Thursday, January 5, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A unanimous Brownsville Public Utility Board announced the "retirement" of CEO John Bruciak and decided to take "no action" on an agenda item that read: 
“Discussion or possible action Deliberations regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of the CEO of the Brownsville Public Utilities Board.”

But while it was convenient for PUB board members and the bevy of lawyers on both sides to let Bruciak walk away from the position that he has held for the last 40 years, there was no agenda item listed on the special meeting agenda before the board to accept Bruciak's "retirement" and/or to ignore the items listed for consideration on the meeting agenda.

Burciak was coming off a two-month suspension with pay of his $325,000 position which –  at a pro rata basis – amounted to about three months pay  after vacation and sick days were added. In other words, Bruciak was paid some $81,250 for three months not to work.

Then the board members – after discussing the issue in executive session – announced his retirement and then voted unanimously to take no action on the agenda item dealing with his employment or dismissal. 

Should that have been an item placed on the agenda, posted, and a vote taken as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act? The vote might have been no. But by "announcing" that he had taken his retirement, the board tacitly (and illegally?) agreed as a public entity to accept it, and took no action on the item to discipline or dismiss him avoiding an official vote. 

This is legal chicanery at best, and board cowardice at worst.

They are Arthur "Art" Rendon, chair, Joseph L. Hollmann, Ph.D., vice chair, 
Sandra Lopez-Langley, secretary/treasurer, Sandra A. Saenz, member, Patricio Sampayo, member, Jude A. Benavides, Ph.D., member,  and Mayor Juan "Trey" Mendez III, Ex-Officio Member, in his position as the city's elected official on the board.

By accepting his retirement, the board will allow Bruciak to collect his full retirement benefits and did not have to deal with disciplinary action or whether to file potential criminal charges against the CEO or the former Mayor Tony Martinez who, a forensic audit revealed, colluded with the CEO to keep city residents and elected officials in the dark.

“At tonight’s PUB meeting, the board announced that CEO John Bruciak will be retiring,” stated Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez, the ex-officio member of the utility’s Board of Directors. “Additional details will be forthcoming next week.”

“I would like to thank Mr. Bruciak for his 40+ years of service to our public utility,” Mendez stated on social media after announcing
Bruciak’s retirement.

Really, Trey? The board? Aren't you part of it? And did you and the board know that Bruciak was going to "retire" before the meeting was even posted? In fact, were the 60 days of administrative leave with pay approved to give Bruciak the time to give notice to the board within the stipulations of his contract so that he wouldn't lose out on his retirement benefits?  

A forensic report indicated that Bruciak and former ex-oficio PUB board member Mayor Martinez colluded to keep the fact that the  failed project between the Brownsville Public Utilities Board and energy company Tenaska originally launched over a decade ago from the city commission and the public and that they knew that the $500 million plant would never became a reality as early as 2017.

But for several years after that – until 2022 – Brownsville PUB customers were still paying increased rates for the project. Electric rates for the project were raised by 38 percent, water by 20 percent, and as was wastewater by a corresponding amount.

Auditors documented that Bruciak and Martinez intentionally omitted key information to get the PUB board and Brownsville commissioners to maintain the high rates even after its termination,  according to an executive summary.

The report also states, among several other negative findings, that both Bruciak and Martinez failed to notify commissioners about the project's status to defend rate increases no longer necessary. 

BPUB Lead Communications and Public Relations Coordinator Cleiri Quezada confirmed to ValleyCentral the announcement of Bruciak’s retirement Wednesday night. Likewise, she provided no further details, which she said would be made known in the coming week.

In October 2022, the BPUB voted unanimously to place Bruciak on administrative leave with pay for 60 days, following the release of a city-sponsored forensic audit of the utility’s failed  power plant project. Since 2013, the total collected from PUB ratepayers through higher rates was estimated to have totaled between $118 to $125 million to pay for a bond issue that included the purchase of right-of-way for gas and water pipelines between here and Hidalgo County.

Brownsville city commissioners released the forensic audit and review Oct. 5 detailing how the utility board in 2012 raised customers’ electric rates to fund a plan to develop and operate an electric-generating facility, through a deal presented as being a partnership between BPUB and Tenaska, a Nebraska-based energy company.

“What came out of executive session was a slap in every, every citizen of Brownsville’s face. It’s a slap in the face to suspend someone with 60 days – with pay,” Brownsville resident Ezequel Silva told ValleyCentral reporter Derick Garcia after the decision. “When people don’t even have the money to pay the bills. I mean, there’s not even words for it.”

The forensic report showed that even before the proposal to the plant was presented to the city commission in 2011, a consulting firm recommended to the PUB administration (and to Bruciak) to reconsider using "vintage" power usage numbers and energy market projections in justifying the construction of the plant. The auditors showed emails and other communications where Bruciak directed them to continue using the suspect projections'  outdated numbers.

Under the Memorandum Of Understanding signed between the city and Tenaska, 200 MWs of the projected 800 MW to be generated by the plant would be owned by the city and the rest – 600 MWs – were to be sold on the electric market by Tenaska. PUB agreed to pay for $325 million of the projected $500 million cost – 65 percent – and get 25 percent of the energy produced. The money was to be generated by the increase in utility rates from late 2012 to October 2016. They remained at those rates for another three years after 2017 when Tenaska notified PUB it was  stopping its participation.
What they didn't tell anyone was that Tenaska had been given the right in the MOU to unilaterally terminate the agreement if it could not sell the 600 MWs. When citizens and other interested parties tried to see the MOU, Tenaska and PUB objected with the Texas Attorney General through their lawyers claiming the pact included information that would harm the energy producer by letting their competitors know proprietary details of its business.

By 2015, two years after the city commission approved the higher rates, Tenaska told the PUB that it had been unable to sell the 600 MWs and asked – and received – repeated extensions to comply with its end of the agreement. 

But by 2017, Bruciak and his administration were notified that Tenaska had terminated the project as economically non feasible due to other electric-producing plants coming online and the resulting glut of electricity that made selling the 600 MWs impossible.

Still, with the connivance of former mayor Martinez, the city commission and the ratepayers were kept in the dark about the project's termination until 2020 and the rates were not lowered until 2022. By then, PUB announced that only $29 million of the $125 million raised on the backs of city ratepayers through higher rates was left.

And now the board allows Bruciak to float away with his golden parachute by informally accepting his "retirement" which wasn't even on Wednesday's PUB meeting agenda without having to answer for the theft of the $125 million from the poorest community in the United States.

Yeah. Thank Mr. Bruciak for us, Trey.


Anonymous said...

No mention of the district attorney here on the matter of "charges," so where does this stand in that regard.

My feeling is elected officials and senior city government bureaucrats have a job to do. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they do not.

Bruciak was doing (or not doing) his job.

Charges would come from D.A. Luis Saenz (doubtful as all Hell with that guy) or the feds (no sigh of them).

Tenaska was just something that didn't work out, Monty.

Go hound the laziest D.A. in Texas history.....................

Anonymous said...

As criticism of Bruciak, this is shallow. Make the case with facts that came from those 40 years he served as BPUB chief. I know few of the particulars and would like to see more.

perhaps you will dive into it. you seem to want to make a criminal case here.

Anonymous said...

They are covering themselves. No justice for the economically deprived. However, in the end we all pay for what we do.

Anonymous said...

get out of the utilities business. Brownsville is stubborn, like losers.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad and angry to hear that our leaders didn't pursue charges for him/TMartinez for lying to PUB customers and stealing from them, as well. Their actions came out in the audit and Luis Saenz just stood there? The problem with all the leaders in COB, BPUB+appointed boards, County, BND, BISD school board ( check out what school board members got a job with Charro days organization and Mitte Culture) and County is that they all have connections with someone in those groups. Quid Pro Quo, I'm sure is very common. After this action, I am convinced that Bruciak definitely has some dirty laundry on a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

A RICO case for sure. But ....

Anonymous said...

Yet Ms. Atkinson gets federal prison for $10,000 !!!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard his wife is the next CEO of BPUB. The bank safe is still open!!! A large deposit is awaiting for more BIKE TRAILS.... BELIEVE IT!! So let all vote for these RATAS again and again, just maybe we'll get a job at BPUB or the COB... just mabe...

Anonymous said...

“So, if we lie to the government, it’s a felony. But if they lie to us, it’s politics.”Bill Murray

“Politics is a dirty game, played by rich man with the right poor.” Ashan Fareed

“The political system, folks, is rigged. It’s a rigged, disgusting, dirty system. “ Brian Stelter

Especially in Cameron County -

Anonymous said...

Can the citizens petition the DA to start an investigation, or the FBI or ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Massive recall of all elected officials that ignore their obligations to the citizens of Brownsville is next. Non-action is condoning illegal activity. This is a replay of the 2008 financial implosion. No one is held accountable and people walk away with millions of taxpayer funds. Profits are privatized, losses are socialized. That is the capitalist mantra.

Anonymous said...

This guy holds all the answers to this fraud and the city commission are going let him walk with his fking ret without answering to one question wtF Are you people insane. Can someone wake the hell up the D.A.what does he actually do.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s spell over GOP breaks with Kevin McCarthy meltdown

The con man ex-president has endorsed the congressman for the Speaker of the House of Reps. role. But that hasn’t been enough to sway the skeptics.

They are ignoring him now.

Anonymous said...

what's funny is that some people are shocked he is allowed to retire, nothing was ever going to happen, be serious we are in Brownsville....

Anonymous said...

Indict Bruciak and get some of the money he got back. Indict others who were involved in Tenaska, for one. I dunno, but can some resident file against the COB, or is the city immune from such action?

get me answers, blogger!

(this is going the way of the Bridge to Nowhere deal, where some made millions and still have that money in their bank account.)

Anonymous said...

Juan LOL fajita bandit gets 20 years, PUB CEO gets retirement, thats GREAT, LOL, pos es gringo, what a scam, I had previously told all you folks that at the end of the this CAT was going to RETIREMENT, and it came true, QUE COOL ARROW Y LA WIFEY TOO REITRED FROM THE CITY OF BROWNSVILLE AFTE 40 YEARS TAMBIEN? And still no charges from FBI or State Atty General, or Cameron County DA Luis Saenz, or is Luis going to retire soon too? Just wondering and asking for a friend. .

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the real crooks have run off with the money.

Anonymous said...

Puros RATAS! Una Rata se mama a la otra Rata. Pinche Mayor Chaparro nunca valio verga.

Anonymous said...

Folks i told you all since the beginning of this BPUB fiasco that in th eend Bruciak would end up retiring and Wa La adios and with a retirement plan que bonito. Bandido.

Anonymous said...

Esto es pura raqueta.

1/05/2023 @ 10:21 AM

It was more than $10,000 with Ms. Sylvia Atkinson. I am surprised that she got less than the "Fajita Dude."

Anonymous said...

Trey no tienes vergüenza

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s Worst Fear Is Coming True: He’s Being Ignored

Even some of his biggest supporters in Congress are rebuffing his call to back Kevin McCarthy for speaker.

Anonymous said...

"Corruption pays" Bruciak/Martinez

Anonymous said...

8:08 right on amigo.

Anonymous said...


Texas head men's basketball coach Chris Beard was fired Thursday, less than one month after the school suspended him without pay following his arrest on a domestic family violence charge.

Associate head coach Rodney Terry, who has been the acting head coach since Beard's suspension, will remain in charge the rest of the season.

Longhorns athletic director Chris Del Conte released a statement Thursday afternoon announcing the decision.

"The University of Texas has parted ways with Chris Beard," he said. "This has been a difficult situation that we've been diligently working through. Today I informed Mr. Beard of our decision to terminate him effective immediately."

fuckin' wife-beater, even tho it was just his girlfriend. He fucked her up, the heartless brute.

Anonymous said...

LOL Brownsville folks see you all later alligator, im going to my SPI home and the hell with Brownsville and PUB, DA Luis Saenz thanks for not filing any charges on me, the Texas Atty General thank you too and even the FBI, Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thanks to BPUB for the retirement check and memories, going to go have me a Pina Colada. Adios and happy trails to each one of you. Let me dust off my sandals of all this Brownsville dirt. Cha Ching.

Anonymous said...

Hey its not fair, Fajita bandit got 20 years for $1 million dollars worth of Fajitas and this joker misspent $101 million and gets a retirement check? are you kidding me? really.

Anonymous said...

Now that Gilbert got Bruciak out of the way, she can now get most of those incompetent, good for nothing lazy ass directors and managers out as well. To start she could put the directors to do their job instead of making up position for suckers like Armando Garcia as Area Manager of what? He can't keep employees because of the incompetent managers he puts under him (literally). And not to mention all those at the main office (h.r.), they all collude with one another. You teach them and they will do.

Anonymous said...

The city should out source the utilities to the highest bidder and do away with all those high paying positions at BPUB. After all, whatever company runs the utilities would need to hire most of the blue collar employees. That's a nightmare for all those incompetent ones. Bye J.B., let's go fishing!

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing about this mess of PUB and Tanaka. I told the board about this mess when it first came out and face Trevino about the cost of buying land for the pipe line? You all laugh at me had the police take me out of city hall meeting for making a point of order, remember Martinez. Now Art Rendon at PUB? The entire PUB board should be replaced by the city commissioners period. It was the city commissioners who have been putting these idiots on the PUB board. Millions of dollars lost and don't worry homeowners, you will still be getting a big utility bills. P.S. thank you for the new resaca fee, that money will go to some friend in the city and homeowners, an increase on resaca fee for January 2023. Thank you city commissioners

Anonymous said...

I regret voting for all these self serving idiots and thieves that just sat back and did nothing. They did nothing so when they get caught in their illegal shit in return nothing will be done to them, and the corruption continues.

Anonymous said...

Time to bring in the BIG DOG PAT A. That guy would of argued and fought them. I'm sure he wouldn't of just sat back and let it happen and done nothing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I got a parking ticket and got an insulting letter from the city, imagine that? And I have a handicapped Plate not a tag like 80% of the people here......

Anonymous said...

the city commission and city Attorney ain't worth a fuck!! This guy Brusikak is going to walk and not answer to the audit after you all knowingly now know there was fraud and major conflics of interest on PUB board, the city commission should be arrested for being accomplices in this crime.

Anonymous said...

What is so amusing is that these corrupt so-called leaders want to put their two cents in with the Trump corruption, yet they have got shit running down their legs causing the Cameron County Corruption. Filemon Vela telling President Trump to shovel the border wall up his ass, what Vela needs to do is clean the shit and left-over crap that he left, when he abandoned the Cameron County Citizens. It was Henry Cuellar, Filemon Vela and Vincente Gonzalez who set-up all this corruption with the pipeline, they are in love with the Oil and Gas Companies that they are willing to corrupt the entire South Texas. Filemon Vela awarded the South Texas Veterans by giving Valley Baptist Hospital the contract to treat our Veterans, where his cousin Manny Vela is president. Valley Baptist is the worst chiqero hospital in Cameron County. Some Cameron County citizens have mentioned that they would not even send their dogs or pets to be treated there. Looks very much like CONFLICT OF INTEREST at its best. Life is a bitch Vela when it catches up with you. This is My opinion.

Anonymous said...

All you who participated, covered, looked the other way on Tenaska , Bridge to Nowhere, Missing BISD funds, and not wanting a new BISD audit are pura "Cuacha, Cuacha, Cuacha".

Stop taking our money and if you are elected for a position or appointed to a board, SHOW UP TO THE MEETINGS !!!

Anonymous said...

DA Luis Saenz will never do anything to real criminals. He will have to answer to God for all his wrongdoings.

Anonymous said...

Juan Bueno este corrido del johnny bruciak ya se acabo y se yevo el cheque del el retiro y los dejo puro chorizo san manuel. LOL only in Brownsville but what can we do? who do we turn to? God will punish all of you who didithe city wrong, remember at the end you cant take it with you johnny. Leave some for Sancho clause. adios putin. .

Anonymous said...

God has nothing to do with any of this. It's up to the people of this community to unite and demand change. It starts at the polls. It is apparent that we have a DA who is useless and needs to be replaced as well. We need less talk and more action.

Anonymous said...

How sad when your personal/political victories and ways of life are everything and your principles are nothing.

Anonymous said...

Both "Tenaska"and "Bridge to Nowhere" participants continued to live lives of prosperity with a lack of principles on the backs of hard earned peoples money. Our money was taken, it was not a donation.

Anonymous said...

All you pendejos can figure out that they can do nothing to this greedy bastard! There's a lot more people involved in this PUB scam. If he got arrested he would then sing like a Canary. He was told to be the scrape goat & leave a rich man with full retirement benefits!!!

Anonymous said...

If you see a trail of us dollars its the bpub ex-ceo running out of down. DO NOT FOLLOW he'll confess they belong to you...
Innocent until proven guilt DOES NOT WORK HERE.

Anonymous said...

ex ceo of pub was eating a whole pizza you know where. It cost him $1000.00 bucks my and your taxes, the beer was free... gracias enano. y el da, sheriff, bpd, fbi, cia, xyz??? eating pizza also????

Anonymous said...

They will prosecute your ass only if you steal below one million bucks.

Anonymous said...

