Friday, August 19, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Have you heard the latest scuttlebutt about self-styled GOP Superstar Mayra Flores, the Republican candidate for U.S. Congressional District 34?

Apparently, this Hidalgo County diva is now considering her race as the most important race in the United States, and ruffling her state GOP handlers the wrong way. 

Now, we're not pulling a Jill Biden here, but if you remember, she recently hosted a "Taco Tuesday" (and no, we're not saying anything like Miss Frijoles, or any of the politically incorrect McHaleish descriptions) for her candidacy, and did not include any of the other Republican candidates in the affair, which in turn miffed her state GOP handlers who sent her cash to include the whole GOP slate.

Even irksome gadfly Roman Perez reported that her husband (a Border Patrol agent) had told him that her race was the only one that matters and the hell with other lesser mortals. Apparently, she's feeling her oats.

(On the right she poses with right-wing Democrat In Name Only, Eddie "Sucio" Lucio and another gent dressed up nattily in a blue suit. Notice she isn't using the "skinny" app in the photo. Apparently, they don't miss a lot of meals in D.C. lately.)

But with a 70 to 30 percent total of Cameron County voter breakdown between Republicans and Democrats, she hasn't fully realized that she has to lure a good number of Democrats to vote for her, as former Cameron County Judge  Carlos Cascos knows, and – most importantly – keep her base happy. If she can't keep the solid 30 percent of the red base, the center will not hold.

This is by no means a "gimme" election for any of the Republican candidates like Janie Lopez, Mayra, Cascos, Harrassmo Castro or any of the other Republican banner wavers, and lately, insiders say she is starting to alienate some of her Republican friends.

(A word of caution here. Maybe Flores is not acquainted with the tactics of mercurial Robert Wightman – the editor of the Brownsville Voice – who is seemingly befriending the neophyte candidate in her race against Democrat Vicente Gonzales. Predictably, the impish Wightman has until November to stab her in the back just like he did so many other candidates that he "befriended." You remember. Cascos, Cecilia Abbott, Trey Mendez, etc. Sobre aviso no hay engaño.)    

This can only be good news to Gonzalez, who has been trying to light a fire under the South Texas Democrats butts and recently held a "summit" to unite the party two and  a half months before the November general election. If Flores continues to be blinded by her reflection in the mirror, she could be destined to end up in Never Never land by her own doing.


Anonymous said...

Juan, you give the Imp Wightman way too much credit. He is NO influencer, not to readers. You bloggers must rub each other's backs just to stay relevant, but readers clearly know Wightman is a broken, Dollar Tree wicker basket case when it comes to politics. That you believe someone might take him seriously is your best joke ever.

Mayra read one of his off-kilter posts and wrote him off.


Anonymous said...

Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans purging voter rolls again!

It's the only way they can win - by cheating.

Texas has so much, and yet so very little in the way of freedom, or representation lately. You guys need to step up the pressure on Republican Abbott and his buddies at the Federal level.

We're rooting for you! Vote Blue! 🗳

Anonymous said...

Agree on Wightman being an irrelevant Nobody. he posts his shit for certain readers - Los Pendejos y los retardados.

Worthless to me.

Anonymous said...

The GOP Is Blowing What Was Supposed to Be a ‘Red Tsunami’ in November

New public polling suggests holding onto the Senate is well within reach.

Where are all the rabid, dickless local Trump/Republicans supporters now?


RINO Carlos Cascos going down in November. He lost big last go-round, will lose just as big this time. Same for Mayra "Midas Touch in Reverse" Flores.

Case of a another Mexican not wanting to know he/she is Mexican.

Anonymous said...

Mayra Flores is today's Pancho Villa - a crusader on the wrong side of the fight.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG you TACOCRATS SE TAN CAGANDO over how REPRESENTATIVE Mayra Flores is SHINNING!!!!! She is reaching out to the community via emails, flyers, radio, tv, social media, etc., something NO VALE VELA NEVER DID!!!!! And I'm sure little vicente has NEVER tried to communicate with his constituents or any of us down here in BROWNTOWN. These assholes just get elected and forget we the people. ALL THESE ASSHOLE CARE ABOUT THEIR POWER AND LINE THEIR POCKETS...ON BOTH SIDES...PERIOD!!!!!!
We need to vote out all these perennial weeds (ALL RINOS AND DEMONCRATS) out of office and get TRUE Representatives that listen and give WE THE PEOPLE a voice. And if they don't we'll FIRE their asses too...YA FUE MUCHO CON ESTOS CONDENADOS!!!!

Anonymous said...

The "gent" in the blue suit is color-blind.

Short people should never wear that color. Makes then look like a carnival balloon.

Plus, aren't Republicans "red"?

Red as in open sores and dripping blud (German for.....yeah)

Anonymous said...

Yes Juanito, valley voters love a corrupt politician who needs a bank of China account and who has George Floyd's balls hanging on his chin.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Eddie Lucio (and others who wear shorts or slacks)'re not a man if you can't wear jeans!

Anonymous said...

Cameron County Sheriff’s Department, others agree to help Border Patrol
was this approved by the sheriff's dispatcher if not problems will arise.

Anonymous said...

Juan why do you say she is from Hidalgo county? I think you are wrong isn't she from San Benito o No? just asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Divide and conquer
Good tactics dems

You are right she does live-in McAllen

Former RGV LEO said...

This special to eliminate rrun rrun, reminds of the stupid crap that Santiago Perez or Juan Gonzalez write on their editorials? I don't know where this crap derives from? Sounds more like jealousy than anything else, especially commenting on her attire. I know that she has been cordial with democRATS and worked with them on what the RGV needs. Whether she has to convince democrat voters remains to be seen? They did vote her into office? So, whoever wrote this special, shove it!

KBRO said...

If I was a scumbag politician I would take Republican money to get elected and wouldn't let other scumbags ride my wave especially RGV leeches. Politics is dirty no matter what side you're on. All these assholes like to piggy-back off each other. It is sickening.

Anonymous said...

Myra is strong and the people along the Rio Grande are really pushing for her to stay in her position in Washington. Will see if Vicente (con la gente) stay with her.

Anonymous said...

More important than that Mayra shit is this - Who ratted on Donald Trump ahead of the FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago?

Losing your mother, especially unexpectedly, is a profound shock and heartbreak. Donald burying ex-wife Ivana in a patch of dirt on one of his golf courses, to get the tax advantage of being deemed a cemetery, was extraordinarily crass and cruel.

I think daughter Ivanka is enraged about that. She and husband Jared Kushner have young children to consider as well. They don't want to go to jail. Better to drop a dime on Donnie and make a deal with the Justice Dept.

Family knows all the secrets, right?


Anonymous said...

I plan to run for state office soon and my platform will be unique. Central to the plan will be a desire/promise to get rid of all fat & ugly people.

These are strange times in politics, so the idea will find some backing, hopefully enough for me to win.

We simply have too many fatsos and eye-killing bodies out there here in the RGV and someone has to point it out with a seriousness of purpose.

My campaign slogan: "Trim The Herd!!!"

- More later.

Anonymous said...

Nambe Mayra!!! Why are you hanging around with that dirty crook Sucio Lucio? You're gonna ruin your reputation with that crook. Stay away from that crook. You're gonna lose votes.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Lucio will go down as the Worst Politician Ever in Cameron County.

What a spineless fuck he was in the legislature. Hugging Rick Perry?

They named a school, after his ass, but it should have been a downtown alley!

Valio sebo, el guey.

Anonymous said...

That headline says nothing. Work on it.

Anonymous said...

Mayra has become too big for her tight britches and tops. She'll learn that if she wants to win she has to embrace some of tbe local candidates. Her hubby is an inexperienced 1st husband and doesn't realize, in DC His spouse is a rookie that will be eaten alive. So, Mayra, keep alienating the people u need to win. Mcbale is right. Neither Erasmo Castro or Carlos Cascos will endorse her and if I were them, would stay away from her as well.

Anonymous said...

Todo se vale, aunque los politicos solamente saben hablar. Conozco a cien vatos que pudieran darle chingasos a bofos como Ted Cruz y Mitch McConnell. No saben pelear, solo mamar.

Anonymous said...

Ja jaja, Donald Trump!! Un putero de puteros
Ship's goin down, dawg

Anonymous said...

We don't care Montoya, we are still voting for her in November. What's up with the skinny app comment?
Was Dan Sanchez using the "skinny app" Juan???

Anonymous said...

With a tropical storm threatening the Texas Coast, officials say there is not enough pussy to go around should the worst-case scenario ensue.

Anonymous said...

How many Homestead exemptions does she claim?

Anonymous said...

When Thousands of Hogs Are Your Neighbors
You get used to it. This stinkin' town is full of marranos (pigs) and they all get elected all da time.

Anonymous said...

I am a political science major and have never quite been convinced why it is
important to have two parties in our nation. We are United States, united in one purpose, so why divide the reasons for wanting to lead the country. All politicians should opt to represent their country was best as possible and if they can't, why do they even consider running for office. Bickering and bitching and name calling does not run a government. It is consensus and compromise that does. When have we ever had that, so why two parties? With
Eddie Lucio standing with Myra Flores and Lamantia, what are we to expect?

Anonymous said...

MayRata will fade away she will become fat, ugle, slow, wear vegetabel color dresses, grow her toe nails, tatoo her face red and return to pickin cotton... fact c/s.

Anonymous said...

Every DemocRat in the valley was worshipping Hillary Clinton's enormous fat pantsuit ass when she got schlonged by DJT.

Anonymous said...

She has mine and my families vote for sure. And we are not trumpsters. Lucio and vela showed their crooked colors.

Anonymous said...

Eddie sold his soul to highest bidder years ago dudes always playing both sides, why go to church God knows what you have done hypocrite catholic only on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Le truena la lengua a ese guey coco. stay away forever mamon

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a typical case of “prietos en aprietos” Juan! Que salgan la jaibas!

Anonymous said...

What about Hillary's fat ass that you and local Democrats worshipped ?

Anonymous said...

Storm that wasn’t: Tropical cyclone fizzles out

Sounds like the local elected officialS here. THEY ALL FIZZLE OUT. AFTER THEY LINE THEIR POCKETS!

Anonymous said...

A mom’s unfathomably painful year: One son killed by a terrorist in Afghanistan, then a second lost to the grief of his death

Anonymous said...

Alexander Dugin an influential Russian philosopher and Putin ally in 2017, shortly after former President Trump took office. Dugin says he was a supporter of President Trump's nationalist philosophy and predicted that Putin and Trump would forge a new world

This is what's to expect from the racist republicans and do you think they like hillbillys and meskins? of course not... BOLA DE PENDEJOS!

Anonymous said...

From lucio Nothing from mayra maybe some frijoles and the other one maybe some free beer and from a barrel... LETS RE-ELECT THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN...THEY ALL DESERVE IT (TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE AND THE OTHER ONE A BILLIONAIRE).

Anonymous said...

It seems we’re seeing it even now, in the States, with the reaction to the recent FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago—you can’t trust that the comments and conversations taking place on social media are real, and not manufactured by foreign elements.

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2022 at 9:37 PM

Good for you, vote racist republican and find yourself and all your family back in mesco, faster than you can think, BABOSO, keep in mind all meskins are rapist murderers and thieves straight from the top racist republican and they all follow him, including your babosa, don't believe me, ask her and its on all her campaign literature estupido.

Anonymous said...

August 19, 2022 at 1:12 PM

Si, el cenote del valle, lleno de cocos. verdad randy, mayra?

Anonymous said...

August 21, 2022 at 8:44 AM
the only good about that ass was it was white

Anonymous said...

The Burgos Tamaulipas native who, like Ted Cruz, was NOT BORN in Texas. She, the person who is going to care about RGV residents, who voted AGAINST giving children powdered milk, AGAINST VETERANS benefits, AGAINST price gouching gasoline prices. Check her voting record, don't just think like the cult, that all Democrats are evil because they are Democrats. CHECK HER VOTING RECORD SO FAR. Manipulation by higher ups. Yeah, she is in touch with her voters.

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson, as he became whiter, he became blacker. Or to put it another way: as his skin became whiter, his work became blacker.
Now mayra on the other hand she becomes whiter and she becomes whiter and whiter and whiter.

Anonymous said...

Mayra Flores will win again. Red wave is coming in November and the Democrat retards are scared shitless.

Anonymous said...

Red wave of worms das all pendejo...
and worms don't vote

Anonymous said...

August 23, 2022 at 6:08 AM

Democrats running this year have stabilized or improved their positions in a spate of recent polls, both in several major Senate races and in measures of which party voters say they intend to support for the House of Representatives.
In other words idiota there is and never will be a red worm wave of racist republicans. pendejo

Anonymous said...

What are things that Republican Party is against?
Such laws include opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage, transgender rights, comprehensive sex education, and recreational drug use. Most conservative Republicans also oppose gun control, affirmative action, and illegal immigration.

Their number one is illegal immigration and their solution is sent all of them back a bunch of rapist, murderers and thieves. verdad mayra?

Anonymous said...

Is she duck footed or chicken footed?

Duck feet are very similar to chicken feet, however most duck feet tend to be a bit larger than chicken feet! They are surrounded by cartilage, and unlike chicken feet, are webbed to help ducks get around in water. Duck feet make great snacks chews and are a great addition into any diet. trumputo like pigs feet...sorry mayra!
