Monday, January 9, 2023



(Ed.'s Note: Today, and not Tuesday as some have reported, a special meeting of the City of Brownsville has been called with an executive session action item to determine which of two candidates – Interim City Manager Helen Ramirez or former Baytown administrator Rick Davis – will get the nod for permanent city manager. One of our readers sent us this exit interview of Davis when he left Baytown. As for Ramirez, a holdover from her mentor former city manager Noel Bernal, what she has done with his so-called Total Alignment scheme [or hasn't done] is apparent for all to see.) 


Anonymous said...

Blogger, NO SUCH THING as a "permanent city manager."

(this Davis dude looks like a Redneck. I vote NO on his ass!!!)

Anonymous said...

If El Bobby Blimp is the only commenter on your have a Dead Blog!

oyeme, pos si!

Anonymous said...

With this kind of talent we won’t need Mr. Amigo! Nimodo Arturo Treviño….

Anonymous said...

Blogger Juan, who's Hernandez (in your headline)?

your favorite?

Anonymous said...


You'll soon have a Whitey mayor in John Cowen. And you, you anti-Helen farmworker, want a Whitey city manager?

pos si, Apa, esta fuera de onda.

Anonymous said...

Hell no, not Helen.. please 🙏🏽 but I think the commissioners got this sap to give it to her considering the competition. Can this banjo player even say buenos nachos?! What about Helen, does she have any Biden talents like this guy… maybe an accordion 🪗 aventando se una de Ramon Ayala… o un baile 👯‍♀️ burlesco…

Anonymous said...

It is now clear that the Dallas Cowboys ain't shit and they ain't going nofuckingwhere in the playoffs. La Southmost, D.F. should not waste its time with its childish pitada.

no valen sebo!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Banjo player. That's just what we need.

Anonymous said...

They will chose the person that is compromised or they can easily compromise. That is word on the streets.

Anonymous said...


Republicans Signal Cuts To Social Security, Medicare With New House Majority

The House GOP is itching for a fight over spending cuts — including to major entitlement programs.

Cuts to food stamps, housing vouchers and baby WIC program on the table.

That's Republicans for you.

Anonymous said...

Dude looks like another Charlie Cabler or Bruciak. Stay with the Raza, Brownsville.

Whitey will only make your life miserable.

Anonymous said...

Hernandez? Quien es Hernandez, plebe?

Anonymous said...

no al gringo!

no solamente no, pero HELL NO!!!

Anonymous said...

Ke triste ni un pinche degree tienw esta mujer
Ya la veo hablando en publico

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you craggy-face clown, Helen Ramirez is not Mayra Flores! You of all people should see that she's better than whitey candidate.

que no, puto?

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a humble and talented man. He has worked hard for all his bleeding. Two things if he gets the job:
1. He will fit in for Charro Days and
2. He will find out that the people he works with here do not behave professionally

I want him to get the job but if he does not it is probably a blessing for him. Se va a espantar cuando conosca a todos Los cabrones de aqui. Starting with La Rata Pelona and ending with Mrs. J. Tetas

Anonymous said...

...and Helen says "I only bend over. Yo nomas me empino. That is my talent.

Anonymous said...

Jessica likes older men. Das what I hoid. Maybe, he can string her banjo.

Anonymous said...

Juan i told you helen ramirez would be selected, pos ni modo, oh well same misalignment going forward, viva McAllen.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been that moved since I first listened to " Bulls on Parade " by Rage Against the Machine. This fella is alright. Strikes me as a guy I'd like to have a beer with. Hire him, he don't have to kiss any one's ass cause he don't know nobody. This is what Brownsville needs.

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville will continue to promote the "Total Alignment " scheme which we know its nothing but Total bullshit. True leaders lead by example, something nonexistent on the entire city management staff. City employees are sick and tired of hearing this Total Alignment which the end result is poor leadership.

Anonymous said...

Consider this idiota a PENDEJO FOR JUST APPLYING, NOTHING ELSE, oh well, back to the corruption well.....

Anonymous said...

with his banjo he was headed the wrong way out of town on hwy 281 estupido!

Anonymous said...

is helen a gringa name? enough said...
hire the coco, just like tray (juan), tony (antonio), charlie (oooops das a gringo) emilio meskin, edelstein gringo y HELEN A COCO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Banjo? I D I O T A!
pinche hillbilly

Anonymous said...

funny funny and funny makes one forget all the money stolen by people we trust, at least.................

Anonymous said...

Pinche hillbilly he missed the turn over at Arkansas and got here by mistake. I heard he pawned that stupid banjo over at pepe's empinate primero shop (PEPPS).
gringo estupido
