Wednesday, February 1, 2023


By Josefa Velasquez, Clayton Guse, Elizabeth Kim, and David CruzRep. 
The Gothamist
George Santos' has come under increased scrutiny after the Republican admitted to embellishing his résumé and fabricating parts of his biography.

The 34-year-old Republican, who represents a sliver of northeast Queens and parts of Long Island’s North Shore in Washington, is now under investigation by local and federal authorities. He has resisted calls to resign even by members of his own party.

His mother’s death
As of at least October, Santos’ campaign website stated that his mother, Fatima Devolder, was “in her office in the south tower” of the World Trade Center on the day of the 9/11 attacks. The website said “she survived the horrific events of that day, but unfortunately passed away a few years later.” However, an online obituary shows Santos’ mother passed away more than 15 years after 9/11, in December 2016.

It was revealed in mid-January that Devolder did not appear to even be in the U.S. at the time of the 9/11 attacks, but was in Brazil awaiting approval from immigration authorities to legally enter the country. The findings were revealed by a Manhattan accountant who filed a request through the Freedom of Information Act requesting Devolder's visa application. Her application requesting to enter the country was dated 2003. Her paperwork, according to a screenshot shared by the accountant, showed she was living in Brazil for six years.

His religion
On his campaign websites, Santos noted that his “grandparents fled Jewish persecution in Ukraine, settled in Belgium, and again fled persecution during WWII.” His biography on his campaign website has since been changed.

Santos described himself as “a proud American Jew” in documents to pro-Israel groups documents. But six weeks after he was elected to office, he admitted to misleading voters about his cultural and religious background. Santos told The New York Post during a Dec. 26 interview that he “never claimed to be Jewish,” only “Jew-ish.” He said his grandmother told him she was Jewish but had converted to Catholicism.

The Forward looked into ancestral records, and found evidence that Santos’ maternal grandparents were born in Brazil before the Nazis rose to power in Europe.
His education
Santos told the Post during the Dec. 26 interview that he never graduated from college, retracting previous statements claiming that he received a degree in economics and finance from CUNY’s Baruch College in 2010.

When he ran for Congress in 2019, Santos claimed on his campaign website that he graduated from the prestigious Horace Mann School in the Bronx. Ed Adler, a spokesman for the school, said officials there “checked all the records and all the aliases. He (Santos) did not attend Horace Mann.”

Shortly after admitting he hadn't graduated from Baruch College, it emerged Santos had invented other details about his supposed time at the school. He claimed during an October 2020 radio interview that he had a volleyball scholarship to attend Baruch.

"You know, it's funny, I actually went to school on a volleyball scholarship," he said in the interview on WABC.

“[W]e went to play against Harvard, Yale, and we slayed them," he later added. "We were champions across the entire Northeast Corridor. Every school that came up against us, they were shaking at the time. And it’s funny, I was the smallest guy and I’m 6-foot-2."

He said he "sacrificed" his knees to play volleyball and had to have knee replacement surgery.
His work experience

On the campaign trail, Santos billed himself as a “seasoned Wall Street financier and investor” and claimed he worked at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. But during the Post interview, the soon-to-be-lawmaker clarified that he “never worked directly” with either of the financial institutions.

Around the same time, Santos claimed that he was working his way through the financial sector, a Times investigation showed that he was a customer service agent at a Dish Network call center in Queens.

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Anonymous said...

This is a pathetic fool who took all his moves from Trump. Folks, if you want to live in the Matrix continue to vote for pathological liars. Estan enfermos que ustedes no entinden.

Anonymous said...

In other words they are broken.

Anonymous said...

Publishers of the blogosphere also have Nick-names in the lotería. In this subtropical area of South Texas, there are some blogs that are truthful and some that I do not like. Juan Montoya’s name is el borracho because of his many DWI’s… I do not like alcohol. More people die of alcohol than Malaria, syphilis and scirrossis combined… I don’t like that.
Fake doctor Gerry Mchale’s name is el porno because of all the filth he publishes. I do not like that and how dare he and shame on him. I had to call blogspot and complain and that is why you can’t see him anymore on the blogosphere.
Bobby Weightman is named el panson pelon his blog is the least watched. He like to suit people and take their hard earned money because of none-sense.
Stop reading blogs people…. Podcasts on FB are all about the truth. They are not bought like blogs. Always the truth for the people and by the people.

Anonymous said...

Here are five things to know about menopause and hormone therapy.
its free, its bad for a relationship, its free, its confusing and it messy/smelly.
stay away!!!

Anonymous said...

How can you have a grand opening in a parking lot?

Anonymous said...

Send his lying ass back to Brazil where he came from. We have enough lying morons in our government already we don't need any more.

Anonymous said...

Trey was pictured with a female at Dodici's. What gives? Does da boy swing both ways?

Anonymous said...

We have our own George Santos - the politician (ha ha) Tad Hasse!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! what a coincidence, LOL, the City of Brownsville has definitely the same situation with almost all the Human Resources personnel and or various executive positions. A lot of employees claiming to have a degree that is proper and are supposedly needed as per the job posting education requirements. Almost nobody on high paying positions in the City of Brownsville have the stipulated requirements. They just get hired because of nepotism, friends, favors, and beauty. I feel sorry for those that really do have the credentials and will never get hired unless you know somebody. Remember the saying, "It's who you know not what you know". Pinche Brownsville no vale pura pinche cabeza con esta raza, poreso la chavalada se va de este maldito pueblo pudrido en mamones!!!...

Anonymous said...

He should resign. If the media were fair, they would have exposed Obama as a charlatan and told us how both he and his wife lost their licenses to practice law.

Anonymous said...

February 1, 2023 at 7:12 AM
specially the moron at 7:12 am. mentiroso como el trumputo himself...

Anonymous said...

the pic look like el ese idiota vato bro!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! what a coincidence, LOL, the City of Brownsville has definitely the same situation with almost all the Human Resources personnel and or various executive positions. A lot of employees claiming to have a degree that is proper and are supposedly needed as per the job posting education requirements. Almost nobody on high paying positions in the City of Brownsville have the stipulated requirements. They just get hired because of nepotism, friends, favors, and beauty. I feel sorry for those that really do have the credentials and will never get hired unless you know somebody. Remember the saying, "It's who you know not what you know". Pinche Brownsville no vale pura pinche cabeza con esta raza, poreso la chavalada se va de este maldito pueblo pudrido en mamones!!!...

Anonymous said...

ese bro it looks like you ese...

Anonymous said...

Trey no mames it's Juan

Anonymous said...

John Cowen Is looking more like George Santos. The only problem is that George has hair.. vote no for John

Anonymous said...

We don’t need Republican elected officials with crazy ideas that are going to hurt the city of Brownsville. John Cowen Is the male version of Mayra Flores but at least she is pretty. The same can’t be say about John.

Anonymous said...

Juan i am not surprised about this guy, makes you think about all these congress men and women plus all these senators who a millionaires on a $200k yearly salary, Pelosi, Frankestein, etc tc etc., MMM so whats wrong with this guy hey he just wants to be a member too, to lie and cheat and steal or no? Our local Example is Eddie Lucio Jr., hey he did it for 30 years and now has $9 million in the bank. NO POS WOW, So please folks dont complain about George Santos, just wants to be a member of this special club to steal nothing wrong with that. Poltics= ROBAR. Yeas and we thought it was bad in MEICO, LOOK AROUND FOLKS, Its here too. PUB another fine example. $101 Million no mas.

Anonymous said...

At 11:32 AM you're absolutely right. An example is that the city hired the HR director and also the Assistant HR director both with Mexican college degrees. In the past, the city never hired anyone for management or director type positions with Mexican college degrees. Again, it's not what you know but who you know to get hired. What makes this even worse is the fact that neither of these employees had any experience, education or knowledge of labor laws, yet, the director makes well over $100,000 annually plus benefits even a car allowance. Totally unacceptable but that's the COB hiring practices. Puras palancas.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I thought it was Erasmo Castro.

Anonymous said...

El George Santos no es nada mas que El Naranjon. Anda como EL UNDERCOVER BOSS. What gives it away es que tan mentirosos es uno como el otro. esos Reupublicans are masters of disguise. Anda El Naranjoncomo George Santos scoping out his maga base. HAHA!!!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I'm finally leaving Brownsville and going up north for better and greener pastures as a regular citizen to a city job where I just applied one single time and was contracted honoring my education and my minimal experience without further question. They told me that my minimal experience was not a huge issue- just as long as I took care of my job duties and present to work everyday with a learning attitude that was suffice. Bye, Bucket city of dirty and nasty crabs, no life in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Looks like that "I've been here 50 year" city worker.


Anonymous said...

February 3, 2023 at 8:21 AM
There is a check point over by Sarita pendejo. The gringos will check your ass for legitimate papers, idiota. We'll see you back here tomorrow pinche illegal mojado.

Anonymous said...

Bud abbott and lou costello are building a wall around the RGV to keep you cocos contained. Only his wife is allowed to travel north of the wall....

Anonymous said...

Juan all these SENATORS and CONgressman who are bitching about George Santos should take a long hard look in the MIRROR, and let him that has no sin or wrong doings cast the first stone, example Pelosi, Frankstein from California, these are all millionaires and i am sure there are plenty more millionaires in the Senate and CONgress. I doubt if there will be one to cast a stone. All of them are in it for the MONEY and NOT TO SERVE OUR COUNTRY. LETS NOT KID OURSELVES, THATS WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA TODAY.
