Tuesday, January 3, 2023


BROWNSVILLE, Texas (Valley Central) — The trial for a man accused of brutally beating his girlfriend in Brownsville has been set for early 2023.

The trial for Amado Martinez Jr. has been set for Jan. 9, 2023, according to Cameron County records. He is currently facing charges of attempt to commit murder, aggravated assault with a weapon and burglary of a habitation with intent to commit other felony.

Martinez was arrested Oct. 18. 2021, by Brownsville police and the U.S. Marshals Taskforce.

On Sept. 15, 2021, officers with the Brownsville Police Department responded to an assault call at the 2400 block of Barnard Road, where they found a 49-year-old woman lying on the ground in a basketball court area.

According to the police department, the woman had been “severely beaten and had several lacerations on her face.”
 Veronica Rivas Cespedes, was allegedly tortured – including pulling off her fingernails and chopping off her hair – before she  was left for dead from a vicious beating, according to friends and relatives. 

The woman told officers that Martinez was her boyfriend and that he assaulted her inside of the apartment, according to police. The woman sustained a fractured cheekbone and both of her eyes were swollen shut. She remained in the hospital for a week due to her injuries, police told Valley Central.

A photo of the obviously battered woman made the rounds of social media and among her friends shows that she was the victim of a savage beating. Comments to this blog indicates that the assailant has believed the woman was dead before he fled.

"They told the family to keep quiet make believe that she was dead so they could make an arrest," said a family friend. "They did not inform the public that this vicious aggressor was walking the streets. If they had, maybe someone would have seen him and alert the authorities to prevent him from doing this to someone else."

Her co-workers at the lounge held a fundraiser to help her with medical expenses.

Police obtained an arrest warrant for Martinez and he was taken into custody. His bond was set at $1 million and then raised to $3 million.

On April 7, Martinez entered a plea of not guilty.


Anonymous said...

Man cutting her hair is a major crime he deserves the chair. bring it back

Anonymous said...

Brownsville men love the Cowboys, but they also love to beat their women.


Anonymous said...

Is the lady even willing to testify against the guy? Too many women are at risk of getting badly beaten or even killed by scumbags such as this. Our community needs to send a strong signal to these losers. But than again, isn’t the democratic party for defunding the police, no cash bond, and early release of criminals?

Anonymous said...

Someone call Star Jones. She'll let him go "in the best interest of justice."

ha ha

Anonymous said...

Wife-beating is common in Brownsville.

some people you may think would never do it...do do it.

Anonymous said...

Lounge life offers very few safety nets, against customers, boyfriends and spouses.

why should we expect civilized behavior?

we shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

Whitey does it too -

UFC Boss Dana White issues groveling apology as he fights for his job amid calls for his resignation after he was filmed drunkenly hitting his wife of 26 years in the face during their Cabo vacation

White said there was 'no excuse' for slapping his wife Anne on New Year's Eve. White said he was 'embarrassed' by his behavior as fans called for him to resign

A video shows White and his wife in a nightclub where the UFC boss slapped her around.

Anonymous said...

The story will be written someday telling the tale of an ugly part of our Mexican culture. This not unique to Brownsville, nor to the RGV, nor to Texas or the rest of the country and likely the Latin American hemisphere.

It is the rare Mexican who treats his wife like a queen in the real sense of the word. Often, it is the movida getting better attention, much better treatment. You can of course wonder which of the city's founding fathers and local outlaws also practiced the criminal art of slapping and kicking the Little Woman into submission.

There could be a nice non-fiction book there, yes.

Anonymous said...

Que me muero de la pena
Es que somos el mar y arena
Me río, te lloro, te imploro
Tú dices qué es lo que hago pa' volver

Que te voy a ser sincero
Yo sin ti, corazón, me muero
Que te llevo en las venas
Por favor ya vuelve a mí

Lado, vente a un lado, quita el miedo
Quita todos, todos los rencores
Vente a un lado, quita el miedo
Quita todos, todos los rencores

Quita todos los rencores
Quita todos los temores
Quita todo, todo amor
Amor, amor

BobbyWC said...

12:22, lets' deal in reality. Under violence against women act, the women can leave the county and they can still prosecute. This is an issue I have before the DOJ Director over the Violence Against Women Act. Our corrupt police chief will not even give the cases to the DA unless the woman signs a form to prosecute. That is not the law but he has 4 votes to protect himself while leaving the abused women in the street.

I blogged the entire Villalobos trial and when he testified he had discretion to prosecute these cases, Judge Hanen said no. The woman does not have to have anything to do with the prosecution. Further in the last case I worked on this year I called the BPD to make arraignments for her to sign the request to prosecute and the office on duty was already aware of the abuse she claimed against the responding officer who then falsified his report. He told me she would be arrest for child abuse if he thought she was the cause. Saenz throws out claims he handles these cases, he does not. In the above case because the woman was pregnant he will be federally prosecuted because our police chief seems to have a thing for abusers.

Hellen Ramirez has all of the documents and sworn statements and is running cover for the police chief because he has 4 corrupt city commissioners protecting him.

Women need to report their abuse to the DOJ Director over Domestic Abuse because only high profile cases which cannot avoid prosecution will be prosecuted by this police chief.

Even after it was reported how the responding office was unprofessional Helen did nothing when he approached the victim in a public restaurant. The restaurant manager had no problem giving up his name. It was reported and Helen and the chief ran cover for him. We shall see what the DOJ Civil Rights division does, against this chief and the officer. Helen of course will get the job as having proven she will run cover for anyone she knows is protected.

Bobby WC

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Ratas y women abusers any more catagories where we are number 16 or higher?

All elected offices are taken by people that think that they are like high school elections...FACT

Anonymous said...

Only these women know why they put up with these men. Why do they even agree to go out with them?

Anonymous said...

If we had black or far left judges, that motherfucker would have already been out on bail like in the large urban areas run by Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Men who hit woman are losers. Castrate those pseudo-men. An eye for an eye!

Anonymous said...

If they do send him to jail and keep him in jail he'll eventually get what he deserves in jail. As they saying says, "There's always someone tougher than you are".

Anonymous said...

He gonna get splinters in his colon from being sodomized with a broken baseball bat in jail.

Anonymous said...

The physical abuse of women happens in all cultures and economic ranks of society.

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2023 at 5:46 PM
What was the first picture you saw of a cave man? Dragging a woman around by her hair and who started all this shit? Los pinches gringos now they cry foul IDIOTAS....
