Friday, January 6, 2023



Anonymous said...

And trump is still kicking your asses!

Anonymous said...

Republicans in utter shambles, and Democrats are loving it: But it's a bad look for America

Actual bipartisanship was on display in Kentucky — not that anyone noticed amid the toddler tantrum on Capitol Hill

(Democrat Pres. Biden, GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell get shit done)


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is being ignored by Republicans waging that Speaker fight in the House. Fatboy will go nuts now.

you watch.

Anonymous said...

One year and he is still not behind bars! What gives or what does he have over someone that he is able to escape such shenanigans? But I guess we should be used to that because it happens closer to home with our so-called
criminals who are under "house arrest" and nothing in a court of law. Faking heart attacks and asking for more time to see if people will forget. If Trump can do it, why shouldn't all of us have the same "rights?"

Anonymous said...

It's a very, very special day
You're very precious (you're nobody's precious).
Have a super great extra good time!
When the feds take you to prison

BobbyWC said...

I forwarded the emails to Juan for your proof. Hey have you heard of google, you can google the statute. But you want to be spoon fed.

I am working on the criminal complaint which include Helen Ramirez for aiding and abetting.

Bobby WC

BobbyWC said...

Oh I am so pissed, I wanted to use the January 6th too, but my phone has been ringing all morning as the VA in Washington is putting everything together for me for the neck artery surgeon since Harlingen is fighting at every level. For now I am scheduled under my Medicare. But the VA can still approve it instead of it going on my Medicare. I the correction is made every VA doctor involved in the malpractice will be hit with a failure to treat.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Ryan Zinke, a former member of Donald Trump's Cabinet, said the former president's influence is "absolutely" waning amid the House speaker impasse.

"He's behind McCarthy and they ignored him," the former Interior secretary said.

Blowhard Trump is done.

Anonymous said...

what is that stupid organization doing that requires an office paid by US the taxpayers? Its next to the PD on 6th street, are they also on the payroll???? puras pinches gringas viejas y cocos, who appoved all these shit organzations?
Las chaclas del southmost also want a city building and to get paid. who approves all the mamones pays?????

Anonymous said...

Two Years Later, Prosecutions of Jan. 6 Rioters Continue to Grow



Anonymous said...

The biggest threat to our democracy is not Russia or China but the despicable Trump. This person should have been locked up in jail long ago, why in the hell are lawmakers so afraid of prosecuting Trump? He has directly caused so much harm, hatred and chaos in our country like no other foreign force or leader. We have had enough of him.

Anonymous said...

January 6, 2023 at 9:28 AM

Nope, Trump is kicking your ass with all the bull shit he is feeding you. The thing is that you are so blinded and astounded by his bullshit that you don't even want to accept or see what he has done. Pobre que eres.

Anonymous said...

January 6, 2023 at 9:28 AM

You keep telling yourself that.

Anonymous said...

The left and the media will tell you that the antifa and BLM riots were mostly peaceful. Selective prosecution at best. Juan, show us on the doll where the orange bad man touched you.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you all talk about June,2020 (BLM Riots)? Nationwide unrest and protests which left Billions of dollars in damages, burned buildings in DC (including St. John's Episcopal Church). Which left at least 150 local and federal officers were injured and at least 25 Americans killed. The night Trumps was taken to a bunker due to protesters confronted Secret Service officers outside the White House for hours on – shouting, throwing water bottles and other objects at the line of officers, and attempting to break through the metal barriers.

Bunch of Hypocrites...

Anonymous said...

Trump has beat the idiots again!

Anonymous said...

Why is the president visiting our border? Politics? The border is supposedly secure so why waste time and resources?

Anonymous said...

900 down and 10k to go.

Anonymous said...

January 7, 2023 at 8:22 AM
so why is el pendejo governor bussing humans to nyc? lapdog de trumputo...

Anonymous said...

Resaca de mierda soon to meet lago de cuacha, where? At a federal park..

Anonymous said...

Trump destroyed America. Trump was able to let the feelings of hate, fear, and racism come out in the open. Now we know what is in the hearts of Americans that feel threatened by others. Trump followers are troublemakers (the leader of the January 6th uprising was a Cuban), and they wanted Trump as a dictator. They prefer a dictator than accepting minorities as equals.
The minorities do not want trouble, they want to enjoy the good of America.
