Wednesday, January 11, 2023



Anonymous said...

Lard-ass Donald Trump is history. No one cares what he thinks anymore.

ignore his fat ass.


Anonymous said...

We dont want or need the biggest liar & instigator to be on the ballot again. Trump has caused so much damage to our country already. First president in the history of the USA to refused a peaceful transfer of power. First one to instigate an attempted coup, first one to refused in the military not one but three times (draft dodger). Called the 2020 election a rigged election but the one caught trying to cheat was him "Georgia find me 11k votes" Remember his famous calling " Russia are you listening " called Putin a genius, lied about Covid19 saying it will just go away knowing beforehand it was a deadly disease. Lied about Mexico paying for the border wall instead he diverted funds from the defense budget to build a few hundred miles of wall. Wake up people and realize who the BIG LIAR is.

Anonymous said...

@8:21 AM

a BIG "no shit" on that, bro.

Donald Trump is for Russia. Russian banks own his loans.

He would help Putin bomb Ukraine.

No, nevermore!!!

Anonymous said...

Damaged has been caused to this country by the the Democrats with their wasteful spending and idiotic policies. Now they're attacking our gas stoves. Whats next, our toilets?

Anonymous said...

@9:37 AM

Republicans cut taxes for the rich. Impose those taxes and our spending wouldn't be noted by you, you asshole.

Republican Texas Gov. Greg "Gags" Abbott diverted $200 million of federal Covid funds to fund Border Wall projects. You wanna talk wasteful?

you don't.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Damaged has been caused to this country by the the Democrats with their wasteful spending and idiotic policies. Now they're attacking our gas stoves. Whats next, our toilets?

January 11, 2023 at 9:37 AM

The Republicans damaged the USA for centuries to come. The installation of Republican judges at the Supreme Court....etc

People forget and that is why now Republicans are trying to blame others instead of accepting the truth. Republicans do not love the USA.

Anonymous said...

People from all over the world are coming through our souther border. By diverting $200 million of federal Covid funds to fund Border Wall projects makes a lot of sense. Do you know what disease(S) these people have? Good job Governor Abbott. That's why California and New York residents are coming to our great state. We have one of the best states in the union because of our great Republican leadership.Maybe some of you diehard Democrats should move to those states.

Anonymous said...

If you say he invented riots he'll believe it. ESTUPIDO racistas republicanos y cocos.....
