Monday, October 31, 2022


By Juan Montoya
Next time you're in downtown Brownsville and find yourself near the corner of Madison Street and 14th Street, look at the house on the northeast side.
It is across the street from the new Cueto Building parking lot used by UTB now.
We had a friend who related an experience he had just recently that obviously shook him up.

We have all heard of the apparition of ghosts across International Boulevard at Texas Southmost College. The late Yolanda Gonzales used to tell of janitors telling her of an old lady dressed in black looking for her son within the walled courtyard of the student union. After she had left, the janitors would wonder how she had managed to climb over the high fences surrounding the courtyard before she walked off into the darkness.

Not long ago, we had a friend who said he had spent a night of carousing with some people who are tenants of the house on the corner and that – since it was after 3 a.m. – he had taken up their invitation and crashed in a roll up bed in the covered common area between the house and a corrugated warehouse building in the back of the property.

That back building appeared to be used as some sort of storage area and looked empty.

Just as daybreak approached, our friend woke up and realized he was sleeping in the roofed common area and turned to look at the building  across the slab. There, standing framed by the door of the apartment, was a kindly-looking middle-aged Hispanic woman. There was nothing unusual about her.

She was dressed in light brown polyester pants and had a light colored flowered blouse. Her stringy hair was dyed ash blonde as many ladies dye theirs in in this area. In other words, a nondescript, everyday appearing lady, one of the many one is apt to meet walking in the streets of downtown Brownsville.
He looked at her and said good morning.
"Buenos dias, señora," he said.

She walked over close to to where he was on the roll away and answered.
"Bueno dias. Como amaneciste, mijito? (Good morning, how are you, son?")
"Bien, gracias, señora," our friend said he replied. "Except for a mosquito that bothered me all night.
"Hay, que bueno," she replied and walked back into the door of the corrugated metal building. But I think there was more than one mosquito biting you last night."

He dozed off for another half hour or so and then woke up to see one of the male tenants standing at a distance by the entrance to the roofed common area. He was already holding a 24-ounce can of beer in a brown paper bag. He knew him, our friend said, because he was one of those car washers who plied his wares downtown carrying a plastic paint bucket looking for customers.
"Ya estas pistiando?," he asked him. ("You drinking already?")
"Yeah, I know it's Sunday and the store on the corner starts selling beer until noon, but since they know me, I can get it at 6:30 in the morning," he said.

"Hey, bro,' said our friend, "where can I take a pee?"
"Go into that building and walk all the way to the corner where the concrete slab ends and you can take a pee in the dirt there," said the car washer pointing at the warehouse. "No one will bother you."

"But what about the señora who lives there?," asked out friend.
"What señora?," said the other. "No one lives there. Go ahead."
Our friend went into the door where he had seen the woman enter and looking around saw only the concrete slab that extended just short of the where the corrugated metal wall began toward the darkened rear and the dirt began and he relieved himself.

Once outside, he told the car washer about the lady he had seen and spoke to.
"Aqui espantan," said the other, knowingly. 'They tell me that a doctor used to have a clinic next door where he would treat people who had been shot by the Texas Rangers many years ago. Maybe that was someone looking for one of her relatives."

Needless to say, our friend says he has never gone back anywhere near the house and avoids being near it when he can.
"I don't know who she was, but I know I talked with her," he asserted. "Maybe she was my guardian angel, one of the good ones. I really don't want to know."


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the beer talking, Montoya.

You will die in a downtown trash dumpster.


Anonymous said...

Border Crime Wave Is Just a Right-Wing Fantasy


The police chief of McAllen, Texas, says violence has gone down year after year since 2010 — no matter what the fearmongers are selling.

- the daily beast

Anonymous said...

Herschel Walker Calls It Unfair to Expect a Man to Remember Every Abortion He Has Paid For

"It's why no one trusts the media," he said.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The politics of the Paul Pelosi attack became clearer as the afternoon went on. It looks as though the intruder was trying to tie up Pelosi so that they could “wait” for “Nancy” to come home.

This guy had marinated in conservative conspiracy theorizing online.

(That's Brownsville Republicans right there. Losers. Pukes. Pussies.)

Anonymous said...

You have to quit smoking that bad s..t!

Anonymous said...

There's a good story in there somewhere.

Flesh it out, Montoya!

Anonymous said...

go to el hueso de frailele and see your ex judge

Anonymous said...

Parece miedoso el que escribio este cuento.

Que, crees que espanta?

Anonymous said...

‘Planet killer’ asteroid spotted hiding in the sun’s glare
boy friend killer lady spotted hiding in the closet, nothing new here

Anonymous said...


Kinda boring, too.

Anonymous said...

Go to el hueso de frailele web-page and see your ex judge.

Anonymous said...

La viejita wore polyester pants? No chingues Montoya! Everybody knows that spirits wear cotton because it breathes. Ghosts hate to sweat. What do you call Sly Stone's skeleton? unlacalacaca unlacalacaca.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, she was not a ghost. She is the friendly barrio crack ho! Para que se espantan si asi les gustan.

Anonymous said...

Siguen los cuentos de la llorona. Nuncan se van acabar. It used to be your parents didn't want you to go outside at night now its the gringos trying to scare the shit out of a bunch of borrachos to go home before "los siete juezes" lock your ass up. NO SE HAGAN PENDEJOS

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
‘Planet killer’ asteroid spotted hiding in the sun’s glare
boy friend killer lady spotted hiding in the closet, nothing new here

October 31, 2022 at 12:16 PM

ONLY in Brownsville, do we have such logical thinkers. They can connect any topic to our daily routines. LOL
