Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

First they promised us a low-cost, dependable source of electricity from a $500 million gas-powered plant if the City of Brownsville Commission would increase utility rates to pay for the bonds to build it.

The Public Utility Board and the Tenaska executives promised that if the commission raised the rates, they would build the plant, purchase water and gas line right-of-way, and that Brownsville would get 200 of the 800 MWs that would be produced. 

Despite the fact that the city was paying $325 of the $500 million, Tenaska would keep 600 MWs to sell and the city the other 200. That is, the city would pay 65 percent of the cost and keep 25 percent of the electricity. Tenaska would pay 35 percent of the cost and keep 75 percent of the electricity. Sweet.

Then-Mayor Tony Martinez described the proposed power plant as “a terrific deal for Brownsville.”

“We looked at a lot of things,” said John Bruciak, BPUB general manager and CEO. “We did an integrated resource plan on the power supply that looked at everything in the state that was available. This is hands down was the most economical and efficient for our residents.”

BPUB electric consumers saw their electric payments increased by 41.5 percent over four years to fund the failed power plant deal, which has been heavily scrutinized following the release of a forensic audit by the city on Oct. 5. That audit was ordered by the Audit and Oversight committee headed by chairman commissioner John Cowen. But will those efforts result in a rebate or in meaningful consequences?

And is the city charter review committee recommendations to change the rules pertaining to the utility akin to putting the cart before the horse, or closing the barn door after the critter is gone?

The plans to raise rates to build the Tenaska Brownsville Generating Plant were set in 2011, with some increases in electricity beginning in late 2012, then continuing through 2016.  

BPUB negotiated an agreement to provide the natural gas and water transportation to the plant via a BPUB owned pipeline (the “Pipeline”) spanning approximately 50 miles, thus requiring the acquisition of millions in land Right of Ways (“ROW”). 

Construction of the Project would not commence until Tenaska found subscribers for the remaining capacity. BPUB and Tenaska agreed at least six times to extend the agreement deadlines to give Tenaska more time to find subscribers. Eventually the lack of subscribers led to the final termination of the project.

The forensic audit revealed that Bruciak, and former mayor Martinez (an ex oficio member of the BPUB as mayor), knew as early as 2015 that Tenaska could not find subscribers to purchase its 600 MW share of the plant's production and that both kept the city commission and members of the utility's board in the dark while speaking in support of keeping the artificially-high rates.

Fitch Ratings came in on May 2015 and stated its analysis "reflects diminished interest in the remaining capacity of the project, which is likely the result of very favorable energy prices available in the ERCOT market. Low natural gas prices and the addition of substantial wind generation capacity have contributed to low energy prices and the lack of new non-renewable capacity construction in the region."

Formal notice of the Project’s termination was not provided to the COB until August 2020. Of the approximately $125 million in revenue attributable to Project-related rate increases, approximately $35 million had been spent on the Project, while $29 Million was set aside in a Tenaska Equity Fund, and $54 Million was allegedly allocated to fund rate reductions beginning in April 2016.

Even after Tenaska's 2017 unilateral termination of its partnership in the plant project, it's legal counsel and both men advocated for the retention of the high rates in order to allow a law firm to continue purchasing right-of-ways from Hidalgo County to Brownsville for water and gas lines for the plant they knew would never be built. They also withheld the fact that Tenaska had pulled out of the project from the city and the PUB board until August 2020. 

A part of the audit states that "Management and Mayor Martinez knew by early April 2017 that the Project was dead in the water. Yet, they still...pushed for the Project to continue, and misled the Board and COB on the status of the Project, all done with the knowledge, support, and in some cases participation of Mayor Martinez."

Now the new PUB Director of Finance, Mike Perez, says it won't be that easy. Due to bond debt requirements, Perez said that the board and the city commission must take four steps requiring 14 separate actions before a rebate of the remaining $29 million can be returned to the ratepayers through their utility bills.

The rebate, said  Perez, must include written certification that implementing the rebate plan "would not impair the relieability, efficiency or availability of utility service required to be delivered to customers of the (BPUB) system." The PUB honchos estimated that no rebate funds would be distributed until after April 18. 


Anonymous said...

graphic is pure amateursville, Monty.

get a pro to do these for you.

Anonymous said...

Pink Ape is professional

Anonymous said...

this was the plan the entire time... seems like it worked out, everyone already forgot anyways! PUB bill continues to get paid; they distracted us with Thanksgiving and Christmas ... then the golden parachute was unveiled as Brownsville's very own version of D.B. Cooper escaped to never be seen or heard of again. FYI, he's at the island, if you're wondering.

I'd like to thank the do-nothing PUB Charter review board, that trash president Viro Cardena$ and his team who proclaimed nothing needed to be changed even though they took 23 million from us, clearly they're incompetent. PUB board members, who all shriveled up during this mess aside from relaying all important pieces of info to former mayor Toni (Sandra S. you rat) and essentially did nothing as they were afraid to lose their board position as well as their role in society at least from the public eye (round of applause for them). A huge shout out to the trash of a city government, AKA the COB commission and mayor who helped stage this fiasco as they cracked the whip with the heavy 3 month paid suspension/vacation. And lastly, I want to send a huge shout out to Trey the gnome for never having a back-bone to do anything about anything in this city. Ladies and gentlemen let's all rise and give each of the aforementioned a huge round of applause for making us a bigger piece of krap than we already were. We end tonight's commencement with a new Resaca fee added to your PUB bill voted unanimously by the wonderful COB commission! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

January 18, 2023 at 6:36 AM
open your own blog idiota! if you can

Anonymous said...

That only leaves the tax payers with no alternative but to sue everybody involved on the thief of city funds and if found guilty an investigation by the FBI with indictments on everybody involved.
A petition will soon be circulated in person and in the internet - stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

A lot of talk no action. All I hear is $29 million. Where is the rest of the money? Lastly, who approved the resaca fee? Was it voted by the citizens? Another scam in the works. When are we finally going to unite and stop the abuse??

Anonymous said...

They can dissolve the PUB with a simple motion. Why don't they do that?

Anonymous said...

January 18, 2023 at 10:24 AM


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11-year-old girl shot dead after buying milk at corner store
continue to support the republicans they love guns

Anonymous said...

The COB commissioners knew what was going on with the PUB mess. Did Trevino go through buying the RAW land? The Brownsville election coming this year for the 4 positions are needed to make changes in COB and PUB. These people (commissioners) need to be held accountable for the missing millions of dollars. Someone or the persons who took the money must pay it back. My biggest question is: How did PUB keeps running as usual when it didn't have all of these increases in utility fees? Too many high rollers getting too much money at PUB. The people running for office this year wouldn't do a thing for the citizens of Brownsville but only for bike and hike trails.

Anonymous said...

Some City commissioners and PUB board members knowingly and willfully new about the scam and never said a word to stop it. The way I see it they are conspirators and involved in this fraud. Now 2 of these morons wants to be Mayor give me afb!!

Anonymous said...

If they would atl3ast give us the I trestvthat 29 millions earned
Where is it ?

Haber board member Pat Ahumada...

Anonymous said...

Juan, any info on the Bronco956? Erasmo Castro is so jealous of him because he can dance. Erasmo is only good for eating. Even Jessica Treatue has booked Bronco956 for CarWash Plus event and for Charro Days. Juan, go to The Pulga de Alamo and report. Jessica ya dejo a Elon por el Bronco956.

Anonymous said...

What kind of titles do we have in our COB and BPUB boards? Ivy league educated people, doctors of medicine, attorneys, business owners and professors?
"De Todos,No Se Hace Ni Uno". Your sh#t for brains, corrupt ways stole and lied to the people you were supposed to represent. You continue to enrich yourselves/friends/family and no one in law enforcement will hold you accountable? Some people on boards criticize that only a few citizens are complaining at the meetings, but that is not true. Some people won't speak in public for fear of retribution from their jobs/bosses. You that allowed this to happen "Is this the way your parents taught you and you will continue to teach your children the same"? Your degrees and titles did not give you the right to steal from us or manipulate us. I have been a PUB customer for at least 43 years and can't escape you and did not deserve this.
PUB Prisoner

Anonymous said...

If you look at the audit report, it was executive management and Marilyn Gilbert who were behind the Tenaska project. Marilyn was the Energy Risk Manager and as such was the one in charge of the majority of the project. She was then promoted to Director of Energy Services for all her work on this Tenaska project.

She left BPUB in 2014 and some say she had left because she wanted more control over executive decisions.

Leandro Garcia, Chief Financial Officer, would later retire after being scammed of $1.3 million dollars.

Fernando Saenz, feeling heat from the Tenaska investigation decides to retire.

The BPUB Board, after finding out about Fernando's retirement, stepped in to fill Fernando’s position of Assistant General Manager and selected Marilyn Gilbert to come back to BPUB. Marilyn and her family have strong political ties throughout Cameron County and in Matamoros Mexico.

With John Bruciak's suspension and retirement, Marilyn has been assigned to Interim General Manager & CEO.

Keeping up with the tradition of hiring people without the right qualifications, the Board authorized Marilyn Gilbert to hire a consultant “to determine qualifications of electric utility consultant to assist with administrative and professional duties.” In other words, hire someone to help her be the General Manager & CEO. Her salary as Assistant General Manager was $250k + $10.6k allowance totaling to $260k. She would get a salary increase as Interim General Manager & CEO.

The Board also authorized Jaime Estrada to initiate “recruitment and hiring of in-house counsel staff and determine qualifications and duties of potential staff.” BPUB has been hemorrhaging money in legal fees and this is an attempt to slow down that bleeding.

Anonymous said...

One way to hit these people back is by not going to their businesses.

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day, someone has to be responsible for this "Grand Theft. How many of you looked the other way and were responsible for this cover up? If it wasn't for the audit, would've we ever found out the truth? Did any of you use these funds for your own personal pet projects? These questions are for present and past participants who had any type involvement. The crazy thing is some present politicians are continuing to run for office again and your friends will vote for you even after you stole from them, as well. Thank you for not charging us for the oxygen we breathe.

Anonymous said...

To January 19, 2023 at 7:00 AM

Name the businesses.

Anonymous said...

that fisher man looks like el vendido that posts stupid comments here.
ese hahahaha ese

Anonymous said...

Juan pure falsehood about any rebates for the taxpayers really why would the bpub board n city commission give back money it's never done n it won't be done period

Anonymous said...

BPUB and COB leaders need to stop getting free passes because of who they are. Weren't they supposed to make the best decisions for their city. We only matter when they are running for office with big fake smiles with their chicken/enchilada /whatever plates. It is so sad that people will fall for this and after they're in office they forget about what is important. What is the purpose of BPUB board when they don't hold anyone accountable ( past and present members), as well. What the fajita bandit did was wrong , but what our own BPUB did was hundreds of millions($$$) times worse. Is that equal justice? We have many city leaders and board members who really think they're Brownsville's Royalty and now we have a Charter Review Committee to oversee and solve what? Now we have city incumbents who want to be re-elected for their present positions or another one. What did you do during your present term to help our city or did you help yourselves and your friends/family? How much longer will Brownsville's 3-Ring Circus fiasco continue?

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics, FACT.

Anonymous said...

January 19, 2023 at 7:58 PM
You don't have to bring in the clowns (payasos)they are already here, they are called elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Let's see there is:
The MainStreet Deli
Dodeci Pizza

Who else can add to the list?

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2023 at 8:59 PM
maybe some attorneys, judges expose everybody. make it a daily list print some flyers demonstrate in front of their houses built a float for charro days.

Anonymous said...

Where is the District Attorney?.??.

It is fairly apparent that laws were broken.

Is the DA investigating???
