Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Montoya, Avila, Angel 
Delivery of Controlled Substances to a Child
Agency (Brownsville Police Department)
Bond Amount: $75,000
Set by City of Brownsville Municipal Judge Rene De Coss

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Over the Halloween weekend, the character above was reported to have tried to kidnap a three-year-old girl in San Benito before her mother and aunt intervened and ran him off.

At the time, he was selling flowers (Cuantas pa' la honey?), but before that some nightclub goers reported having seen him at several places selling Mexican candy.

We don't have the details of the arrest by Brownsville Police, but apparently, they were on to him enticing children with either candy and/or drugs. 

Chief Municipal Judge Rene De Coss placed a $75,000 bond on Montoya, a sensible bond which might keep in in the clink until his trial on the felony charge.

Hopefully, he won't qualify for Cameron County's Pre-Trial Release program which would have him loose on the streets preying on children.


Anonymous said...

DeCoss is overreacting. poor guy is just a loser, like many in town.

who in brownsville hasn't been to jail?


Anonymous said...

Of all crimminals
This one gets an article?
Vendetta much?

Anonymous said...

Congressional Republicans’ Five-Part Plan to Increase Inflation and Costs for American Families

1. $3 trillion in tax cuts skewed to the wealthy – which would add to the deficit and make inflation worse

2. Raising prescription drug costs for millions of seniors

3. Increasing health insurance premiums

4. Increasing energy bills in 2023 and beyond

5. Increasing student loan payments

BONUS: Congressional Republicans are threatening the global economy to cut Social Security and Medicare

Anonymous said...

Bruce Springsteen lookalike.

Anonymous said...

Where do you get your information from? Are you just making it up or repeating what the Democrats tell you. Get informed. Ignorant people will actually believe what you are saying and they'll repeat it. Some of them even vote.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, do you think this guy votes Democrat or Republican? Try to be truthful. Don't let the hate influence your answer.

Anonymous said...

Republicans want to increase inflation? Are you serious? Do you really believe the shit you print. So You actually think Republicans want to increase inflation? You mean increase it more than the 40 year high? So you ignore the 40 year high inflation while the Democrats control the Senate, the House and the White House and blame Republicans because if they take control they will want to increase it more than the 40 year high that the Democrats caused? Well at least you're not brainwashed right?
Todo tiene remedio menos lo pendejo.

Anonymous said...

November 2, 2022 at 7:31 PM'
NYT! IDIOTA must be in trumpuot's ass hole ya salte idiota see the light and the smell the flowers not gringo's farts and their shit...

Anonymous said...

Evil Angel Montoya. Es tu hermano?

Anonymous said...

Matamoros crooks taking over

Anonymous said...

November 2, 2022 at 7:31 PM

OK trumputo won the presidential election ooooppps actually he lost but a few pendejos still believe el cheetooo

Anonymous said...

MATAMOSCAS RATAS don't have computers no seas pendejo they have hammers and panties...

Anonymous said...

Even Sgt Almanza's cousin got arrested for POCS
