Wednesday, December 21, 2022


By Charlie Smart
New York Times

New figures in a report by the House Ways and Means Committee showed that Donald J. Trump paid $1.1 million in federal income taxes in his first three years as president, and that he paid no taxes in 2020 as his income began to dwindle.

Mr. Trump’s fortunes changed during his presidency, according to the figures in the report, which include details on the former president’s tax returns from 2015 to 2020. In the two years before he became president, Mr. Trump suffered heavy business losses, the records showed. In his first three years as president, he had an adjusted gross income of $15.8 million.

Mr. Trump’s tax bills, after deductions, were based on his income when it was above zero, as well as the alternative minimum tax in four of the six years. The A.M.T. limits deductions that would have otherwise helped to erase his tax burden. He reduced his resulting tax bills with a mix of tax credits that included incentives and givebacks to business owners.

The detailed records in the report show consistent losses over the six years, particularly in real estate and other business, a category that includes losses carried over from previous years.


Anonymous said...

Con Man, that's all he was and is.

pathetic, lying, cheating, tax-evading fatfucker. Lock him up!


Anonymous said...

I'm feeling like the rest of us should stop paying taxes, too!!!

ALL elected officials should have their taxes public.

IRS went soft on Trump. It should also be punished.

Anonymous said...

Trumps paid $0 in taxes in 2020, reported negative income 4 times in 6 years, returns reveal. - New York Post

(tax fraud up the ass here, by Donald and Melania)

solid fact.

Anonymous said...

In a separate report, the Capitol Riot (January 6th) panel also said that the IRS didn't audit Trump's taxes during the first two years of his presidency. The IRS is required to conduct mandatory reviews of presidents' tax returns.

(Someone at IRS needs to be fired and jailed.)

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump repeatedly paid little or nothing in federal income taxes between 2015 and 2020 despite reporting millions in earnings.

Documents released Tuesday night by House Democrats said Trump frequently made tens of millions of dollars annually during that period. But fatboy was able to whittle away his tax bill by claiming steep business losses that offset that income.

- IRS did not audit to determine if losses were legitimate.

Anonymous said...


Trump paid no federal income tax for last year in White House and was spared IRS audits in ‘major failure’.

(Trump likely ordered IRS not to review his tax filing. IRS bent over.)


Anonymous said...

What has Trump said about this?

He’s been unusually quiet so far.

Trump didn’t immediately react to the committee’s report on his taxes, though he has been vocal about past efforts to release them.

After the Supreme Court ruled against him last month, he called the court a “political body” that had “lost its honor, prestige and standing.”

Trump belongs in jail. Businessman? Loser at that, too!!!

Anonymous said...

The IRS is severely underresourced, and House Democrats have suggested that it doesn’t have the capability to handle complex tax cases. However, some government observers have also expressed concern that the Trump administration improperly influenced the agency.

“It suggests that this was another example of the federal government being politicized by Donald Trump’s administration and misused for his benefit,” said Noah Bookbinder, president and CEO of the watchdog organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). “That’s something that I would say Congress would want to investigate.”

LOCK HIM UP! He's corrupted as all hell.

Anonymous said...

So all the Republicans saying they don’t want students to get college debt relief because they paid their loans are simultaneously going to be okay with paying taxes whilst the flabby adulterer didn’t pay his fair share?

audit the sumbitch! And bill him correctly, then jail him and his kids for tax fraud!!!!

Anonymous said...

1.85 billion more handed to Ukraine, but you hear pinche crickets from Montoya & ese pendejo Trump hater idiota. Que mamones estos Biden a$$ lickers! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Where does Mr. Pelosi make his money? All is fair now.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville city officials continue preparations for arctic blast
They are urging every citizen to put antifreeze on all the bike tires. sand and salt will be applies to ALL bike trails. Signs will be posted on the best route to evacuate.


Anonymous said...

In order not to drive during freezing conditions los rinches have issued a statement that the incident at the carcel was accidental and the victim was at fault CASE CLOSE.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a genius at using the tax codes. He sure knows how to use the real estate depreciation deduction. Brilliant!
Democrats still looking for a crime.

Anonymous said...

1.85 billion more handed to Ukraine, but you hear pinche crickets from Montoya & ese pendejo Trump hater idiota. Que mamones estos Biden a$$ lickers! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I have read that he did not pay taxes. He claimed that he gave money to charities. In other words he wiggle his way from paying taxes. There is no excuse for this. I propose that he does not use streets and highways, which are funded with tax monies, when he is being driven around in his limousine. His limousine should use the grassy shoulder of the road.

For those of you who still feel inclined to support him, he is feeding you shit. Les esta dando mierda.

His motto "America First" as long as he does not have to pay taxes. He has a kings mentality. He makes fools of all that support him. Those that support him and know the truth are screwing the Good Ole US of A as well.

It is what it is!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump supporters here have his 2-inch cock up their ass and the problem is they want more meat.

He fucks them; they laugh.

Anonymous said...

Under oath, FOX News Clown Sean Hannity Testified He Didn't Believe Trump's Election Fraud Lies 'For 1 Second'

That didn't stop the Fox News host from featuring fraud proponents with wild, unproven allegations on his show.

Now you know.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic party, the CIA, and the FBI are now Chinese assets and operatives.

Anonymous said...

Relax! I'm sure every politician and wealthy person has done this and no one is complaining. Keep digging on anyone long enough and you will find something. And so the Trump, witch hunt and digging continues and they will continue to find this and that. Dig on the Clinton's, the Biden's, or anyone and you will find shit! The hate for Trump, is so big that it's all about Trump, while all the rest in office right now are the ones really screwing us, but no one complains.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the pendejo filed for bankruptcy 6 times.That bankruptcy he used as a scam to pay back 40 cents to the dollar he borrowed.

Anonymous said...

Rata know RATAs that's who he hired.

Anonymous said...

Save America but from Trump. He has done enough damage to our democracy already. He should be in jail for all the harm he caused our nation. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

Chingos of Billions of taxpayers money going to Ukraine & you all crying about Trump not paying taxes! You really believe Biden didn't make more money (China ) than what he reported to the IRS in 2021? Stop being idiotas! Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

We all know that politicians enrich themselves with their positions but how far are we willing to let the politician go? Where should "the people" draw the line? Do you think Trump would have been happy with a only a second term or would he demand a third and fourth term?

Does the common person who follows Trump follow once they know he not only wants "my vote" but my life line?

All I am saying is try another flavor, this one is toxic.

Anonymous said...

Some of worst things that happened to America happened on December 7th, 1941, September 11th, 2001 and last but not least, having Trump as president. This despicable person should be in jail for countless lies, attempted coup, tax evasion, stealing top secret documents and the list can go on and on. YOU ARE FIRED, Karma is a bitch. The only thing he's good at is instigating his followers.

Anonymous said...

Merry Trumpmas, Trumpers! All aboard the Trump train LOL

Notice the sudden quiet from the ones who drove around in circles in those idiotic Trump car parades. The ones who worshipped Trump as the greatest genius billionaire. Like crickets, now that Trump turned out to be a broke bum.

They really thought that scammer was a genius lol.

Same with their new hero Elon Musk. If Elon caught his dick in a car door, they'd gush "Excellent gambit, sir. He's playing three dimensional chess."

It says something about the broken mental state of a portion of our society. Sad fanboys, lost, broken men. Always on their knees for the next capitalist Jesus to worship.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you all look at Biden's records first? Hypocrisy...

Anonymous said...

Do you think Joe and Hunter Biden have paid taxes on the money they have taken from foreign countries? Keep ignoring it.

Anonymous said...

Pobrecito Trump


little baby



my precious,

amorcito de abuelitas

what the f

you nightmare

you con man faker

failed trump card in a losing hand

rooster cantando patético gallo muerto

pedazo de shit

Anonymous said...

December 22, 2022 at 9:25 AM
No wonder I couldn't read the instruction on how to vote, it was in Chinese.

Anonymous said...

nobody care, nothing is going to happen...

Anonymous said...

Pues hopefully what will happen is that his "blind ever trusting supporters" will see the light. I would like for us to never read or discuss Donald Trump ever again but realistically it is an impossibility because we must remain ever alert for his shananigans.
