...

first case of Monkeypox in Rio Grande Valley hits...(you guessed it!)...Brownsville.

ja ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...


Still the Jewel of The Valley.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am very disappointed that Brownsville didn't make number one on the list. Ever since the Mexicans took over this town in 1970, things went down the toilet and the toilet is clog up with so much shit in the city streets. Diplomas are given out for been a idiot from the BISD. The city commissioners are living in Mars not Brownsville. The county commissioners are double dipping in the taxpayers money. PUB has good air conditioning and their dogs have AC too while you sweat trying to pay your PUB bill. The BND don't give a damn when no one goes to their meeting. Brownsville should be number one but we fail in that too.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to the mitte racist foundaton stop city spend funds that come from the poor to bring gringos happiness. Help these people to fix the homes.

Anonymous said...

Hey I live in Harlingen, I'm moving to Brownsville tomorrow! Misery loves company alright. LOL

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is an old woman's crotch - todo apestoso.

Anonymous said...

Poor guys on that picture, watching the Cowboys lose again would make all of Southmost miserable. And Im a Cowboys fan.

Anonymous said...

Is that what Mexicans call, "El canton"?

al alva, ese.

Anonymous said...

Even the picture you display gives me hope. When you have nothing, a little is sometimes good enough . Nice Adirondacks. Prende el bote.

Anonymous said...


Are you Gay, Montoya?

No Mexican I know uses that word.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention, the people coming from Mexico especially the deep south mexican's that come from the wealthier parts and think they own the damn city(s). They are so damn annoying when we go to the stores in Brownsville and act like if they are the shit. They don't help our economy cuz they get their taxes back anyway. And the ones who live here already get away with all that. Brownsville is getting more populated than ever.

Anonymous said...

Interesting discussion of understanding “relations” with cockroaches. It did not go where I actually anticipated: such as, how you adjusted your thinking to “live” with cockroaches rather than “destroy” them.

I’m not sure of the downside of living with cockroaches, other than the nuisance of finding that they eat “things”.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville should be Number 1!!!

It has regular flooding, top-of-the-line mosquitoes, an army of stray dogs, thousands of illegal aliens, no bookstore, potholes that are named after city elected officials, mostly Mexican drivers, adultery like nowhere else, a flea market better than the mall, used car lots galore, cheap Mexican-themed cantinas and the worst blogger in Texas - Da Blimp.

heh heh

Anonymous said...

You got to be happy 😂, now.
Brownsville is no longer #1.


Anonymous said...

This list is nothing to be proud of. Our city leaders should,Galonsky and Cowen, should be ashamed that we are on this list. I wil say this lots of Brownsville residents are genuinely happy.

Anonymous said...

Yea, most democrat run villages are shit holes. Let’s get that #1 spot next year Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

La Jaula. Back in the day.

Anonymous said...

The citizens of Brownsville need a Republican mayor. The democratic mayors we have had are more interested in their future, not the future of the citizens of this city. Time for change.

Anonymous said...

That's probably the Porter Cowboys soccer team that they are watching.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
The citizens of Brownsville need a Republican mayor. The democratic mayors we have had are more interested in their future, not the future of the citizens of this city. Time for change.

August 18, 2022 at 9:55 AM"

I AGREE 1000%

Anonymous said...

"Yo si le voy le voy a la Porter."

Anonymous said...

August 17, 2022 at 11:13 AM
puros pinches jolleros en monkey pox city Mcallen MARICONES...

Anonymous said...

Looks like some red-ass racist republican decided to post more misinformation as usual pendejos que no se limpian la cola and blame others for the smell...

Anonymous said...

Idiot at 5:58 PM….blaming two commissioners….we have a mayor that takes care of himself — his friends downtown. What about the rest of the town? And another that is only worried about nonprofits that “fit” a certain criteria.” Anyone want to outline those magic bullets?

Go ahead and focus on just your hands, meanwhile the rest of the body bleeds…..

Quit giving away money.

Anonymous said...

Hillbilly haven in olmito is the typical free lunch for all hillbillys that new place opened about 10 months ago if you are to pass by that placed it looks like it was built in the 1920's...cucarachos galore and ALL WHITE

Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the hurricane that hit a hillbilly town and inflicted eleven million dollars of improvements?

Anonymous said...

Gas costs $1.00 per gallon more than anywhere else in the US stupid hillbillys

Anonymous said...

Arkansas, hosts its first annual hillbilly Olympics with wheelbarrow races, seed spitting and hillbilly horseshoes.

And what is “hillbilly horseshoes,” exactly?
Throwing a toilet seat at a stake.

Anonymous said...

"So, Lee Roy, I see you got a sign up that says, 'Boat For Sale.' But you don't own a boat, Lee Roy. All you got is your old John Deere tractor and your combine." "Yup, and they're boat for sale."

Anonymous said...

The difference between the appalachian mts. and yogurt is that yogurt has an active, living culture.

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2022 at 7:48 AM

coco/gringo mamon

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2022. 9:45 a.m.
The Appalachian Mountains are beautiful and they have wonderful music. If only Brownsville would be as scenic. Have you been deep to the Southmost area where there are people that still cook their frijoles on wooden 🔥 fires?

Anonymous said...

Dolly Parton is from the Appalachian Mountains. I bet 95% of las viejas in the Southmost area wish they had a quarter of her talent and the viejos wish their viejas looked like her. . . but you know what both Brownsville and the Appalachis are beautiful. It is just "que como chingas."

Anonymous said...

Nadie se quiere ir de Brownsville.
Pura raza.

Los ricos que se vayan para San Antonio, los elegantes para Houston, los inteligentes para Austin.

Los buenos se quedan en Browsville.

Anonymous said...

Some may see a "miserable town" others might find comfort in blaming things on elected officials. I see three able-bodiesd losers doing nothing for themselves. Heck, maybe it's their day off, but couldn't they use that time to clean up and spruce up their little piece of heaven? No mamen!

Pelados estampilleros for life, bro!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All thanks to our politicians. GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME.

Anonymous said...

There will no longer be a parade for the cowboys at the southmost, they just found out they play american football NOT meskin football BOLA DE PENDEJOS IDIOTAS.

Anonymous said...

One of the poorest cities in the nation, but we sure have a Tesla dealership ! Local officials salivating over Musk for their personal handouts, but forget about improving our county or community! Well off to buy groceries and going to avoid streets with the less potholes.

Anonymous said...

So you’re saying Ben Neece did not perform all the miracles he claimed he would? More closed downtown businesses, more homelessness and more crime. No wonder he was a one-termer.

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2022 at 10:50 AM

They were camping outside estupido.

Unlike the Appalachian Mountains claims that reports indicate that residents of the Appalachian Mountains practised a form of ritualistic cannibalism, during which cannibals ate parts of their dead relatives in order to honour them, it was because they were hungry.
Want to know more about this place where white trash lives? Watch the movies Silence of the lambs, silent hill, wrong turn and decide.

"que como chingas." que nomas los pinches gringo y wanna be white cocos can insult here, no mames pendejo todo se vale.


Anonymous said...

Cannibalism happens everywhere. Think the Karankawas and what happened to Mark Kilroy. You can get eaten at just about any place. If you want to think scary close to home how about John Allan Rubio?

I do not mean to insult you. I am just trying to understand your logic.

The people at the Southmost area were not camping. When I asked my friend what her mother was doing she said "my Father likes for her to cook that way" and there was the woman sweating and struggling her ass off.

You know going to a mountain and getting eaten sounds kinky and fun...Jusy saying. I am not insulting you.
