Wednesday, November 2, 2022


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

(Ed.'s Note: On Tuesday, as we visited the early voting at the City's main library, we came upon a group of people chewing the fat and trading political gossip. Among them were some people we don't now who said they were from San Bene and who said that such was the state of division in the Resaca City that some candidates and their supporters were accusing each other of political peccadilloes. They said, among other things, that the state of political antagonism was such that some candidates had accused each other of politicking too near the polling places, a no-no. We wrote about it and later found out that some of then gossip couldn't be confirmed such as that Texas House of  District 37 GOP candidate Janie Lopez had complained to local police Tuesday that her known arch-enemy JP Sally Gonzalez was campaigning too near a polling place. Lopez says she didn't, and instead of having taken the hot gossip in good faith, we should have confirmed it, but didn't. We'll eat crow and take it back as her Republican National Lawyer's Association attorney – threatening dire legal action – requested. 

And the photo of her car sent to us by one of our readers with her political sign was not parked at a polling place, but near it around the block, at the SBCISD parking lot. It is true, however, that her car with her large political campaign sign on her rear window was parked on a district facility, in apparent violation of district policy on Campaign-Related use that states: "Except to the extent that a district facility is used as an official polling place, district facilities shall not be available for use by individuals or groups for political advertising, campaign communications, or electioneering as those terms are used in state law."

It ain't nice eating crow, but if the dope we got was wrong, well we'll just have to take a bite of the nasty-tasting black bird and own up to it and correct it. We apologize to our readers and to the candidate for the unintentional oversight. That wrong information was in one paragraph in a 17-paragraph story. We'll strive to do better and stand by the rest of the story.)


Anonymous said...

A "good" journalist, like a Katie Couric or Dan Rather, would have hired a tow truck to put that vehicle closer to the polling place and in violation.

Anonymous said...

Y trumputo would have moved it back using cheap black labor.

Anonymous said...

Juan no need to apologize we all know Politics are always down and dirty and folks create something out of nothing to see if its sticks, just ask all the old timers in politics, hinojosa, magallenes, uresti, tony yzaguirre joe rivera, to see if they care about any of this baloney sandwich and I bet they will say they dont care, unless they lose then they call foul ball. FolkS please go out to vote, vote REPUBLICAN, LETS GIVE THE HUESOS COLORADO FOLKS A CHANCE, DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN IN OFFICE WAY TOO LONG, RIGHT MR PUB BRUCIAK? ADIOS
