Friday, August 5, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Wonder why you don't see that many Cameron County Sheriff Department's patrol cars out on the road?

Would you believe that they – about 50 to 60 of them – are parked in a field at the
 Rucker-Carrizales Detention Center in Olmito to get fitted with the much-vaunted (and publicized) camera system that will provide deputies, prosecutors, and the public with visual proof of arrests and give transparency to the officers' actions?

No problem with that, but there's only one problem. Or maybe two.

Only one to two units can be fitted daily, and the recommendations of the patrol supervisors to Sheriff Eric Garza was for the cameras to be fitted on the units of deputies from the three shifts who were off duty. Those off-duty deputies could park their units and – after they were fitted – pick up their units at the warehouse when they came back.

But "Fleet Supervisor" Ramblado Rivera (a Garza political appointee originally hired as a jail clerk) overrode their recommendations and ordered them to park the entire fleet even though his workers could only fit one or two daily with the camera equipment.

Remember that Cameron County is 1,276 square miles in size and some of the deputies live in parts of the county that are far from Rucker-Carrizales and have to spend their own money on gas to get to the detention center. In an emergency call, they would have to drive there, get their unit, and then answer the calls instead of heading directly to the incident site.

But it's no skin off Rambaldo's nose who – despite the fact that he was hired as a jail clerk – now drives a brand-new undercover unit to his home in distant Santa Maria. He doesn't have to worry about paying for his gas. Notice in the picture above that the units are parked outside in an unsecured area. Hopefully, the keys to the units are locked up somewhere secure.

But given the departments' record for running roughshod on security issues like prisoner transport, jail personnel staffing, and it's penchant of casting common sense over the side, we seriously doubt it.


Anonymous said...

Administration is Hell. Why are you so hard-up on the sheriff's office?

Little dick, Montoya?

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...


Former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney appeared in a new campaign ad for his daughter – Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming) – who is facing a tough reelection fight ahead of her state's August 16th Republican primary.

Cheney serves as the co-chair of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, which has placed her at odds with the GOP.

The 60-second spot, which was released on Thursday, features the elder Cheney tearing into Donald Trump for his efforts to steal the 2020 election, as well as his pathological dishonesty.

"In our nation's 246-year history, there has never been an individual who was a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He is a coward. A real man wouldn't lie to his supporters. He lost his election and he lost big. I know it, he knows it, and deep down, I think most Republicans know it," Cheney said.

Anonymous said...

Again that is what you get when you vote for: no experience Sheriff good luck Cameron County you still have 2 more years to deal with this BS

Anonymous said...

Bring out your handkerchiefs Trump will be back.

Anonymous said...

"a pattern of life" in the life of hillbilly coco wanna be white RATA spends his life dumpster diving at the central library and is constantly annoying people there. To stop this illegal practice a hell fire missile was fired at hillbilly this specially design missile caries 12 slapping hands and at arrival at the target will slap the shit out of its target in this case hillbilly coco wanna be white, RATA...FACT c/s.

Anonymous said...

Trump es un cagapalo.

Anonymous said...

Former Attorney General Predicts Trump Indictment -

Former Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that Donald Trump will likely face criminal charges as a result of the Justice Department’s investigation into his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.

But Holder, who served under President Barack Obama, said state charges are likely to precede any federal action. In an interview with SiriusXM’s “Urban View,” Holder said he first expects Trump to be charged in a probe by the state of Georgia looking into his efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s win there, including Trump’s scheme to form slate of false electors, according to CNBC.

Holder added that the state investigation is more straightforward, pointing to Trump’s infamous call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Jan. 2, 2021, asking him to “find 11,780 votes.”

“My eyes are on Fulton County first. Look at the Justice Department in 2023,” Holder told the radio show.

(That'll sink Trump's 2024 presidential we dream)

Anonymous said...

Go Joe Biden!

U.S. Adds huge load of jobs -

Employers added a stunning 528,000 jobs in July, while the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5%, the lowest level in nearly 50 years, the Labor Department said on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Hey, sportswriter Juan, was broadcaster Vin Scully "Gay"?

Parece el vato. Todo sonso.

Anonymous said...

sheriff's dispatcher running the show.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff's dispatcher approved the move.

Anonymous said...

My vote is for Manuel Trevinio for Sheriff 2024.

Anonymous said...

WOW the comments so much FAKE NEWS here. WHAT r you DIMS smoking????

Thank God is answering my prayer...Finally Seen The Light??? Thousands Dump Democratic Party For The GOP. And this is happening ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!!

I guess Juanito your ONLY 3 READERS are still supporting PEDO JOE PETER BRANDON. LOL LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Pa pendéjo no se estúdia.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you have a paper pusher as sheriff. When you have less visibility of marked units on the street you have more crime. Statistically, crime has gone up in the rural areas of cameron county with Eric Garza as Sheriff. Look at the uniform crime report on the DPS website Montoya. You can compare the spike in crime comparing Sheriff LUcio during his term vs. Sheriff paper pusher Garza. It is public record on dps website

Anonymous said...

What does Trump have to do with our sheriff department morons? Or is he running for sheriff?

Anonymous said...

Just to think I voted for this clown, very sad to see where the department is heading to. People like Carlos "Erasmo" Del Bosque dragging his ass to please Garza "Can you guys tag the Sheriff on your post" get a fuck out of here.. go back to supervise the hallways or the gym pussy ass "supervisor"

Anonymous said...

you Trumpudos are pendjos believing a crooked used car salesman,hey I got some ocean front property for sale in Arizona I want to sell you lol.

Anonymous said...

Angel keeps getting money from his wife's boss the attorney Villarreal to Garza, that's why he feels untouchable, we don't trust you Angel and if you think you're going to make supervisor by sucking om Silverio's cock...FUCK YOU

Anonymous said...

Does someone knows when is the last time Angel Perez submitted a case to the DAs? Where is his dog? Haven't seen him in months.

Anonymous said...

CCSO Deputies. BISD PD is hiring. Starting pay almost 21 an hour. Stop working yourselves to death. If you leave you will be replaced within the week. Don’t worry. They don’t give a shit about you.

Anonymous said...

Montoya you should look into American Surveillance owned by Garza's favorite vendor Jaime Escobedo... all those high paid contracts he is getting, and to of Escobedo was arrested by DPS on 2017 for fraud. How much you think is Garza's cut

Anonymous said...

With this picture, it comes to mind of the 7 reserved parking spaces in front of the BISD glass palace. Why are 7 spots taking handicap-possible spots when it is against the rules for more than 3 board members to be together without a posted agenda or a quorum for a regular meeting. Why are they at the main office at the same time? To micromanage? To check on the superintendent who does nothing all day? Why are 7 spots needed at the same time if there is no board meeting scheduled? Juan, check on that and write up one of your good
stories! Does Minerva still stop by everyday to check on "What's for lunch" in every office?

Could it be that the sheriffs are having a meeting, all at one time, giving ample time for crooks to run around freely?

Anonymous said...

Ram is a fat fuck, who ordered the deputies, through Lieutenant Rodriguez to leave the keys to units behind the gas lid lol. Fuck this administration. Sheriff Garza is one "term" and done.

Anonymous said...

If sucio lucio was alive I'd spill the beans about how crooked him and reynas were. But we don't have to worry about than anymore. Lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

School teacher solution. Punish all for the misdeeds of a few.

Anonymous said...

What about Hoskins presenting himself as "Captain" LMFAO this administration is a jokeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Andre Delgado can lend some balls to Garza so he can run the SO with dignity

Anonymous said...

Let me think about it punk ass wanna ve sheriff

Anonymous said...

And the show goes on

Anonymous said...

FBI taking note of everything believe it or not Garza is going down worst than Conrado

Anonymous said...

Eric send me a text I know who is visiting Denisse in Matamoros 3 times a week

Anonymous said...

Can someone give Erik a pair of boots, his cocodrilo shit don't match the uniform, pobre pendejo

Anonymous said...

Y me la sigues pelando... I can meet you at the range anyday anytime "sheriff" you and you bitch kiss ass del bosque

Anonymous said...

Mr. Luis Saenz, look into Silvero, Ramblado, Cornejo' timesheet... especially the "OT"..Carlos Garza went down for way less than this

Anonymous said...

I vote for transparency. Having cameras on the units will help. The previous administration never tried nor used the unit laptops.

Anonymous said...

Y’all need to look into that corrupt fat walrus Gilberto “chile chiquito” Cisneros. He bosses jailers around like he’s the big boss. Just because you drink with the Sheriff and Silver don’t mean shit. You fat fuck, your time will come and when it does, we’ll see your bitch ass cry again on patrol.

Anonymous said...

This was never an issue about cameras, it was about ram screwing up everything he touches.

Anonymous said...

All you Democrats just proved how ignorant you are by electing Eric Garza as sheriff, Joe Biden as president and the list of your ignorance is ever expanding. My guess is that since this is a colorful area you will be voting for Pete Buttigieg as the next president. Little people. Little brains. Think out of the box if you can.

Anonymous said...

Get Rid of all The 400 lb. Leiutants. And save money all around. Even in the kitchen where they eat triple portions

Anonymous said...

They have a dispatcher that takes it on his own to make decision on sending a unit to help. If he don't like your voice he won't sent nobody... tough shit his boss need to be re-elected again and again but to the dog pound with his buddy the sheriff's dispatcher. NEED A CHANGE AGAIN this ain't working out...

Anonymous said...

Tobias should be the training coordinator everyone preferred him over dumbass chiquiz who can't even put on 1 training. You are a fucking back stabbed you fake wannabe swat go suck the sheriffs dick it still probably fresh from silverio

Anonymous said...

August 5, 2022 at 11:17 AM

Not only that he has a dispatcher making decisions on who to sent out to help. BAD SITUATION some body is going to get hurt if this keeps on happening.

Anonymous said...

That' what happens when you vote democrat and with someone with no experience in running a police department and with worthless questionable law enforcement rejects.

VOTE REPUBLICAN or the person with experience!

Anonymous said...

Paper pusher taking orders from the sheriff dispatcher, seeeems correcto..

Anonymous said...

Hey Ram, how did this work out for you?
It's gonna be a hard time for you until you quit. All the deputies know you tried to fuck them over. Deputies association knows as well. Ponte Bola fatass.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when Brownsville, had a solid functioning government, but it was run by the Gringos. Well, we can't have that, now can we. Mexicans must rule Mexicans and here we are. Corrupt and incompetent government from the top down. Makes a vato proud to be brown.

Anonymous said...

Sucio lucio loyalists have been saying eric is going to be arrested for a year and a half. Nothing has happened. Give it up lambiscones

Anonymous said...

@3:23 meet you at range? What idiot put this? This isn't about shooting skills, this is about picking right leader for the job. Let's focus on rams dumbass.

Anonymous said...

fire that dispatcher now he is the one running the department.

Anonymous said...

One and done term Sheriff 😂. You're an embarrassment to this department Eric Garza. Embarrassment to the ones who have actually put in their time as a peace officer, and given their all for this department. ONE AND DONE.

Anonymous said...

I had not had a chance to look here in a while. So, what happened to Gracia?

Anonymous said...

Las botas de Eric son de hulefante.

Anonymous said...

Don’t believe everything you hear or read. Especially if it’s coming from the left. Employers have not added a stunning 528,000 jobs in July, while the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5%. Where did these statistics come from? The job vacancies are from people retiring, jobs lost during pandemic and the turn over in current jobs. Tell me how many new jobs were created. That’s the true number.

Anonymous said...

August 5, 2022 at 9:23 AM

Anonymous said...

If Administration is hell , then get out and let sople that have the skills to run an administration. Bola de brutos.

Anonymous said...

Did the people vote for a sheriff or a dispatcher? FIRE THAT IDIOT

Anonymous said...

Everyone remembers the favorite Dispatchers from previous Administration. The same ones are trying to fuck up the current one.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain this dispatcher??what's going on?
Who is running the communication department? Is it that dumb ass Chuck... ??spill the beans...we the community want to know??

Anonymous said...

Because of the dispatcher the marriage is breaking up.

Anonymous said...

So the dispatcher a political appointee and now director of communications can override any decisions made by patrol supervisors?
