Friday, December 23, 2022


(Ed.'s Note: Whether it's your "Corona de Cristo," your "Lengua De Suegra," or the "Amor De Rato," plants, you are in danger of losing them to frigid temperatures that arrived overnight. The Weather Channel indicates that it's a chilly 28 degrees in South Texas at 6 a.m. with the wind chill factor in the teens. A freeze warning has been issued until noon on Friday.

The family above – whose plants were decimated by the 2020 freeze – wasn't taking any chances. When they learned of the coming frigid front approaching, they chose to bring them into a hallway and then moved the rest that didn't fit into a shed and placed a tarp on them for extra protection. If you act quickly and can stand an arctic wind, you could still bring some of your exposed green buddies indoors. However, good luck finding tarps. Last time we checked, most retailers had sold out.

We ran into animal-rights advocate Pat Ahumada and he told us that if you place large cardboard boxes with a cut-out entrance, it would provide shelter for cats caught outside in the blowing northern. Bundle up yourselves as well if you need to wander outdoors. Otherwise, stay inside.The highs today are forecast to be in the mid-30s and then plunge again overnight into Saturday.)


Anonymous said...

This weather is deadly for Mexicans not used to low temperatures. Forget the plants!

check on grandma!

(Ramblin' Pat Ahumada as a source for a weather story killed me! ja ja ja ja)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Brownsville paralyzed by low temperatures. kind alike it's paralyzed in the summer by high temperatures!

just can't ever win.


Anonymous said...

So what about global warming? Did it take a break? Just some more BS coming from a select few making money off this crap. Mother earth takes care of herself. We will all be long gone and she will remain.

KBRO said...

Its a dry freeze - not a hard wet long cold freeze. Nothing to see here....

Anonymous said...

Cameron County man strangled neighbor’s chihuahua, authorities say,
got a 10k bond, more than the ise RATAS I guess here RATAS are a non priority crimes. Most all elected officials seem to be RATAS.
My neighbor's chihuama barks day and night I call the cops and they never show up, not only that they attack the bikes, walkers and flies!!! Put a chihuama next to one of those animal-rights advocate and see what he/she does....

Anonymous said...




Haci. Si, haci.

Anonymous said...

Which one do you think was banned from Facebook: an ad for generic Viagra that declared “Get hard or your money back,” or one that said “You can have stronger pelvic floor muscles and more bladder control in a week”? If you guessed the Viagra ad, you’d be wrong.

In January, the Center for Intimacy Justice, a nonprofit that fights for equality in women’s health advertising, released a report showing that Instagram and Facebook rejected ads for vibrators, along with breastfeeding and menopause products, while accepting ads for erectile dysfunction products.

This double standard has riled sex-toy companies for years.

Anonymous said...

Why Donald Trump will lose in 2024: He's committed the cardinal sin of reality TV — he's boring

The shtick has worn thin.

Time for this fattened asshole to pay the mariachi.

Anonymous said...

The World Cup is a True World Championship, unlike our lame World Series in baseball and the Super Bowl in football.

Campeones mundiales, sonsos!


Anonymous said...

Ningún país podría estar tan feliz con esta copa como Argentina, miren a las madres, ese espíritu las hizo campeonas. Fue el final más perfecto que he visto, mi corazón se detendría.

gracias argentina 🇦🇷

Anonymous said...

Sufre, Mamon............

Anonymous said...

Mi palabra para este friazo -


Anonymous said...

Salio de viaje el marido de mi vecina Licha.

esa noche le meti la picha.


Anonymous said...

In Argentina it’s it’s 88 degrees today

Anonymous said...

Sacred Heart Misa de Gallo time?
Anyone know?
Is it going to be at 8:30 Christmas eve?

Anonymous said...

you are freezing to death, the plants are frozen, your pet is shaking, no electricity, your frig is melting and you have no water aaaah but it a beautiful winter wonderland how more lucky can we get?????

Anonymous said...

"It still might not be too late...."


Anonymous said...


Prominent pastors say their congregations are looking to others like Mike Pence and Ted Cruz to steer the Republican Party back on track. “Donald Trump has to go,” as one evangelical columnist put it.


Anonymous said...

is that a hemp plant on the background, hiding...

Anonymous said...

bring in la migra to patrol this blog esta lleno de pinches mojados GO BACK TO MEJICO IDIOTAS

Anonymous said...

Ya estuvo suave idiotas mojados go post in mexico your stupid shit PENDEJOS

Anonymous said...

Ya pinches mojados stop your shit idiotas go post in mexico mamones nadien lee pendejas de los pinches mojados la migra van envestigar
