Wednesday, February 15, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: Just like at the Brownsville Independent School District, the use of publicly-owned vehicles for personal use during working hours seems to be widespread among City of Brownsville employees. 

In this case, the driver of the city-owned truck with the serial number 615-10242 was caught by one of our eight readers taking his son to tennis practice with the fuel, his time, and his vehicle compliments of the city taxpayers. If the last name of his (or her) parent is Guerra, it should be fairly simple for their supervisor to know. 

Unless, of course, that he or she is a supervisor.

Will they do the right thing? BISD hasn't. So why should the city frown upon abuse of publicly-owned vehicles and performing personal chores on city time?)


Anonymous said...

Todo lo que se puede abusar, se va abusar. Ese es el destino de este vehiculo. Desafortunadamente, a el Mejicano le encanta el concepto de abuso.

Anonymous said...

Montoya you should into the Sheriff's Office. Hoskins use an unmarked police unit to drop his kids to the day care..cor ejo uses another one to go please himself at motel 6. The change we need

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In our city of San Benito that conduct would not be tolerated. Our city manager would have our police department conduct a full investigation and if warranted an arrest would be made and that individual or individuals would then be fired. To easy

Anonymous said...

Juan its ok, no one to police them at the city or BISD so they dont care.

Anonymous said...

El pensamiento del Mexicano es como puedo chingar yo. And that's why we have all this corruption and misuse in Brownsville. We need to stop that selfish, greedy, and stingy mentality to move our city forward.

Anonymous said...

You know teenagers....they become emotional if their needs are not met.

Poor parent....had to help his son...

Anonymous said...

At PD, their "he/she" full time gym officer was caught taking her family with her on a city owned vehicle for out of town training. You are not allowed to do this, yet when caught and investigated, El Chapo Sauceda gave a cushy job at the gym.
Another "bestie" of El Chapo was caught on video inside a club, drunk and grabbing women's asses. After being investigated, El Chapo rewarded that guy as his assistant, Commander Mamalouie. This is the same guy that still drives to Harlingen, in a city unit, to buy pizza for lunch to share with El Chapo.

Anonymous said...

February 15, 2023 at 8:15 AM
First its NOT a city its a rancho like the one by olmito a rancho mierda, where cocos live, junto con idiotas that drive a mercedes with a BMW (at the same time HAHA).
US remote and unimportant: jerkwater villages, unimportant one-horse rancho.

Anonymous said...

That's all that was left, that city, county, port and BISD workers to jerk the citizens. The taxpayers are the ones being jerked off. We have a DA that goes after the poor, a city with the highest taxes allowable by the state and the feds, BISD that only works 5 months out of every year a port that hires only people from matamoscas and a utility that thinks this is Hollywood full of rich citizens to jerk around.

BUT WAIT there's a PENDEJO that drives a mercedes with a BMW AT THE SAME TIME. Ooooooh well maybe we deserve IT.

Anonymous said...

Widespread? Show me, Monty. You spotlight one vehicle. Bring me video. Be the club, ese.

Anonymous said...

Agree on San Bene. We're not Brownsville!

- Prichard Hernandez

Anonymous said...

You dumb ass Brownsville people live in the most corrupt city in Texas and you are worried about this? Fucking idiot democrats.

Anonymous said...

As I understand, that certain amount of taxes collected for the cob is reserved for personal enjoyment and other needs, of ALL city personnel. It was started by the gringos in power in the early 1900's.

Anonymous said...

City Directors get close to $7,000 in auto allowance a year… and they still use city issued cars instead of their personal car.

Anonymous said...

Our Father, Who art in heaven, 
Hallowed be Thy Name. 
Thy Kingdom come. 
Thy Will be done, 
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our trespasses, 
as we forgive those who trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Nobody will do anything about it since the abusers include top management employees. Just take a look at James Walker, he gets a monthly car allowance of $600 but drives a city truck daily. It's illegal and unethical but nobody does anything about it. Talking about blatant abuse of taxpayers monies.

Anonymous said...

You know you are making this stuff up and posting photos with made up stories. Only an unemployed person like you would be willing to make up stories for money. It’s not a lot of money because you are still in the poverty level, right.

Anonymous said...

And the city employees that drive city vehicles to their residences outside Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

All of this bullshit is abuse. How can we hold these people accountable?

Where is the person that always dumps on the idiotic lazy teachers? Because I want to read his or her opinion on this shit load.

Anonymous said...

Son compadres de Galonskys.. DEJALOS!

Anonymous said...

Widespread among city employees? Yeah, because it happens SO much. The lies and lack of information from you Montoya is laughable.

One of our 7 reader's took this shot? Why don't you just admit you spend your time tailing & taking these shots so you have something to write about. Anything to bash the city once a week.

You post all these blogs without proper information, lack of evidence. You always jump to conclusions just like Erasmo. That's why you and him are soulmates. Two gay, old, fruity tooty losers with nothing to do but bash the city.

Anonymous said...

Police them??? The police have the squad cars at their homes for two or three
days, idle instead of patrolling the streets. So does the State Hwy Patrol.
Check Henderson Street in Los Fresnos and Cleveland in Brownsville. There so many to mention around town.

And PUB has the audacity to warn people about their light being shut off for
inavility to pay the high rates! Why don't they recover the money they stole from those same individuals with the TENESKA fiasco. Make those people who stole it adopt a family and pay their delinquent bill.

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for a story regarding the Gallegos and Company Bandits but I guess they gave you one those over-sized checks they used to give out freely,
to keep you quite. What gives? Why do law-abiding judges not see what is happening postponing their trial time after they time. Se va a murir el vato
hambon y se van a salir con la suya.

Mira cuanto se robaron y los que less van hacer caundo kis encuentra culpables. Millones de dollars y 5 anos, y a la pobre Sylvia, por 10,000 le dieron 6 anos.

If I were Sylvia, I would use her intelligence to research this and file an
appeal. She did wrong, pero comparen las cosas!

Anonymous said...

I think there are legitimate reasons to take vehicles home such as in emergency response assignments. In doing so, it is reasonable, in my opinion, to condone a limited number of trips that are reasonable/unavoidable such as dropping off a child on the way to work.

Take a look at this government vehicle sample policy from King county. Do you think this could be considered?

Anonymous said...

Moscow’s Military Capabilities Are in Question After Disastrous Battle
Same as here as long as compadres, comadres, family, friends, voting friends this will always happen. You get the worst not the best.

Anonymous said...

February 15, 2023 at 9:14 PM
a picture is not evidence idiota pendejo what more do you want a confession? Pinche mamon they got caught and somebody saw them. You must be part of the RATISMO de aqui en este pueblo. People like you belong in JAIL. RATA.

Anonymous said...

There is not a single reason to use a public owned vehicle for personal use PERIOD!!!
and it should be considered STEALING from the public.

Anonymous said...

This abuse will never stop, prime example, the city manager and her four assistants park their personal cars on metered parking spots on a daily basis instead of walking two blocks where they require all other city employees to park their personal cars. Great example of "Total Alignment" where leaders dont need to lead by example. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Tennis anyone free ride to the courts. hahahaha

Anonymous said...

February 15, 2023 at 4:45 PM
As de ser el padre de el guerquito suviendose a la troca. Que no tienes dinero para comprar un pinche carro ojete. Teach your kids how to steal from the city eres un ojete idiota.

Anonymous said...

Please continue exposing all these RATAS in our community and I hope the ALL get prosecuted and sent to jail.

Anonymous said...

The DA should start a special unit or squad just to investigate this types of crimes. BISD the city the county the port and other tax operated agencies they must be held accountable, prosecuted and if convicted sent to jail.

Anonymous said...

Juan why are the Citizens so surprised about all of these abuses at the City County , School, State levels? It has been going on for many years perhaps decades and top management since they do it too dont condone it. Ask the former CEO del PUB johnny bruciak with all the wrongs he did at PUB promoting and pushing forward the Tenaska failed deal with huge rate increases and at the end of the day he is going to get a very nice comfortable retirement monthly check i am guessing $8000-$10,000. 00 per month based on his $300k annual salary , courtesy of the same abused BPUB Customers. Que Bonito.

Anonymous said...

When you steal millions the government is more lenient because they usually seizr funds or the ill gotten property
Hence the FTX case ongoing now

When you steal a measly $10k and you burn thru it in legal fees you get state issued pajamas and chanclas and get to do the time
Sorry Silvia supporter

Anonymous said...

February 16, 2023 at 9:04 AM
Pinche mamon there are NO NO legit reasons for any employee (except private companies) to have any thing of value to be taken home and be used by that employee or his family and/or friends PERIOD. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. BREAK THIS LAW AND GO TO JAIL.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, no one cares at all! You democrat loving voters keep putting the ratas into office knowing that they will line their pockets or just lose money without looking for it. The FBI doesn't care because their democrats and you have a crook in the White House who continues to give money to a third world country. Yet, us Americans have to tighten our pocketbooks or pay our taxes so democrats like this can waste it without repercussions.

Anonymous said...

@9:04 Yes, but it's a liability to the city if such vehicle is involved in a major car accident & there's non city employees inside.

Anonymous said...

That sarg from chicago PD reminds me of the local DA. A SAFE ON THE WALL BEHIND A RACIST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT, but here he has a picture of el mayor (alcalde) for you tajuaros.

Anonymous said...

February 20, 2023 at 5:42 PM
HOw many racist republicans on the city commissione?


