Tuesday, January 31, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: We'd like to credit the drawing above to the artis who drew it. However, when the photo was taken, there was no name associated with it. If you know the name of the artist we'd gladly credit him/her with this fine drawing. Thanks in advance. Thanks to our readers for telling us the artist's name. He is said to be Jess X. Snow. Good stuff.)


Anonymous said...

It's just another effort of a theme that's really all-too-common. You can find hundreds of variations on most art websites. That's not to disparage whoever drew this one, but it's just not all that unique.

Pretty sure the artist will tell you that himself/herself if and when you find him/her.

(another example of Montoya being limited and too-sheltered, but himself/herself knows it)

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2023 at 10:18 AM
himself/herself are tired of your shit ya estufas ese pendejo go open your own shit blog just like yourself IDIOTA...ese bro!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is falling fast in national polls. He has slipped behind Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and is now barely 1% point ahead of hated Tez Cruz. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who served as ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, is surging.

Say goodnight, Donald.

Anonymous said...

Many Republican officials don’t want Donald Trump around ― but they’re also too afraid to publicly challenge him, according to Atlantic Magazine journalist McKay Coppins.

“They all wanted him gone, but nobody wanted to confront him directly,” Coppins said Monday on CNN. “There is just this fear that if they go after him or if they try to rally around somebody else they’ll spark a backlash from his base.”

He explained on CNN and in his latest report on The Atlantic that party insiders are hoping something happens to remove Trump from the scene, such as an indictment.

But there’s also another secret hope among those silent anti-Trump Republicans.

“You have a lot of folks who are just wishing for [Trump’s] mortal demise,” former Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) told Coppins, according to his report in The Atlantic. “I want to be clear: I’m not in that camp. But I’ve heard from a lot of people who will go onstage and put on the red hat, and then give me a call the next day and say, ‘I can’t wait until this guy dies.’”

ha ha ha ha

Cheetos on sale at Walmart. Aisle 41.

Anonymous said...


Disgraced U.S. Rep. George Santos told his fellow Republican lawmakers Tuesday he would step aside from two House committees while various investigations into his campaign’s fundraising practices play out.

In a closed-door conference meeting, serial liar Santos announced he would not serve on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee and Small Business Committee until his “issues are resolved,” according to CNN, which cited three lawmakers in the room.

- kick him the fuck out!!!

Anonymous said...

“...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”

- Rigo Tovar, 2019

Anonymous said...

10:18 - why do you have to be so negative. I always told my students that the only stupid question was the question you never asked. That is how someone learns - by asking. If the theme were all-too-common, why is it that you don't know who the artist or illustrator is? And remember that artists are people who are able to express themselves in so many unique ways.

Anonymous said...

Him/Her did a good job! I would buy it from Him/Her. Is Him/Her from Brownsville? Him/Her will go far in Art.

BobbyWC said...

Not even a challenge. https://jessxsnow.com/

KBRO said...

Jess X Snow - try Bing image search next time -- just upload an image and if it's out there on www - it is likely identifiable.

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh!

N.Y. AG's office: Donald Trump and kids 'falsely deny facts they have admitted'

Both the former president his children “falsely deny facts they have admitted in other proceedings,” Kevin Wallace, senior enforcement counsel in the Attorney General’s office, said in a letter.



Anonymous said...

Did they find Old Man Garcia, the dementia guy?


Anonymous said...

Muy buena energía y buena información. Gracias por la buena onda que le pones a tu blog. Los comentarios son de primera!

Anonymous said...

Some tranny calling itself Jess X. Snow. The internet isn't just for porn or communication with other stupid chicanos.

Anonymous said...

I'm not very good at drawing except when I'm at the ATM.

- Clit Valadez

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2023 at 10:18 AM
Que se te quite lo mamon open your own blog estupido.

Anonymous said...

Que decepcion, amigo Montoya. trabajo como un burro y que me llega? Noticia de mi mujer, diciendome que quiere sentir y saborear a otro Macho. Que hacer es mi primera pregunta. Yo la adoro y estoy seguro que he sido su unico hombre hasta el momento. Seis inviernos de casados, hermano. Tengo 32 y ella 24. Quisas la tome muy joven. Pero esto es insoportable.

Que voy a hacer. Me sera infiel si le digo que no?

Anonymous said...

ADMIRACIÓN Y RESPETO! wow! da un enorme gusto ver la forma en que pone no solo el esfuerzo de salir adelante, sino la pasión y corazón que se denota al presentar su arte! Se agradece que ponga el ejemplo como las mujeres que salen a ganarse el sustento para sus familias!

Anonymous said...

10:18 sounds negative because he or she is seething 😤 with jealousy. For this person it is a lot easier to destroy than to create.Just ignore the comments and know that there is no creadence to what is written. It has a poor miserable soul that is if it has a soul at all. Los pobres.

The depiction of Mother Nature is beautiful. I wonder how many men see their woman like that. Montoya, thank you for pointing out such a talented artist.

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2023 at 10:18 AM
Him/her is so negative ese bro got cut off from him/her mama's daily dose of mammary gland feeding. Time to go on your own, OPEN UP YOUR OWN BLOG, pendejetes and leave your mama be. Ya eres un adulto ese bro....

Anonymous said...

Biden the quicker fucker upper! Vote Republican!

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2023 at 3:49 PM
