Tuesday, November 8, 2022




Anonymous said...

Voters are heading to the polls across the country
and the racist republicans head to the toilets...

Anonymous said...

Blah. Blah blah....just eords.

Anonymous said...

We need more of this during the elections process. Good work Montoya! Pareces como artista de las novelas mexicanas.

Anonymous said...

all the toilet companies will be offering toilets in color RED.
Hahahahaha jajajajaja

Anonymous said...

Da Kneeeees, Da Kneeeeees (not ben neece). She's got my vote..

Anonymous said...

I wanna see her video

Anonymous said...

Teachers are just overpaid babysitters. All they produce is a massive amount of idiots at taxpayer expense. For numerous years the people of south Texas have been ranked as the most ignorant in the country. We still own the title. The problem in south Texas is that parents if you want to call them that send they’re kids to school not to learn but to get fed and watched over for a day. So what do the teachers do for an entry level annual salary of $53,000? They baby sit rebellious kids who don’t want to learn only want to disrupt the few that do. Democrats should study TEA and should hold it and its teachers accountable for the failures of our educational system. Lastly, what is Denise Garza going to do? NOTHING! AND THE BEAT GOES ON!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Denise has my vote!!
She is freaking hot!
