Tuesday, January 10, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: She gives them everything, that's all they need. And about halfway through the NCAA National Championship game between the Georgia Dawgs and TCU Horned Toads Monday, word filtered through from the city commission that – by a 6-1 vote, Roy De los Santos dissenting – it was Interim City Manager Helen Ramirez who got the nod for city manager. The suspense was killing us.) 


Anonymous said...

She looks Brownsville.

I like her. What's Montoya's beef?

he's such a bitter old coot. she's Raza, wey!!!

Anonymous said...

In all of the valley this was the most qualified individual to manage the city of Brownsville? No wonder our city never progresses. We continue to take back seat to McAllen.

Anonymous said...

I'm okay with this. She's one of us, Monty.

banjo is not our music.

Anonymous said...

"Helen of Trey" has my approval. Onward through the fog, lady!

Anonymous said...

For once. I agree with Chanclas.

Anonymous said...

Las mujeres se excitan mas cuando les besas el cuello.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of time and effort to find this city manager? It was a deal before it even started. Another 200 thousand dollar mess.

Anonymous said...

No valen para nada... esta mesa directiva, esta chava nunca compuso nada, y nuevamente ahora como City Manager tampoco va a ser nada para la ciudad. Puro hehehe, hahaha, y con la tasa de cafe y junta tras junta y nunca se solventa nada. Mas que platicas de fiestas y convivos donde juntarse. Ella "NO Es de esta zona" so, a ella no le interesa el buen estar de la cuidad, nadamas su sueldo, e una falsa. Es solo el grupito de amiguitos que se pasan la torcha, puro compadritos y compadritas, Comportandose como todo unos ninos y la cuidad que se valla a la chingaxx. Pinchxx calles todas jodidas, el departamento de policiaco sin refuersos, una directora de recursos humanos que anda perdida a lo menos que le pongas en las manos o literal mente caminarla de las manos para que pueda desempeƱar su labor, si no la chava anda toda perdida con un buen sueldo sobre todo. Pero todo esto sucede porque el pueblo NUNCA se arrima a las juntas, es una cultura que desgrasiadamente Nuca va a cambiar. La gente no vota aqui en este pueblo ni tampoco quiere expresar un buena opinion de las cosas que necesitan atencion. La gente nadamas quiere alluda del gobierno para comer y pagar pagos y dormir bajo un techo con estructura fragil de casa y luego llevarse los "American Dollars" a Mexico donde alla si viven 10 veces mejor que aqui. Y pos para los que vivimos aqui siempre y siguimos los mandatorios y requisitos de la cuidad y del gobierno americano nos va de la patada. Es por eso que el pueblo no avansa. Y esta rasa egoista que tiene el mando para alludar a la cuidad Ya conosen esta cultura de jente que nunca va apollar el pueblo y por eso se pasan la torcha, ya son maƱosos. Y los no tan idiotas que tanpoco se quedan tan atras de los comisionados y alcalde usan una estratejia que ocupan a una persona de fuera de la cuidad para traer cambios a la cuidad de acuerdo con su titulo universitario y disque experencia- esto esta bien que tengan titulo pues es un requesito pero que demuestren a lo menos unos seis meses de lo que puedan aser para alludar a la cuidad, pero Noooo, tanta sabiduria academica para nada. Mejor ocupan a consultores privados de pago alto $$$$$$ para disirles como aser el trabajo. Pos que bonito.... Enves de ir y avansar para enfrente vamos para atras... Dios nos allude atodos con esta gente aprovechada...

Anonymous said...

Helen Congratulations and best wishes for a brighter future for the City of Brownsville to move forward.

Anonymous said...

Roy De Los Santos is out of synch with the moment. He must raise his political game or be seen as a nattering nabob of negativism.

what's he done anyway?

nothing I can think of, no. pretty average, uninspiring pol.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with her selection. Used to be that Hispanics never got these jobs back in the day.

Go, Helen!

Anonymous said...

Republicans seized on revelations that several classified documents from Joe Biden’s time as vice president were found in his former private office to create cover for former President Donald Trump’s hoarding of secret records.

The disclosures Monday about the material found last fall spun up an immediate political storm at a time when Trump is in increasing legal peril. The new GOP House majority is meanwhile rushing to undermine investigations against him and unleashing a wave of counter investigations against the current president.

But there are clear distinctions between the two cases.

The new controversy so far appears to be on a smaller scale than the more than 100 classified documents – some bearing the highest designations of government secrecy – taken from Trump’s resort at Mar-a-Lago after a court-approved search by FBI agents. And Biden appears to be cooperating with the National Archives and the Justice Department in a way that Trump failed to do and unlike the former president he is not being investigated for possible obstruction of justice.

Bradley Moss, a security clearances expert, told “CNN This Morning” on Tuesday that so far, and if no more problematic evidence emerges, the current president team’s conduct was different because of “the cooperation and the absence of obstruction in which they have engaged compared to what Donald Trump did.”

“So far, it’s completely apples to oranges here,” said Moss, who is the deputy executive director of the James Madison Project.

so, there.

Anonymous said...

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, on the Biden papers -

"As I said, tonight, a brief flurry of excitement on the right about this prospect when the news broke about the Penn Biden Center," Maddow continued. "The reason it was only a brief flurry of excitement is because, in President Biden's case, he and his lawyers appear to have actually done the right thing when it comes to these classified documents. Biden's lawyers say they discovered these documents among his presidential papers on November 2nd. The White House counsel's office notified the National Archives that same day about what had been found. The National Archives, apparently, did not even know these documents were missing and had not been seeking their return. The Archives took custody of that material the following morning. That appears to be it."

- No one has accused Biden of selling classified documents to foreign countries, as has happened with grifter Trump.

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Why would you expect "fair" in politics?

sheeeesh, ese.

Anonymous said...

But can she cook?

Anonymous said...

Yea looks like Roy has the only balls on that commission they put her in place cause she knows the political connections and can run cover for them in case an investigation into the Tenaska fraud comes calling.JUST THE fact these city
morons voted and waisted over $50,000 of tax payers monies to do a search and then in turn pick the local girl shows you there incompetence.

Anonymous said...

de los Santos only dissenter?

that tells you he's not needed.

Anonymous said...

Who voted no?

Roy De Los Santos always has been an oddball. He is no politician; his style is that of a drooling cantina bouncer. I will run against him next time.

easy pickings!

Anonymous said...

Most of our cultural trends come from California.

next one -

$7 for a carton of eggs at your grocery store.

Anonymous said...

Of course, she gives them everything, Montoya.

a city manager is not going to go against his/her own city commission! Agreeable consensus, vato. That's the ticket.

are you daft?

pos, parece que si, Ama. Juan anda fuera de el plan.

Anonymous said...

An the corruption continues! These people have no shame!

Y la corrupcion continua! Sin verguenzas!

Anonymous said...

You can't win with a losing hand. Waste of time to apply with this city. They just wanna keep their cesspool going.

Anonymous said...

When I wrote that Helen's talent is bending over what I meant is that she is going to go with the flow. Whatever those above her tell her to do that is what she will do. It is a sad and shameful situation our town is in.

Anonymous said...

ESTA POBRE ESTA VENDIDA it will be the same o same o. guaranteeeeeeeeeee....
mamona y monones

Anonymous said...

January 10, 2023 at 9:41 AM
pinche mojado idiota ay viene la migra guey correle pendejo la pluma no te va alludar estupido...

Anonymous said...

is helen a gringa name? enough said...

Anonymous said...

Heard that COB spent $50,000 on a "Dog and Pony Talent Search Show" to do fake interviews for City manager , when they knew all along Helen Ramirez was getting the job. Local crooked politicians don't seize to amaze me on the corruption they engage in. They don't want new ideas, but want someone who will do their mandados. And just like PUB, it is our money that was spent. Is it true that PUB and the Port are full of "Nepo-Babies"?

Anonymous said...

Helen Ramirez earned a Bachelor of Science in City & Regional Planning from California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo.

Anonymous said...

Great choice!
About time we had a woman as city manager

Anonymous said...

I hope that the new city manager be wise enough to get rid of the "Total Alignment " scheme which we know is a bunch of bullshit. I also hope she sets the example for her entire management staff and she starts parking her personal car on designated parking areas such as at City Plaza instead of parking her car on metered parking spots daily which takes away revenue for the city.

Big worm said...

Education big fking deal look at the educated thieves we have on city commission,so much for your education comment. Maybe they should took some classes in honesty and integrity.

Anonymous said...

@ January 12, 2023 at 9:15 AM

.....and we have some educated BPUB board members, COB elected officials who are degreed from Elite universities, some doctors and some attorneys, but where/what did it get us? They form "Tag Teams" and serve themselves, their friends/family and leech from the community they're supposed to serve. They believe they can continue to rob us because nothing happened to the "Tenaska", "Bridge to Nowhere" participants. I'm all for education and all of you are still manipulating, lying thieves.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she just came out of her doll playhouse.
Where are her pull cords?

Anonymous said...

City managers know that once they are given a permanent job, their clock is ticking like the one that comes out on 60 minutes and before they know it once again they are out of a job, City managers come and go, and yes they have to do what the mayor and city commissioners dictate or else they lose their job, thats the nature of that beast. So Helen Good luck and God bless, buena fortuna..

Anonymous said...

COB, BISD, County, BND, College and BPUB. stop taking from us . We are not your "Go Fund Me" accounts to enrich your own agendas !!

Anonymous said...

January 12, 2023 at 3:01 PM
keep on dreaming VOTE THEM ALL OUT, is the only answer here.

Anonymous said...

she looks like a cartoon character but I can't remember who. any guesses?

Anonymous said...

cu chi cu chi cuuu, ooooops gottta change the diaper.

Anonymous said...

January 13, 2023 at 10:51 AM
so true, pinches RATAS!
