Wednesday, August 10, 2022



He was in the middle of explaining gravity to seven-year-olds when the shooter burst in.

"Nobody moves, nobody dies," rasped the terror, the anger.

"Please, bro," the teacher began...

"I'm not your brother asshole," the muzzle warned." You wanna be the first one?"

"Look, why do this to them? They still have their little dreams, and they're the dreams of those who had them. Why would you want to kill those little dreams?"

"Fuck you, asshole. You don't know nothing about me, do you asshole, do you?

"No, I don't," said the teacher. "But I know that they have no blame for your problems. Spare them, please. I'll tell you what. If you really want to kill something, let's go outside and you can kill me. I'm ready. I'm done. But not them, please."

And the children later told the police that as the shooter and the teacher left, he turned around and smiled and said: "You  take charge Maria. Make sure you lock that door after we leave, Ok? Love you babies. Bye."


Anonymous said...

I am fortunate enough to know teachers that have and would give their life for the students. For those that bemoan the teacher pay, vacation time,... you must have done something terrible in another lifetime in order to have ended up with a bitter educational experience.

Anonymous said...

If that teacher had a gun, he or she cold have blown the shooter's brains out. We're not killing enough criminals. Democrats want to send in a social worker. For what? To suck his penis?

Anonymous said...

Stop the nonsense elect Gracia for Sheriff...

Anonymous said...

Real, or make-belief, Montoya?

Tell your readers.

You do have a fertile mind, ese.

Anonymous said...

Trump Says He Invoked Fifth Amendment Rights 440 Times During Testimony In Civil Investigation

- protection from self-incrimination.

- Earlier, Trump had said only the guilty invoke the Fifth.

- he's guilty.

Anonymous said...

Why Hasn’t Donald Trump Released The Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant?

Because it is damning. But it'll be obtained by someone. These things always unfold neatly...

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump knows what FBI agents took from his private club in Palm Beach and knows why they took it, former federal prosecutors said Tuesday.

Before leaving Mar-a-Lago on Monday after executing a search, FBI agents were legally required to leave behind the search warrant and an inventory listing what items were seized, said Fort Lauderdale defense attorney Richard Serafini, who spent 10 years working as a federal prosecutor.

In addition to revealing what agents grabbed, the search warrant would have listed what crimes agents believed may have been committed that prompted their unprecedented request to search the home of a past president

Trump could himself release a copy of the search warrant, but he won't, 'cause it's real Bad News for him.

Anonymous said...

Trump And The Fifth Amendment -

Donald Trump has in the past made his previous feelings about pleading the Fifth abundantly clear.

“The mob takes the Fifth,” Trump said when Hillary Clinton aides did so in 2016. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” He added in 2014: “If you are innocent, do not remain silent. You look guilty as hell!”

Trump said these things despite having already invoked the Fifth Amendment in his divorce proceedings in 1990.

(He's foundering, splashing in the water)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Donald!

When you plead the 5th in a civil case, an assumption of guilt can be inferred by the Jury and Judge. This is exactly what NY Attorney General Leticia James wanted him to do during this deposition.

heh heh

Anonymous said...

Heading up that highway, leaving you behind
Hardest thing I ever had to do
Broke my heart in two, but baby, pay no mind
The price for finding me was losing you

Anonymous said...

This killer's body should be burned at the stake and any physical remains, where a fucking piece of tongue or toe, should be fed to dogs.



Anonymous said...

Tough Days Ahead for El Refin -

The cost of eggs has soared 38%, and prices for other goods have also jumped: Flour is up 22.7%, chicken 17.6%, milk 15.6%, ground beef 9.7% and bacon 9.2%. Fruits and vegetables got 9.3% more expensive.

Chorizo, tripas, barbacoa, pescado off the charts, Montoya!

Tirenme un 🦴

Anonymous said...

What Donald Trump really fears is that all the blackmail material he kept on top Republicans was in his safe.

Hey, where'd the Trump supporters here go?

Are they with the protestors outside Mar-A-Lardo?

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

The walls are closing in for Donald Trump.

why isn't anyone defending him here now? gagging on facts. shitting bricks.


Anonymous said...

The mitte foundation is for the rich and famous. Just drive down Ringold st from 7th to 18th street. Look at all the taxpayers homes, falling apart and this stupid organization is building top of the line exhibits for the grinogs at taxpayers expense and those that live just down the block. A racist organization do doubt.
Pinches city commissioners they all need to go.

And if you go across 18th street you will see most of the homes there have been foreclosed by the city and the county for unable to pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Drivers See Some Relief as Gas Drops Below $4 a Gallon
FROM 4.01 TO 3.99 WOW some relief...BOLA DE IDIOTAS!!!

Anonymous said...

Attorney General Merrick Garland Says He ‘Personally Approved’ Seeking Mar-A-Lago Search Warrant

The Department of Justice has moved to unseal the warrant used in the raid on Donald Trump's Florida home.

Dept. of Justice not hiding anything. Whiney Trump must be in full panic.

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya is Brownsville's best blogger (in his price range).

ha ha ha ah ha

True that.

Anonymous said...

Outcast emefer

Anonymous said...

where did this come from?

an official transcript? El jerry's crazy, fake blog?

answer the question.

Anonymous said...


The sheriff is said to be contemplating showing up at the budget meeting with the county commissioners but he is undecided if he should wear a Niqab or a burkha with his cowboy cap ooops I mean hat.

So the citizens can understand the difference between a Niqab and a Burkha they are garments that covers the face and body, a Niqab covers the face and leaves the eyes uncover and a Burkha covers the whole body. There is no know requirement for wearing any type of chanclas. So the sheriff has decided to wear a crocodile or rattler snake boots color black.


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump could release the Mar-A-Lago search warrant himself, but he needs his base guessing and spreading wild conspiracies. That’s what crazy MAGA thrives on.

Broken English Melania and her son on flight back to Slovenia already. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

Checkmate -

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland speaks softly but he carries a very big stick that will end up sending Donald Trump to prison. We just have to all be patient.

It will be worth it, people.

Cheeto in prison, in real orange jumpsuit.

ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

With tensions running high, a small plane flew a banner in the skies near Mar-a-Lago, which was searched by the FBI on Monday.

That banner, which reads “Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha,” flew over Donald Trump’s Florida estate for three hours, according to an NBC affiliate in Miami, which says a group of pals spent $1,800 to have that sign flown overhead. One of the organizers said taunting the former president brought him “a lot of joy.”

source: New York Daily News

Anonymous said...


The attorney general announced Thursday that he’s asked a judge to unseal the FBI’s search warrant for Mar-a-Lago, which lying Trump, we’re guessing, does not want people to see.

It should be a great read!

ha ha ha ha ha

Trump is toast.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blog or get off the pot, Guey!

Anonymous said...

El que la paga.

true that.

Anonymous said...

Trump search Warrant Unsealed -

Trump Under Investigation For Violating Espionage Act, Search Warrant Shows. Trump is apparently being investigated for removing or destroying records and obstructing an investigation.

- fines or jail time.

Anonymous said...

NO EXIT: After Mar-a-Lago raid, Trump is trapped — and his fear is palpable

Donald Trump's lifelong grift is nearing its final act. Across America his power is fading — and he knows it.

Orange traitor is not smiling these days.

Anonymous said...

FBI Agents who raided Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago collected 21 labeled boxes that contained either "miscellaneous confidential documents," "miscellaneous secret documents" or "miscellaneous Top Secret documents," according to the DOJ's search warrant.

They also seized an executive grant of clemency for Trump's associate Roger Stone, "Info re: President of France," a leatherbound box of documents, two binders of photos, a handwritten note and "Various classified/TS/SCI documents," referring to documents containing "top Secret" or "sensitive compartmented information."

= info on the president of France? Blackmail by Trump? Could be.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, la estas cagando, guey.

entrale al ring, puto.

Anonymous said...

‘It Could Be Anything’: Experts Tell Us What Kind of Nuclear Secrets Donald Trump Could Steal

When it comes to nuclear weapons, basically everything is classified.

(and he could sell it in the foreign black Market)

Anonymous said...

Trump's a traitor pure and simple! Anyone that stands with him are traitors by association. Hold them all accountable! Vote them out.

And he has had these secret documents for a year and a half - whatever he wanted them for is possibly already damage done. If it was anyone else, he would be held in a cell until going to be arraignment, right?

pretty sure he sold our Nuclear codes to Russia.

Anonymous said...

Republicans: We demand you release the Trump search warrant!
Attorney General Garland: We're going to release the warrant.
Republicans: How dare you release the warrant!

Republicans are traitors to the US. Arrest every single one of them.

Anonymous said...

The cockroach FBI agents in the Maralago gestapo raid were already under investigation by Durham.

Saf to see Montoya post all the anti Trump garbage by child molester teachers and other vermin.

Anonymous said...

Melania speaks more languages than any pocho chicano from the RGV.

Anonymous said...

August 14, 2022 at 2:47 p.m.
Melania speaks those other languages the way she speaks English. Have you heard her speak French because I have and it is worse than the English. The things is that folk like you easily confuse their pie hole with their asshole and are therefore impressed when you hear something other than what you know. Los pobres.

Anonymous said...

We have St Joe rats in the commission and they only represent their personal interests. Time to get rid of the elf mayor and those greedy commissioners

Que chupen verga

Anonymous said...

August 14, 2022 at 2:47 PM
Mamones en el RGV so what do you get defending trumputo and his family a boot on you ass and a smirk when they see you stupid face fact c/s
