Sunday, January 22, 2023


By Jodi Kantor
New York Times

Last spring and summer, employees of the Supreme Court were drawn into an investigation that turned into an uncomfortable awakening.

As the court marshal’s office looked into who had leaked the draft opinion of the decision overturning the constitutional right to abortion, law clerks who had secured coveted perches at the top of the judiciary scrambled for legal advice and navigated quandaries like whether to surrender their personal cellphones to investigators.

The “court family” soon realized that its sloppy security might make it impossible to ever identify the culprit: 82 people, in addition to the justices, had access to the draft opinion. “Burn bags” holding sensitive documents headed for destruction sat around for days. Internal doors swung open with numerical codes that were shared widely and went unchanged for months.

Perhaps most painful, some employees found themselves questioning the integrity of the institution they had pledged to serve, according to interviews with almost two dozen current and former employees, former law clerks, advisers to last year’s clerkship class and others close to them, who provided previously undisclosed details about the investigation.

Inside the court, justices are treated with such day-to-day deference that junior aides assist them in putting on their black robes. As staff members were grilled, some grew concerned about the fairness of the inquiry, worried that the nine most powerful people at the court were not being questioned rigorously like everyone else.

The investigation was an attempt by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. to right the institution and its image after a grievous breach and slide in public trust. Instead, it may have lowered confidence inside the court and out.

On Thursday, the court issued a 20-page report disclosing that the marshal’s monthslong search for the leaker had been fruitless, and detailing embarrassing gaps in internal policies and security. While noting that 97 workers had been formally interviewed, the report did not say whether the justices or their spouses had been.

Public reaction was scathing: “Not even a sentence explaining why they were or weren’t questioned,”tweeted Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist, a conservative magazine.

A day later, the court was forced to issue a second statement saying that the marshal had in fact conferred with the justices, but on very different terms from others at the institution. Lower-level employees had been formally interrogated, recorded, pressed to sign affidavits denying any involvement and warned that they could lose their jobs if they failed to answer questions fully, according to interviews and the report.


Anonymous said...

This is really reaching down to the very bottom of the barrel for a post, Monty. No news in town?

pos, no. Es Domingo y, pos, los Domingos no hacemos nada.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're staying loyal to your banner, i.e. all reporters always scoot to the same powerline (story).

anything new from Valley Central, Montoya?

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Rancho Viejo police seek tips after trailer stolen
So it finally came out! Can't keep a secret, not around here you can't.
The most secure city in the valley after a report of a stolen trailer, is no more secure then "el gran southmost".
What happened? Everybody felt asleep?
And there is only "ONE" "ONE" way in and "ONE" "ONE" way out of that stinkin" village. Ha ha ha....

Anonymous said...

The US Supreme Court is a partisan in our national politics, completely contrary to the original concept of neutrality.

Right-wingers rule from a right-wing perspective and not necessarily settled law. And there is a majority of right-wingers on the court these days.


BobbyWC said...

Either someone hacked the system, or someone stole property belonging to the Court. Either way there is a crime. So now we know the Supreme Court Justices and their staff are above criminal investigation by the DOJ. US Attorney Garland Merrick becomes a bigger joke every day.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

In a recent study, 90% of local women said they experience some sort of sex in the office.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM
quit complaing ojete open your own blog pendejo

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 9:19 AM
who's paying your ass to post negative shit vendido

Anonymous said...

no wonder all males want to work in an office, like el cherife? pero es un maricon???

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is again calling for "massive" cuts to social security and medicare. Medicaid will be killed entirely if he is elected in 2024.

Trump es un racista!!!!

Anonymous said...

At 70% complete, interchange construction inches closer to finish line as motorists grow more impatient,

Fix hwy 48 or at least sent some state troopers to that area the truckers are getting rude and won't let cars pass them and block both lanes coming and going. DO SOMETHING HERE!!!

Anonymous said...

6 Years Before George Santos, Donald Trump’s Endless Lying Made Him President

Con Man Trump lied about the size of his airplane, how much money he had, the number of floors in his building, even his own height – and got away with it.

Republicans HAVE to be good liars.

Anonymous said...

Es muy comun en el vocabulario del Mejicano usar el termino joto. Para un Mejicano, llamarte joto puede ser un ataque, ("Pinche vato joto, te voy a partir la cara!) aunque tambien puede ser un chiste entre amigos ("Eh, joto tu pagas el next round, cabron!").

Aqui en Bronsvil hay cantidad de jotos. Algunos son muy conocidos, en el barrio y en el jale.

Los conoces?

Anonymous said...


a.) Misterio: deja que su imaginacion salga a volar. Ella pronto se vera en tus brazos. Tu calor y tus palabras de amor la llevaran a la cama.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM
pos bro tu as algo guey mamon lloron ese
pinche pendejo

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM
ese eres un caga-palo aqui ese

bro you are nothing but a shit-stick mamon

Anonymous said...

talk about gran mamone appointed for life and never work just like the professors free home free rent free electricity free groceries free toilet paper FOR LIFE!!!

Anonymous said...

Niche filled: Traditional bookstore opens in downtown Brownsville
Next time (soooon) I get hungry I will go to the traditional bookstore in downtown brownsville and order a page from the rich and famous book and cook the page and share it with my family.

pinches pendejos!

Anonymous said...

puros mamones they think they are God and get every thing FREEEEEeeeeeee.

Anonymous said...

No pitadera today la migra va estar en el southmost st. y internacional blvd.
Y ademas van a perder 37 a 10. san francisco les va meter una paliza. FACT!!!

Anonymous said...

Leftists had the most to gain from that leak. Abortion was not settled law. Gun bans aren't settled law either. No seas pendejo, factless fool.

Anonymous said...

Lets talk about the fake media owned and controlled by Democrats. There has been so much media coverage on Trump and the confidential documents. Yet quiet on documents not secured by our president. Why didn’t the FBI storm into Biden’s homes? Something just doesn’t seem fair. Trump was never in politics so he might not have known the proper procedure for securing confidential documents. Yet, Biden on the other hand has been in politics his entire life. He knew better. Corruption on the left is too often swept under the carpet. How much money are Biden and his son making from China and Ukraine? Is that why we continue to fund the lost war in Ukraine?

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM January 22, 2023 at 9:19 AM
Tenia que salir el idiota con sus pendejadas
You don't like OPEN your blog estupido pendejo.

Anonymous said...

As Tax Season Starts, a Beleaguered I.R.S. Looks to Bolster Customer Service
Customer Service? The want the power back to just take property whenever they want to.

Anonymous said...

Paris Bakery to open in new county courthouse
I will go there to support the business, excellent decision by the commissioners.

Anonymous said...

when you see ALL cops fully loaded with all kind of weapons, like ready to got to war, people want to do the same thing and it is a right to do so.
Set the example, maybe things can change but I think its too late.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM
open your own blog pinche maricon ya pusistes gorro joto.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM
ya pusistes gorro pinche maricon open your blog pinche idiota

Anonymous said...

Pic(drawing) was done by Anna Talnonacio from el gran southmost.

Anonymous said...

Trump lied to Melania about the size if his. Then he showed her how not to pay taxes and all is well in paradise.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM
ballerina fullmonty at it again open your own blog pendejo.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM
getting tired of your stupid complains fullmonty ballerina
open your own blog guey

Anonymous said...

Who is the 3rd grade education moron who's always telling others to start their own blog? If Montoya didn't want people to express their opinions, he wouldn't be allowing comments on his blog. Go finish school retard baboso and stop eating your shit.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 7:32 AM
el idiota fullmonty is complaining go tell your mama joto don't post it here unless you open your own blog idiota.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 5:36 PM
you've heard of enough is enough fullmonty pendejo. complaining thru your ass is getting old and its only to you, your ass and nobody else idiota go complain to your mama its getting old. AND OPEN YOUR BLOG since you are a highly educated moron.
Since exposing las ratas of this community all of a sudden you show up insulting. Sounds to me that you have a purpose for your insults toward this blog. Have the ratas hired your ass to try to close down this blog? It seems like it is. Pinche payaso it ain't never gonna happen. My comments are directed to you only and nobody else.

Anonymous said...

January 24, 2023 at 11:42 AM

The heat getting to you fullmonty? Are the ratas that hired your ass to try to discourage exposing las ratas pressing your ass? Yes start your own blog and I say it to you only not nobody else fullmonty pendejo. Closing this blog ain't ever gonna happen.
So open your own blog! I am saying it to YOU only. nobody else...

opinions are not insults that is what you do here, insult this blog.

Anonymous said...

January 22, 2023 at 1:03 PM
