Sunday, March 12, 2023


1223FM thebull
Wichita Falls

Oh, Texas, the land of the free and the home of the brave...unless you want to go to the beach, that is.

Thanks to the 1959 Texas Open Beaches Act, and a long-standing tradition, Texas beaches have always been open to the public.

Free beach access to all
Enter Senate Bill 434, the brainchild of Sen. Mayes Middleton of Galveston, which seeks to strip the Texas General Land Office of the power to define the boundaries of the public beach. Instead, the upland beachfront property owner will be given that authority. 

And what do you think they'll do with that power? Give free beach access to all? Ha! Fat chance.

High Tide
No, instead, they'll deny the public access easement that's been in place since before 1959, and limit beachgoers to only the “wet beach” – the area between the low tide and high tide lines. Oh, and during high tide, there won't even be a beach to access. 

Fun, right? So, on your next beach trip, be sure to bring your lawyer with you. You know, in case you have to sue your adjacent upland landowner for the right to access the beach. And don't forget to drag your kids, cooler, and beach gear through shallow tidal waters to get to the beach – because that's what a fun day at the beach is all about.
Who's going to clean up?
And if that's not enough to make you feel better, consider this – SB 434 not only hurts beachgoers, but it also hurts beachfront property owners. Without public access, there will be no beach renourishment projects, no beach cleanup, and no beach maintenance. So, enjoy that eroding beachfront property.
Sorry 'bout your bad luck.

Oh, and by the way, there's a beach renourishment project at Jamaica Beach on Galveston Island that will be canceled if SB 434 passes. But, who needs a beautiful, well-maintained beach anyway, right?


Anonymous said...

Typical elected official must have a ton of friends that own beach property, sounds like the elected pendejos would do here, but here only if your are rich and famous... PINCHES MAMONES.

Anonymous said...

Thank a judge (GOD) that there are pendejos everywhere and most if not all are idiotas but keep getting elected que suerte please judge (GOD) quit doing this to us...

Anonymous said...

Why aren't the local Democratic politicians fighting for our rights to free beach access? Could it be that they sold out?

Anonymous said...

of course the Democrats sold out, that is why Casco's beat Gilberto Hinjosa when he was county judge.

Anonymous said...

Is this Senator Mayers Middleton an oil and gas investor

Anonymous said...

world baseball classic Mexico over USA an 11-5 rout.
Food stamps don't work here, only in hillbilly regions.

Anonymous said...

It took them long enough, but kiss BocaChica beach goodbye!!! It will belong to the highest bidder( and stop bringing up Democrats/ Republicans ) that doesn’t matter cause they’re all corrupt. Their party affiliation is the last thing on their minds. Its all about the money $$$$$ , get it through your heads. Bocachica beach is a chess game now and all the “ players” are positioning themselves for the grand giveaway!!! These assholes have their hand ( fingers)in everything!! The rich getting richer!! Todays saying is :” ALL NEGATIVE DEEDS ARE DONE FOR GREED” . Now we know how the native Americans felt when the pilgrims landed.

Anonymous said...

I continue to smell the stench of RATAS. Its a smell different and readily identifiably. It permeates everything and is difficult to control. Now bugs are in a different category, all you need is a bug spray and away they go, but not the stench of RATAS.
Muskies and the racist republicans are aware of this condition and have taken steps to infiltrate everything that is annoying to them.
They have taken steps to plant RATAS stench in certain blogs that print la verdad (there is one here).
So with that in mind a professor at TSTC has taken the task to invent a RATA spray, like the bug spray, and as recent as this morning the FDA has approved it.
Distribution will begin as soon as today. Truck loads of this invaluable spray is heading to distribution centers and to all democratic chairs across the county, Gilbert (he hasn't spoken inglish in 50 years) will get a larger supply (larger than most and you know why) he will get his shipment late today.

call the zeros to get a sample you only have to remember zero numbers.


Anonymous said...

I continue to smell the stench of RATAS. Its a smell different and readily identifiably. It permeates everything and is difficult to control. Now bugs are in a different category, all you need is a bug spray and away they go, but not the stench of RATAS.
Muskies and the racist republicans are aware of this condition and have taken steps to infiltrate everything that is annoying to them.
They have taken steps to plant RATAS stench in certain blogs that print la verdad (there is one here).
So with that in mind a professor at TSTC has taken the task to invent a RATA spray, like the bug spray, and as recent as this morning the FDA has approved it.
Distribution will begin as soon as today. Truck loads of this invaluable spray is heading to distribution centers and to all democratic chairs across the county, Gilbert (he hasn't spoken inglish in 50 years) will get a larger supply (larger than most and you know why) he will get his shipment late today.

call the zeros to get a sample you only have to remember zero numbers.


its easy to identify la RATA here he's always posting insults to the blog owner and to some commenters, RATA

Anonymous said...

Las ratas in this town have given the task of insulting the owner and some commenters here, to this individual. A paycheck is mailed to this RATA every week. Las RATAS hate publicity and hate to be identified and this blog prints la verdad. This blog ain't going and its staying no matter what las RATAS do. OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG PENDEJO RATA.

Anonymous said...

Do it like cancun
Let cartels develop boca Chica
