Saturday, March 18, 2023



Anonymous said...

Ah, Brownsville starts something and finishes it!

News, vatos!

Anonymous said...

Chief El Chapo Sauceda se la come !!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a mural to fallen women of Juarez

That's what comes to mind

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of rural corniness in that mural. How about something "Big Time"?


Anonymous said...

Del corazon nacen lo hermoso. I like it. Thank you for taking the time to post this on your blog.

Anonymous said...

What's next a kidney, tripas o un estomago, maybe a brain all these items can be donated by el cartel de los rednecks.

Anonymous said...

Not bad at all. Why all the criticism?

TU JEFITA: "If you're not bitching you're not happy."

Anonymous said...

Nice cover of what has likely been empty, bat-filled, broken-windowed hulls where winos, glue-sniffers and unowned dogs could get out of the wind. And no doubt better-looking in the crepuscular afternoon light.

I realize this is Brownsville, so walk over and enjoy this mural with festive grunts invoking the ghost of Perez Prado. What's next, a tangerine sunrise?

(maybe I will "open" my own blog now)

Anonymous said...

Linda Macias: "I come for the future, not the past."

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump to be indicted this coming week. He'll play the victim, 'cause that's what chubby White guys do.

But once there was this -

"I've never done anything wrong. Nobody can prove that I ever did anything wrong. It's pretty tough when a citizen with an unblemished record must be hounded from his home. I am feeling very bad - very bad. How would you feel if the police, paid to protect you, acted towards you like they acted towards me?" - AL CAPONE, December 1927

(sound familiar?)

Anonymous said...

Trump says 'illegal leaks' indicate he'll be arrested Tuesday, calls for protest
About time you racist repulicans, and go visit him and his snarky familia either at levenworth sing sing at his apartment.

Anonymous said...

Other countries hold their leaders accountable. PERU- Fujimori. ISRAEL- Katsav, Olmert. SOUTH KOREA-Park Geun-hye, FRANCE- Zarkozy (under appeal). In the USA, presidents are always above international law. They have overthrown governments, started wars, contributed to genocide and countless other infractions. I am not a fan of Donald Trump. But, let's apply the law to everyone equally. I am very skeptical that Trump will ever be behind bars.

Anonymous said...

March 18, 2023 at 3:26 PM
Yes si ok do open your own blog maybe, just maybe, you will become a historic figure painted on a wall preferably a toilet enclosure wall. E S T UP I D O!

Anonymous said...

Caty looks too old and honest and professional and transparent I think she's overly qualified. Need some dumb candidates not smart ones. We have to continue the trend. At least until one of these pendejos get caught. Almost did in the 80's.

Anonymous said...

March 18, 2023 at 11:25PM

I agree, there is a slim to none chance that Trump will go to prison. Like Pence stated "history will hold him accountable." Ever since Biden became president I don't end my day thinking " what did he, the president, say now?" As a voter not having to think of this has brought me peace.

Recently Trump stated "I will be your retribution" and I realize that only fools will vote for him. If there there has ever been a devil's phrase it is that one. We can also see it as a childish phrase but no he means that he will come back with a vengeance. Trump will punish the whole of the country for no giving him a second term. No se crean de Trump.

Anonymous said...

The groper will soon be sent to an apartment in sing sing or lavenwoth. Where he in turned will be groped and by an ethnic, pay back is a beach (bitch).

Anonymous said...

Trump may be a lot of things but he has not placed our country in a questionable situation like the Biden's. So after years of investigations and millions of taxpayer dollars, the only thing the Democrats and the fake media could come up with is hush money paid to a porn star. Give me a break! The only reason Joe Biden is not being charged with the same offense is because he's a little queer.Someone is running scared and it isn't Trump!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a mural from Kensington, Philadelphia.

Anonymous said...

Would someone please indicate where this mural is located? I'd like to go by and see it before I praise it or degrade it. I see the intricate work done on this mural and admire the person who had the tenecity and the endurance to finish this project. Now, lets hope some idiot does not go and deface it with his stupid vulgar language or sign language.

Anonymous said...

To: March 19, 2023 at 9:49 AM

Spoken like a true MAGAt. What questionable situation? (of course you just spew nonsense without explaining anything ... but do go on)

By the way, menso, there are at least 4 serious investigations about to result in indictments, that we know of, but just focus on the one you like ... porno much? ... jajaja!

Be better, pendejo!

... and yes, someone is running scared, asking for more violence, keep drinking the Kool-aid and continue being a clown-servative. You and your party are history, very soon. Loosers!

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2023 at 11:40 AM
it next to the bike trails of course, you know where there are a lot of bike shelters and water fountains and toilets without ass paper.

Anonymous said...

March 18, 2023 at 12:37 PM
eres una pinche mosca jedioda pinche cucaracho y maricon

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Trump may be a lot of things but he has not placed our country in a questionable situation like the Biden's. So after years of investigations and millions of taxpayer dollars, the only thing the Democrats and the fake media could come up with is hush money paid to a porn star. Give me a break! The only reason Joe Biden is not being charged with the same offense is because he's a little queer.Someone is running scared and it isn't Trump!

March 19, 2023 at 9:49 AM

It is a truth known to all that evil doers know how to get away from being punished. They learn from their guides, teachers, masters, etc the skills necessary to do evil and not get caught. Trump left behind many followers, people in power, friends in high places that are protecting him forever.

Anonymous said...

Trump is and has always been a piece of shit. Ever since he was in high school he was despised by all but since his family was rich and powerful he hid behind that. Then he defrauded his own father and family out of millions of dollars( he didn’t become a millionaire on his own — he stole the $$)and the rest is history. He has taken advantage of everyone throughout his miserable life and gotten away with it. But i hope and pray his time is up. Fuck that puto. It’s always the same song with him : its a witch hunt, its political, i am innocent, i never, etc. If you’re so innocent prove it in court , you’ll get your chance . There’s a saying in spanish that says: EL QUE NADA DEBE NADA TEME. But until then take it like a man and face the music. Don’t try and involve more blind brainwashed pendejos to do your dirty work. Justice is blind but in Trumps case its been : blind, deaf and mute. Go figure
