Wednesday, November 2, 2022



Anonymous said...

Pero voten nomas van a tragar

Anonymous said...

This idiot wants to legalize marijuana

Anonymous said...

Brownsville isn't where Beto should be campaigning!

East Texas would have been better. Safe to say he has Brownsville in the bag.

We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Juan, did you all go see the Mayra Flores tent gathering at the Broken Sprocket? It was horrible, people parking in the street and neighborhood could not drive out of Dennett. It was a very low turn out and it was filled with hate and lies from Mayra. Did she bring Tulsi Gabbard to this food truck park that looked like a dump yesterday. Sorry, people are so stupid to fall for her MAGA lies.

Anonymous said...

Voted for Beto already, tired of so many lies and conspiracy theories. I used to vote Republican until 2016 when the most despicable person was on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

Ay, Juan, did you all go see Mayra Flores tent gathering at the Broken Sprocket? It was horrible, people parking in the street and neighborhood could not drive out of Dennett. Que se te quite lo joto! Low turn out, yet there were a lot of cars? What you taking about Willis?

Anonymous said...

Voted for Beto here!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville should take on Harlingen once and for all. I mean, take it on, cacheton!

puro culo anciano en El Harlingen. Town is full of nursing homes!!


Anonymous said...

@ November 2, 2022 at 11:12 AM
Oh you wimp, the only conspiracy theory you only believe in is the one your wife made to convince you that she's your wife.

Anonymous said...

Mayra Flores had an event the same day as Beto but everyone was getting wet, no parking for the few cars that came. She kept yelling at the mic and it did not work. People started leaving and there was almost an accident leaving to Paredes Rd. The Broken Sprockett looked horrible. Its a food truck place with no parking, just use empty lot of caliche, who cares, thats the owners mentality. Then her people was taking out all of the other political signs and putting hers. The Mayor of Los Fresnos, another Flores, was there like if he was her Bodyguard and telling people to back off. Hay no, puro mugrero.

Anonymous said...

Philadelphia Phillies slug 5 homeruns to down Astros, 7-0, in Game 3 of the World Series.


(lookin' bad for Texas team)

BobbyWC said...


All the time I get emails saying I am late on a payment. I do not have many. I have about 6 which includes the mortgage, truck, insurance, cable, BPUB and my United Card.

So when I get an email saying I am late, I always check to see the source email. It is never a company email so I report it as Spam. But this morning I got a disconnect notice on my cable, for being late. I checked on line, and my regular bill is not even due until the 14th. The weird thing is the source email was from the cable company.

Be careful. The VA tells veterans to not take any call marked private. I do not. I have learned some officials at the local VA are setting their phone to private when they call and then complain the veteran will not accept their call. Well one left a voice mail which aligned with my phone bill. The White House Liaison told me the local clinic will be told to tell all staffers to not set their cell phones to private when calling a veteran.

These private calls result in a lot of fraud.

Doing so so, my BP remains high. Thanks to the White House I see my cardiologist next week. The local clinic refused the referral, not withstanding the MRI and numerous other tests showing a lack of oxygen going to the brain.

Guys yesterday Julie of the cooking show Julie and Julia died of a heart attach at age 49. She had access to the best healthcare in the world. So either she did not keep up with the correct check ups or the doctors just dismissed the signals.

Will someone tell me how a pulmonologist listens to your lungs during a zoom exam? It takes a year to get an appointment at the VA and it is done on zoom. She was very angry I have community care doctor in SA who actually listens to your lungs.

Use commonsense when choosing a doctor.

As soon as my cardiologist clears me I am off to meet with a brother an niece to build the new house while I live in the trailer. The three of us will own it. The last one standing will get it. That will probably be my niece. I love when I am at the trailer on the land. But I think building the house makes more sense.

My house has many buyers but the AC company is refusing to complete the new project after months. Since he never gave me a contract although requested in writing repeatedly and the finance company gave him the money without a signed contract I have stopped all payments until he finishes. It is just a closet enclosing the new system, with access for repair. They claim the carpenters are too busy with better paying projects. Not my problem.

I am certain the finance company will cut him off if I miss the next payment.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Ladies man.
What a joke!
God save us.

Anonymous said...

entracalado typical for this area

Anonymous said...

Now I know where NOT to go and that is that stupid food truck another crony????
check it out not paying something and getting a free ride. typical crony lambiscon racist republican y coco...
will NEVER see me at that stinkin place and I spent money when I go out

Anonymous said...

Front page on NYT

Anonymous said...

Mayra biggest accomplishment is marrying a border patrolman as her commercial states big f*cking deal!!

Anonymous said...

I stopped voting Democrat here locally when I realized that every scam and piece of corruption in the RGV has been by democraps. Democraps live to give away your money to everyone except you, the hard working taxpayer. Count up all the corrupt politicians including judges, mayors, board members, district attorneys, clerks, city commissioners, sheriffs, and school board members.

Vote Republican to help clean up the scum.

Anonymous said...

Notice how Democrats just hurl insults at Mayra. Notice how they never mention what Vicente has done for his district and his constituents? Of course they haven't noticed. I have. Why do you think Vicente doesn't run on what he's done?

Anonymous said...

a cotton picker would have been better. We would have never known esta mentirosa.

Anonymous said...

A Beto se la meto!

Anonymous said...

I am not taking my business to Broken Sprocket, the owner is a racist. Id rather go drink and eat elsewhere. My neighbor said the owner was all over the place telling people to move out of the way in the rain and that shit place looks like a bar in Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

Voted for Governor Abbott Named “Best Governor in the Nation” in his current second term, Governor Greg Abbott continues to build on his record as a strong conservative leader who fights to preserve Texas values and ensure the Lone Star State remains the best place to raise a family, build a business, and create greater opportunity for all. You don't fix what isn't broken.

Anonymous said...

November 2, 2022 at 2:30 PM
Got mad and pitched a perfect no-hitter, but than again the phillies are a little league team...

Anonymous said...

November 2, 2022 at 1:59 PM
No la chinges she was with me the night before guey!

Anonymous said...

Pobre vato!

Anonymous said...

Panchito Francis O'Rourke will be running for John Cornholyn's Senate seat after he loses to Abbott.

Anonymous said...

Beto is a loser! Born to lose! Changes his mind every 5 minutes.
No gana ni para presidente de su cuadra.

Anonymous said...

Beto is an idiot PERIOD. If u lose ya bro stop running for shit no one likes u man dammmmmm

Anonymous said...

this is a free callejon you can run any time to anywhere even in a wheel chair. MORON

Anonymous said...

Puros pendejos voting for that guy not surprised.

Anonymous said...

Pinche jente pendeja!! It's Francis not Beto..jajajaja...And Francis is going to be a 5 time loser like always! He's a piece of shit and will continue to be one after he loses again!
