Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Guess who's baaaaack!

That's right.
Former City of Brownsville Mayor Pat Ahumada has been going around town probing for potential support for a run at the position of mayor once again.

Ahumada, who was previously mayor from 1991 through 1994 and from 2007 to 2011, is a Brownsville native, a real estate appraiser, and owns a pet grooming company. At various times, he has been in the spotlight for a variety of reasons, including getting arrested for DWI while mayor, operating an eight-liner establishment, and even the alleged theft of a $26,000 check mistakenly placed in his city mail box.

He pleaded to reckless driving on the DWI and was acquitted on the theft and gambling charges.
"I was targeted, guy," Ahumada explained. "I was a threat to them."

He said the recent hiring of city manager Helen Ramirez  smacked of "fixing" to favor her and he made an information request January 9 for a copy of the contract and specifics of her salary and the selection process.

He says that since December 11 he has made inquiries concerning the application of the term limit ordinance to the City Secretary and to the city's legal department and questions whether the ordinance can be applied retroactively to previous city commissioners and mayors. Up to now, he said, he had received no answer to his queries.

"I wanted to make sure that I can run, and the last thing I want is for them to come out two days before the filing deadline and tell me I can't run after I collect pledges and signatures to run," he said 

The voters of the city approved term limits for the mayor and city commissioners during a May 2021 election which seems to prohibit any person serving more than two terms. However, a former mayor can run for commissioner and a commission can run for mayor after serving two terms in the previous position. Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa, who will complete two terms as District 2 commissioner is said to have picked up a filing package and is considering filing for mayor.

In his letter Ahumada asks the city for a response and states that: "The response should not be complicated, unless it is political to wait to the last minute t respond or if the city's legal department does not have the competency to address this type of matters that pertain to city ordinance requirements.

"Should the city fail to respond shortly to this letter, I shall interpret this as to the city having any objection, nor will it oppose my filing for the position of mayor on the May 6, 2023 city election ballot and will commence obtaining signatures and campaign pledges.

"My interpretation is that no jurisdiction can apply retroactive laws or rules and are typically applied as of the effective date when the new law is adopted. Failure to respond to my request for clarification, will be based on the assumption just stated which then allows me to proceed as planned."

According to the City Secretary's office, the filing period for candidates for three commissioners and the mayor start January 18, and ends at 5 p.m. February 17, 2023.

The mode of nomination of candidates for the city commission provided for by this Charter shall be by petition (100 registered qualified voter's signatures) or by payment of a filing fee of a $250 for district commissioner nominations and $500 for mayor and commissioner at-large nominations.

So far, word around the city is that Erasmo Castro, Tetreau-Kalifa and perhaps commissioner John Cowen may file for mayor. Current mayor Trey Mendez announced he will not run for reelection. Other candidates are also lining up for the commission positions if they open.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Pat Ahumada is a dinosaur.

(but I would pay to see him wrestle Jessica Tetreau in a mud brawl)

Anonymous said...

The political comeback is quintessential politics. Like pro boxers and other elite athletes, politicians have trouble leaving the limelight. It may be about ego, but that campaign and Election Night adrenaline is said to rival that of a beautiful sexual escapade.

Ahumada looks to be on the hunt.

Anonymous said...

interesting, you can rest assured walls will tremble and heads will roll but then again that's what has been forthcoming for quite a while

Anonymous said...

I would vote for Pat. Jessica already makes herself look bad. Why let her make look Brownsville worse. It is what it is.Ni modo.

Anonymous said...

Esta borracho....

Anonymous said...

Audit committee reviewing deal: GBIC, 9Point8 inventive agreement is focus.

Nothing will be done here, why? puros compadres, comadres, cornies, voting friends of elected officials and families.

SAY YES AND WE WILL VOTE YOUR ASSS IN... no more questions asked - deal??????

Anonymous said...

Go Pat, only if you will request for an investigation of BPUB and call in the fbi and other crimminal investigation agencies with powers to indict.


Anonymous said...

"My interpretation is that no jurisdiction can apply retroactive laws or rules and are typically applied as of the effective date when the new law is adopted. Failure to respond to my request for clarification, will be based on the assumption just stated which then allows me to proceed as planned."

Legally, the application applies to anyone holding office at or after the affected/effective date of the new regulated rule. The new restriction and application of said rule does and may not effect anyone that held office before the adoption of the rule.

Anonymous said...

He would be a much better mayor than some others.

Anonymous said...

El Perro sigue ladrando. Pobre vato. Hechenle un hueso!

Jessica for Mayor! Me emociono!!

Anonymous said...

Who's taller..
Trey Mendez, Eddie Trevino or Pat Ahumada?
We need strong leaders. How can you respect someone you always have to look down to.

Anonymous said...

say you will start an investigation of BPUB and hold accountable anybody who broke any laws. And give the money back with interest. Get rid of that mamona prsidenta at the board fire her ass. investigate her too....


Anonymous said...

Go Pat Go, you got my vote and my family. Critics will be critics all the time, critics step aside, time to move Brownsville forward, ya es tiempo. I bet the PUB board folks and staff both past and present are waiting with open arms just like the Bridge to No where deal with Past Senator Eddie lucio Jr. is peanuts compared to this $101 million missing money. We also need a New Cameron County DA too. lol.

Anonymous said...

If elected will you fire esa vendida? will you start an investigation fire la presienta del pub board. stop the compadrismo once and for all. stop the cronism NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Pat on the PUB Board
The one that raised our prices?

Anonymous said...

A friend told me Jessica had announced her bid for mayor. I laughed. She said to me "but she is a woman", "she is very smart". I told her that for me if the person running for mayor was originally from Jupiter, Mars or a Klingon, I would not care as long as the person really worked for BROWNSVILLE and RESIDENTS of Brownsville. Then she said "You are a woman, you should support her", Nope. Mrs. T. Kalifa is the commissioner in my district, but all this time, I have yet to see what has she done to help with the PUB rates, the potholes in our streets, the drainage problems, how many new industries have come to Brownsville in manufacturing? Cleaning up a park, Space X are her work successes? NOPE . THAT WAS HER JOB; Space X I am interested to find out who were the beneficiaries in the background. I am NOT an Elon Musk fan; HE is a fan of 45 and that by itself should tell us who we are dealing with. I am not a fan of mr. Ahumada because he comes across as a me, myself and I person but then again so have the current mayor and the one before our current mayor. I HOPE AND PRAY someone new, different and that truly cares about Brownsville, someone that is not waiting to see what he/she can get out of the mayorship steps up to the plate, but there are too many top, rich political persons involved in the process . I want to see and hear Mr. Ahumada's political platform. If he and Tetreau are the only 2 candidates (I hope more ), I would see Mr. Ahumada's agenda first.

Anonymous said...

Hey rate payers,Out of the $129 million dlrs they stole from PUB rate payers they want to give us back only $29 million.PUB and city commissioners are lying now that gave us back $59million back since 2017 in reducing our bills B/S I wasn't told about this were you. Another thing where are the documents or proof of the millions in interest this money made where did that money go. Imo don't vote for non of these dirt bags or anybody associated with these mother funkers.They are going to try hard to keep power and control on the city so the dirt they left wont burn them in jail Galonsky,Cowen, Gowen,Trey etc. Wise up people!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, here is my prediction Very Few are voting for Erasmo. Only the "sonsos" are voting for Jessica. If people vote for Cowan we are going back to Colonial times.

The only one that is left is Patricio Ahumada. Here is the thing with Pat no matter what happened he is not rich. Which to me means that he tried to do the best for Brownsville. Vote for Pat.

Oh, and they are all drunkards. Todos son borachos.

BobbyWC said...

Two issues - the Texas Bill of Rights prohibits retroactive laws. The Supreme court has deal with this issue several times.

Hey Pat ask Berta Torres I hear she has a lot of legal experience

Anonymous said...

Esta loco Pat, he cares more about dogs than about humans.

Anonymous said...

Fucking Drunk
Stay home and don't drink and drive
That goes for Erasmo Castro too

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ahumada will be a good choice for Mayor, someone who is there for the community instead of the two previous Mayors who were there only to enrich themselves and their close friends. Pura pinche rata de dos patas.

Anonymous said...


BobbyWC said...

Pat was clearly a people's major. But he did mess up big time on Fly Frontera, and the majority will never believe him on the check issue. Cowen will easily spend $250,000 for the job, so unless we can find something which destroys John no one can beat him unless they have more money.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

But there's term limits now. He already exceeds the amount of times to be mayor, right? He can be a commissioner...

Anonymous said...

C'mon Brownsville, can't we find someone with the time, intellect and integrity to mind the store ? Pat, good man, will work for Brownsville, but he smells blood in the water and is getting ready to strike. Unfortunately for Patricio, he has baggage and is a fervent Election Denier. Not to mention Mega Ultra Hardcore Trumpeter . No Gracias.

Anonymous said...

Will you start an investigation at PUB? yes or no, and with a law agency, not a stupid committee?

Anonymous said...

Pat i want to send in a donation for your campaign, where can i send that to? let the public know if you are serious about running and file for office, get your ducks in a row and like the Richie Valens song says- hey lets go again. Dont worry about the naysayers and negative critics they will always be around but not Brave enough to run for any political office because as you know it takes HUEVOS. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes! The Brownsville mayoral election three ring circus is about to begin grab your popcorn. My vote still goes to Pat, who fights for the common folk and average Joe. Enough with the corrupt lawyers and rats. GO PAT!

Anonymous said...

Good Lord Pat is a Trumper! It is Erasmo, Tetas, and Cowen. That still only leaves Ahumada. It is not like Trump is going to help or pay attention to Pat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

An ar 15 bullet for every gringo that votes so only buy 5 very few vote for meskins fact

Anonymous said...

He ain't gonna run PERIOD.
