Friday, January 6, 2023


 1) Consideration and ACTION, if any, related to the appointment or employment of a city manager, and AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT with the selected candidate. (City Attorney/OD&HR)


By Bobby W.C. has been put on notice of the suit to be filed today for violating the open meetings act. I hate I had to blog this put the facts are up on the BV with emails from Trey Mendez. He said they voted to give the city attorney permission to negotiate the contract and then bring it back to the city commission to vote on.

Roy de los Santos says they gave the power of negotiation to Trey and then bring it back to the commission. The problem is the notice said to give Trey permission to negotiate and hire. It is a violation of the City Charter for the mayor to hire a city manager.

This is why they changed the vote in Executive Session and did not vote on the issue posted, which is and Open Meetings Violation. It would be better if someone other than me were to file the suit. I asked the city to stop everything until a judge can rule on a temporary injunction. This is required by law. Cameron county judges and lawyers ignore the law in every TRO. I am following the law and if the city attorney does not stop everything until a court hearing, then I an move for a TRO...

I will get the emails. I will put every city commissioner on the stand. They can discuss executive session. They lie when they say they cannot. The Texas Attorney General has opined that TOMA does not prohibit members of a governmental body from disclosing information discussed in closed meetings. Op. Tex. Att’y Gen. No. JM-1071 (1989). But at the same time, TOMA provides criminal penalties for disclosing the certified agenda or recording of a closed meeting. Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. § 551.146.


Anonymous said...

Is he right, Monty?

you have a duty to report and clarify, ese.

don't be like El Paya Jerry. He lies and is fake.

Anonymous said...

Your defense statement as to "I don't have authority to decide who will be hired as City Manager on my own", isn't completely true. You as an attorney for big engineering companies wanting large scale infrastructure do indeed have authority especially in corrupt Cameron County district. You are one of seven corrupt commissioners in Cameron County. Were you not Mr. Trey Mendez an attorney representing the Performance engineering involved in the corruption of the Weslaco water treatment plant. You also were one of the players who voted to destroy our South Padre Island and allow Elon Musk to build his so-called SPACE SHUTTLE. You are no better than ancient land grant thieves Charles Stillman, Mifland Kennedy and Richard King. What needs to be done is to get rid of thieves like you out of Cameron County. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

I thought they told him to move as discussed in executive? Which is what usually happens….

But generally they announce a name

UNLESS they didn’t chose anyone and are starting over….

One thing is expected: transparency, and this wasn’t very clear or transparent.

Anonymous said...

January 6, 2023 at 9:48 AM

Anonymous said...

The mayor and city commissioners cannot be believe or trusted. Tanaka money is in someone's pockets.

Anonymous said...

sadly said Mr. Mendez you have played God for some time now and now its caught up with your corruption.

Anonymous said...

Negotiate and execute does not mean hire, retain, employ or otherwise contract with whom ever you chose. This is standard language issued to a Board’s designee be it the Chairman, President, Board Member or even Counsel AFTER the Board has selected the individual for the position. You are really innocent.

Anonymous said...

You go, Bobby. Show them who wears the pants around here.

Anonymous said...

At this point it is very easy to see that some on the city commission are perpetrating EVIL,OF greed theft,lies,cover-ups,You past and present mayor's and commission are very sad Humans but I don't feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

At this point it is very easy to see that some on the city commission are perpetrating EVIL,OF greed theft,lies,cover-ups,You past and present mayor's and commission are very sad Humans but I don't feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Trey " This is not true". Do you ever say the truth?

Anonymous said...

Read about partnerships the cob with the garbage company is that legal? Its right on the side of ALL garbage TRUCKS.

Anonymous said...

January 6, 2023 at 2:48 PM
you mean panties?
