Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

On the same day that Janie Lopez called the San Bene cops against San Benito-based Cameron County JP Sally Gonzalez for allegedly campaigning too near the early voting polling place in San Benito at 230 Heywood, her car was photographed parked near the polling place this evening at about 7 p.m., fully an hour before voting closed. (See correction three posts above.)

Lopez, who is running against Democrat Luis Villarreal for Texas House of Representatives District 37, has a penchant for thumbing her nose at the rules and – like most Republicans – thinks that the rules don't apply to them.

She did the same thing when she and a quorum of the SBCISD board attended a vendor-paid banquet at an upscale dining restaurant in Brownsville fully knowing that he had a proposal for the district's personnel health insurance before them.

Lopez remained silent on why four of them – a quorum – attended the banquet paid by "Bob" Treviño, SBCISD’s current health insurance provider.

Present that night at the expensive Madeira Restaurant in Brownsville were four board members, including board president Ramiro Moreno, vice president Janie Lopez, Mario Silva, and board secretary Oscar Medrano, with Interim Superintendent Theresa Servellon also present.
This picture was posted by Board Secretary Oscar Medrano to his Facebook page the week of August 14 and has since been removed.

When questioned about her attendance at the vendor-sponsored event, Lopez at first defended partaking of the wining and dining at his expense by telling people who asked her that Treviño had "invited everyone," but when the San Benito News tried to get her side of the story, she "respectfully" declined to comment.

"Can you imagine a congressional representative declining to comment on her constituents' concern about vendors influencing an upcoming issue and how she will vote?," asked an incredulous San Benito News reader who reached out to El Rrun-Rrun"Is this the best what we can expect from her, to play turtle and hide in her shell?"

Not content to simply acknowledge the apparent impropriety of accepting an expensive dinner and drinks from a vendor who has a proposal before the board where a vote is due in two weeks, Medrano waded into the controversy further trying to justify their attendance.

The News' David Lopez reported that in a phone interview, Medrano said he sees it fair to dine out with a vendor.

“For me, there’s nothing wrong with going out with a vendor to eat, but I know a taxpayer’s perspective. It’s my fault, technically, but it is what it is,” Medrano said.
(It is what it is? In other words, I don't care what the taxpayers think.)

“We did have a quorum, but we didn’t discuss business issues, and we didn’t even discuss his insurance. Anything to discuss, we didn’t discuss it,” Medrano said.

Medrano told Lopez the board still has to search for bids for the district’s health insurance provider and would choose the provider in a later meeting.

“We go out for quotes and we interview them. It doesn’t mean Treviño’s got it in the bag, but that’s the process,” Medrano said.

It is instructive to see that Treviño contributed $2,000 to SBCISD President Ramiro Moreno and Vice President Lopez's candidacies when they ran for the SBCISD board in 2020. (See graphic) Not long after they were elected to the board, Treviño got the SBCISD contract.
$2,000 to President Moreno

$2,000 to VP Lopez
(We are currently searching for campaign finance reports for the other two members who attended the Madeira Restaurant and will post them as soon as the tight-fisted SBCISD releases them. Moreno has since removed the post above from his FB page. Lopez justified her partaking of the vendor's wining and dining her saying Treviño had "invited everybody."  So if everybody does it it's ok? That's curious for someone whose website states that if she is elected she will "will fight against corruption and...will support our schools." For a small contribution, it appears.)

Treviño is listed in the Directory of Insurance Carriers and Contact Information from October 1, 2021.


Anonymous said...

Old news. Old attacks.

Anonymous said...

Anyone named Lopez is useless.

Janie needs to get back in the kitchen. Learn about life.

Politics? She's way over her pin head.

Anonymous said...

racist republicans typical nothing new here we know what they stand for. NOTHING GOOD

Anonymous said...

Everyone in san bene knows El chuy runs the school district and the city y Que. just learn to live with it.

Anonymous said...

No where in your story do you say her car was parked too close to the polling place. But why bother with facts so long as her opponent's check clears.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Racist republicans can bad mouth the democrats but if the democrats insults the republicans they get all huffy and puffy. PENDEJOS it works both ways quit your crying and complaining, what's good for the goose, no se hagan pendejos mijitos ya estan.

Anonymous said...

Near is relative. What was the actual distance? Rules for thee, but not for me? Remember when the Democrats allowed BLM and antifa to loot and riot, but Trump was criticized for his peaceful rallies? Spare us your one sided story telling. A more accurate assessment or observation would be that it happens when people are in a position of power regardless of political creed or affiliation. Look at the Cameron county judge too.

Anonymous said...

Harris to announce over $13 billion in assistance to help cut energy costs this winter
Pero aqui all electrical bills will go up and out of the roof, BPUB will make sure of that, and the ceo taking a 60 day paid vacation with his wife over at one of many properties he owns at the island. QUE GRACIOSO...
PBUB customers do not have internet service but are being charged for at least the past 3 to 4 years look it up... RATAS GALORE AT BPUB....

Anonymous said...

From corrupt and high taxing school board to Texas house. I hope voters are able to see the through that.

Anonymous said...

U.S. says Russian commanders discussed nuclear weapons use in Ukraine

Ok you people with aks and ars are first on the front lines.
We need the brave ones on the front. Aver cotton picker get on line!!!

No que No llorones a la mera hora se ponen a llorar por sus madresitas...

Anonymous said...

Why do democrats constantly refer to Republicans as racist? If memory serves me correctly, it was democrats who formed the KKK after the civil war. President Lincoln a Republican freed the slaves. So who’s the racist? You need to over come your fears and low self-esteem. As much as the Democrat party through their indoctrination would like for everyone to believe that racism exists, it doesn’t. What does exist is hatred and ignorance.

Anonymous said...

November 2, 2022 at 1:33 PM
otra vez, you have no memory o que? Pendejo ya estas, idiota ya eres, mental retard viene en tu familia, estupido salistes de la escuela y mamon aprendistes en los callejones del southmost. moron

Anonymous said...

Congressional Republicans’ Five-Part Plan to Increase Inflation and Costs for American Families

1. $3 trillion in tax cuts skewed to the wealthy – which would add to the deficit and make inflation worse

2. Raising prescription drug costs for millions of seniors

3. Increasing health insurance premiums

4. Increasing energy bills in 2023 and beyond

5. Increasing student loan payments

BONUS: Congressional Republicans are threatening the global economy to cut Social Security and Medicare

Anonymous said...

Much Ado About Nothing

Anonymous said...

Democrat run blogger. El estupido de la papa. I know the people that live at that white building that’s no voting. They had Meetings there yesterday. la papa y sus amigos are always absent embarrassment!. She has bigger ones than you. And you can keep trying to attack her but you all will need your CRY ROOM NOV 8

Anonymous said...

The storm is coming . Find your cry room

Anonymous said...

November 2, 2022 at 9:05 AM
I guess the riot at the wh was a boy scout meeting. STOP THE LIES
