Friday, December 23, 2022


"Nunca he sido pobre, solo he estado sin dinero, ser pobre es un estado mental y no tener dinero es una condiciĆ³n temporal."


Anonymous said...

"Pobres, pero contentos!" That was what my Daddy always told us when we were kids. Our Christmas morning was always so special, for we spent them playing with Mom and Dad with a game of checkers and Chinese checkers sets Daddy made for us using bottle caps as the tokens. We had one color book and one box of
8 crayons and Mom would tear of one page at a time and give us one to color.

Anonymous said...

Not only was he a great comedian but apparently an intelligent one at that!

Anonymous said...

If you are meskin and livin' in berta's vineyard you will
be permanent pobre y mental mente pendejo... FACT

Anonymous said...

pero Juan, eso de lo temporal para ti han sido 20 inviernos, carnal.

ser serio, hermano.

eres algo y eres nada en tu comunidad.

Anonymous said...

When are they increasing my welfare check? What about my food stamps? A bigger housing allowance would also be nice. Also increase taxes on the rich so they can pay their fair share.

Anonymous said...

@8:49 AM

"their fair share," says the unemployed Mexican asking for housing money.

it never ends.

Anonymous said...

December 23, 2022 at 8:49 AM

You can increase taxes but they find loop holes. Think the Donald.

Anonymous said...

When I'm working I vote Republican. When I'm collecting unemployment and welfare I vote Democrat.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about welfare checks, food stamps, section ocho hand outs or other gimme gimme programs and the rich and famous getting to pay NO tax on nothing specially the billionairs all I know SS beneficiaries are getting an 8.7 increase. That will buy me a box of fritos thank you. Y el pinche perro se chingo otra vez.

Anonymous said...

Todas las Ratas are poor because no matter how much money they have it is never enough. Now how many Ratas do we have in town? The first one is El Papa del Padersito.

Anonymous said...

Tin Tan was better, las babys wow!!!!

Anonymous said...

December 23, 2022 at 9:24 AM
hilbillys are first on line pidiches mamones. whites helping whiteys. puros mamones y se esconden

Anonymous said...

December 24, 2022 at 8:24 AM
You have it all wrong. Just saying.
