Saturday, August 27, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

San Benito Consolidated Independent School District board members who were wined and dined at a swank Brownsville upscale restaurant – including Republican candidate for District 37 board vice president Janie Lopez – are now silent on why four of them, a quorum, attended a banquet paid by "Bob" Treviño, SBCISD’s current health insurance provider.

Present that night at the expensive Madeira Restaurant in Brownsville were four board members, including board president Ramiro Moreno, vice president Janie Lopez, Mario Silva, and board secretary Oscar Medrano, with Interim Superintendent Theresa Servellon also present.

The picture was posted by Board Secretary Oscar Medrano to his Facebook page the week of August 14 and has since been removed.

When questioned about her attendance at the vendor-sponsored event, Lopez at first defended partaking of the wining and dining at his expense by telling people who asked her that Treviño had "invited everyone," but when the San Benito News tried to get her side of the story, she "respectfully" declined to comment.

"Can you imagine a congressional representative declining to comment on her constituents' concern about vendors influencing an upcoming issue and how she will vote?," asked an incredulous San Benito News reader who reached out to El Rrun-Rrun"Is this the best what we can expect from her, to play turtle and hide in her shell?"

Not content to simply acknowledge the apparent impropriety of accepting an expensive dinner and drinks from a vendor who has a proposal before the board where a vote is due in two weeks, Medrano waded into the controversy further trying to justify their attendance.

The News' David Lopez reported that in a phone interview, Medrano said he sees it fair to dine out with a vendor.

“For me, there’s nothing wrong with going out with a vendor to eat, but I know a taxpayer’s perspective. It’s my fault, technically, but it is what it is,” Medrano said.
(It is what it is? In other words, I don't care what the taxpayers think.)

Present in the photo is also Alberto “Bob” Treviño, owner of Bob Treviño Insurance, SBCISD’s current health insurance provider since October 2021, who is submitting a proposal for the health insurance contract for the upcoming school year.

“We did have a quorum, but we didn’t discuss business issues, and we didn’t even discuss his insurance. Anything to discuss, we didn’t discuss it,” Medrano said.

Medrano told Lopez the board still has to search for bids for the district’s health insurance provider and will choose the provider in the meeting after next.

Alberto “Bob” Treviño, owner of Bob Treviño Insurance, SBCISD’s current health insurance provider since October 2021 who "sponsored" the bash for board members and their guests, is submitting a proposal for the health insurance contract for the upcoming school year.

Furthermore, Medrano said the board still has to search for bids for the district’s health insurance provider and will choose the provider in the meeting after next.

“We go out for quotes and we interview them. It doesn’t mean Treviño’s got it in the bag, but that’s the process,” Medrano said.

It is instructive to see that Treviño contributed $2,000 to SBCISD President Ramiro Moreno and Vice President Lopez's candidacies when they ran for the SBCISD board in 2020. (See graphic) Not long after they were elected to the board, Treviño got the SBCISD contract.
$2,000 to President Moreno

$2,000 to VP Lopez
(We are currently searching for campaign finance reports for the other two members who attended the Madeira Restaurant and will post them as soon as the tight-fisted SBCISD releases them. Moreno has since removed the post above from his FB page. Lopez justified her partaking of the vendor's wining and dining her saying Treviño had "invited everybody."  So if everybody does it it's ok? That's curious for someone whose website states that if she is elected she will "will fight against corruption and...will support our schools." For a small contribution, it appears.)

Treviño is listed in the Directory of Insurance Carriers and Contact Information from October 1, 2021.

Lopez is currently the Republican candidate for U.S. Congressional District 37 against Democrat Luis Villarreal in the November general election. 


Anonymous said...

Don't you have loads more bad shit in Brownsville than we do?

Leave San Bene to San Bene, bro. Don't need you.

- Rockford Galvan

BobbyWC said...

How about some real stories like Wightman on the Republican Party? Is Cascos paying you to be quiet? How much?

Anonymous said...

High school football -

Uvalde beat Carrizo Springs last night...

Anonymous said...

I am sad cause I wasn't invited

Anonymous said...

Wightman cruising for readers. He has few. 30 hits a day. Wants Montoya's thousands.

Wightman is a waste of time. Ignore him. He copies other news websites!!! has nothing original. Begging for readers now.

Useless, dying blog.

Anonymous said...

Esto te pasa por presumir.

He will not get the contract.
They will not jeopardize there position, when the next bidder will do just the same. Without publicizing.

Anonymous said...

The only "real" story on Wightman's blog is that he's going again to the free VA clinic.

ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

It’s Over: Trump Will Be Indicted


There is little left for the Justice Department to do but decide whether to wait until after the midterms to formally seek the indictment from the grand jury.

Corrupt Donald Trump is going down.


Anonymous said...

11:00,11:10, 11:14 and 11:28 am.

Don't cry. I'am getting the contract. New blood, and I pay more, bi-weekly.

Anonymous said...

Rockford? Pinche coco del cenote del valle. Ratas son Ratas y la comunidad tiene derecho de saver. IDIOTA rockford ha, pinche coco lambiscon

Anonymous said...

August 27, 2022 at 11:00 AM
sanbene wants to catch up to big town brownsville but never will, can't compare 1500 idiotas to 250,ooo pendejos...

Anonymous said...

disen que al Oscarito le gusta tocar en una Banda e comer salchichas.

Anonymous said...

When Oscar Medrano posted this picture he did not realize that he was posting a picture of how smart he is. A picture is worth a thousand words. . . If you ask me he is as smart as Erasmo Castro.

Anonymous said...

Who owns Madeira Restaurant?

Anonymous said...

Hey, San Benito -

I have a question; I see almost everybody has a rooster and nearly every vendor has chicken for sale and eggs where are all the chickens?

Anonymous said...

National racist republicans follow their leader and he says meskins are rapist, murderers and thieves. want more meskins republicans or y all think you're white? Gringos don't like meskins PENDEJOS...

Anonymous said...

Disgusting group of individuals.

Anonymous said...

@ 8/27/2022 5:29 p.m.
You overlooked his written post "dinner at Mareidas Restaurant sponsored by Trevino's Insurance in Brownsville." On his forehead he has the word "Pendejo."

He is going to do what our Great and All Powerfull and Good Hearted Leader Trump says "believe what I tell you not what your eyes see." Some will eat and regurgitate the BS steak he feeds them.

Anonymous said...

Selling a vote for the most expensive steak on the menu. That is routinely done in san Bene ain’t that right R.V.

Anonymous said...

Why is the Blimp posting here Juan?! Reject the fat bastard’s comments like he does everyone else. He needs to go to the nude beach to get his rocks off. Vato gordinflón asqueroso 🤮

Anonymous said...

It's funny, these are all democrats and not Trump?

Anonymous said...

Juan, before these dumb board members say they didn't bring up insurance in their conversations… there are cameras with video at this restaurant. I believe the owners have shared those recordings available to someone that requested them. Let’s see if the lie when asked by law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Estupido contiue practicing that smile you might need it at prison when bubba wants your ass pendejo FBI always get its pichones.

Anonymous said...

So I hear the FBI looks here first, than starts investigating, makes easy targets and saves a lot of time...

Anonymous said...

That board member Mario Silva works for Gulf coast paper he gave the San Benito account to his son, so it wouldn’t bring up a red light. Puros ratas y trenzas.

Anonymous said...

Ese Mario Silva sits on every City of San Benito Board. He is always appointed or reappointed by his BFF City commissioner Rene Villafranco and now the other Rene has jumped on the bandwagon. These two Renes give each other FIST BUMPS when they block the Mayor’s nominees to a board. Just watch them two at the city meetings always voting together and always touching each other. Kinda creepy to me but oh well. That is called the San Benito way.

Anonymous said...

Pobre pendejo he's more than likely under investigation from the FBI right now and he don't know it. Well, what you expect from idiots from sanbene???
