Sunday, March 26, 2023


By Jim Barton
Brownsville Observer
Mayor Trey Mendez

Much like the citizens of Mark Twain's "Hadleyburg," Brownsville's last three mayors have proved unable to resist the temptation to use the office for personal gain.

As a mere lad, Trey Mendez, as a TSC trustee, showed some mettle in resisting the absorption of the community college by the University of Texas system, standing strong along with Adela Garza, Rene Torres and Kiko Rendon.

That stance was likely the backdrop that gave Brownsville voters enough confidence to elect Trey as mayor, but that trust was not rewarded.

Trey greatly dissappointed the citizenry when he, along with BCIC board member Michael Limas, were first in line as the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation dispersed monies contributed to the city by Elon Musk.

The stated purpose of the BCIC, a "4B" board, is to disperse funds to improve the city's "quality of life," and the board exists to keep those funds away from the sticky hands of politicians. Otherwise, the city commission would simply handle the distribution.

Once the light of day shone on Trey's greedy attempt to personally benefit from funds dispersed by a board he helped staff, fund and set guidelines for, Mendez is said to have returned his original grant of $80,000 and not picked up the additional $200,000 he'd requested.
Since then, we understand that Mendez is not seeking re-election.

Tony Martinez
Mendez' predecessor Tony Martinez bragged during his campaign for mayor that his first order of business would be to create an ethics code for city employees and officials, but, despite serving two terms as mayor, his administration never produced such a code.

It's just as well as Tony violated ethical standards left and right as mayor.
One such ethical violation was reported in Juan Montoya's El Rrun Rrun blog:

"On Nov. 3, 2015 regular meeting, a unanimous city commission – after emerging from executive session where John Guevara, representing Linbarger, Goggan Blair and Sampson LLD and city attorney Mark Sossi outlined the bids/offers for 16 properties offered for sale for tax delinquency – Martinez voted to sell himself the property.

The street address was 1226 E. Van Buren, next to the mayor's law office. The minutes show that Martinez participated in the executive session discussion and later voted for the city to accept the bids for the 16 properties, including the one he had bid on."

Martinez paid a mere pittance, $5,200, for the property, well under market value.

Without a smidgeon of transparency, Martinez also went on a downtown buying spree, purchasing numerous older buildings in or near downtown Brownsville with zero explanation to the taxpayers as to why he was committing their hard-earned tax dollars as well as their children's for the next two decades to these speculative real estate purchases.

Included in these never-explained purchases are a rest home on Madison Street for $195,101, a warehouse on Ringgold for $100,000, two tiny downtown restaurants for $83,000, leasing the home next the Cueto Building for 3 years, $90,000, the Old National Armory for $431,200, Casa del Nylon for $2,300,000 and the San Fernando Building for $315,000.

Most suspect in these deals is the one unethically negotiated by Tony's law partner Horacio Barrerra with Tony's friend, Abraham Galonsky, La Casa del Nylon. That property had been on the market for nearly two decades. The unsold merchandise, still new, but from the 80's, was considered "vintage." The negotiated purchase price was a totally confounding $2,300,000, triple its appraised value.

If Martinez' law office received a commission for negotiating that sale to the city, that's and additional ethics violation.

Martinez' obsession with Juliet Garcia and the University of Texas was also demonstrated when he tried to donate the city's beautiful Lincoln Park to the university, a move stopped only by public outcry.

Despite all these purchases, when the mayor coveted a personal office downtown, he leased, at the city's expense, yet another location, 1101-A E. Washington St. as his personal office. The remodeling, leasing was done at city expense, but Martinez NEVER used the office that sits empty to this day.

We've not even mentioned Martinez's dishonesty in pushing a 36% increase in electric rates for an 800 megawatt power plant that was never built~Tenaska, but that story has been well chronicled.

Pat Ahumada
Former Mayor Pat Ahumada, known for his abrasive personality, served two terms as mayor, and is waiting on a ruling from the city to see if the City Charter prevents him from running for the office a third time.

Ahumada, when mayor, referred to himself as the "quarterback" and the city commissioners as "blocking lineman" and got into many a verbal conflict with then City Commissioner Charlie Atkinson.

Ahumada's two trials for depositing a $26,139 check made out to Tarsia Technical into his personal account ended with one being a mistrial and the other an acquittal.

Reports indicate he was overdrawn in his own account when he made the deposit, then spent $6,000 on a trip to Tampico he said was to "promote Brownsville."

At first he denied depositing the check until he became aware of being caught on a surveillance camera.

Ahumada was also arrested three times for DWI's, convicted twice, and beat a charge of gambling when police raided his 8-liner establishment.

Ahumada was totally fooled by convicted con artist Carlos Quintanilla into promoting a bogus airline, Fly Frontera, promising flights to Mexico, but demanding upfront money to pay for rental planes, fuel and spare parts.

Supporters of Ahumada will frequently say he's "changed," but we're reminded of the Biblical quote that a "leopard cannot change his spots."


Anonymous said...

Well, look at what they have in common - they're all Mexicans. Feos los gueyes.

Let's gang-vote for Jessica!!!

Anonymous said...

Trey Mendez, as mayor, was the Paris Hilton of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

As mayor, Tony Martinez was Fredo Corleone.

Pat Ahumada, as mayor, was Sancho Panza.

Anonymous said...

Monty, we ignore Barton's washerwoman blog for a reason.

Why throw his old goat coat around your shoulders?

Boring is boring everywhere it goes, ese.



Anonymous said...

Barton is irrelevant.

heard that.

Anonymous said...

You could write this about any three mayors of the last 30-some years!

ha ha ha

Selective bashing by the fake media. groan.

Anonymous said...

Mendez was the worst. Arrived and left under Adela Garza's skirt. Totally like having a twerp for mayor. Am reminded of the Biblical quote "Never trust a guy with a high forehead."

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

All comments above by Clit Valadez.

Anonymous said...

Wow…not much has changed…trey could have been great. I’m not buying the fiber deal either

Anonymous said...

The 3 Stooges. What a joke , only in Brownsville!! It aint over yet folks , lets wait and see what Bozo wins this upcoming election and we will add him/ her to this list of crooks. Trey(el enano) , Tony (el property baron), y Pat(el cheque) are the perfect trifecta of corruption. These guys just can’t resist the temptation of taking from the cookie jar. Remember its not PUBLIC SERVICE but SELF SERVICE that they all seek!!!! City of Brownsville is a huge pie and they all want a piece of it. SHAME ON YOU ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

Being a mayor and doing the right thing is tough. You have to love Brownsville to improve the city.

Anonymous said...

Wait until you see the people that are applying for assistant city managers. city department directors with skeletons in the closet.

Anonymous said...

They grabbed Brownsville by the p***y...but this happens in every town.

Anonymous said...

You forgot the tiny rat mayor Trevino eating the high price cheese of Tanaska money that PUB made into money juice. That juice was spead around to so many small mice of Brownsville. What ever we the voters yell about these assholes of COB and PUB, nothing is going to done because the system is full of Texmex lawyers and lawman that will protect themselves but feed the common taxpayers shit for been stupid to vote for them. Let's vote for Jessica and Linda as commissioners for the new members of the idiot squad of the COB.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics

Anonymous said...

St. Joe BMW white guy “coco” here. Montoya for mayor so he can shout racial slurs and tell everyone to “open their own blog”
Yes, 🤔 I like it

Anonymous said...

If these locals would only stop acting like the politicians, they see on TV they'd be fine.

Be yourselves!!! Be real.

Fashionista Mendez thought he was a shorter Rick Perry. Texas drawl Tony Martinez thought he was a brown Greg Abbott. Smoothie Pat Ahumada thought he was handsome JFK.

Jessica will be Jessica!!!

Anonymous said...

Disagree with the blogger who says Mayor Trey Mendez "greatly disappointed" the citizens of Brownsville. Electing dilettante Mendez was always going to be a crapshoot. Blogger forgets he SUPPORTED Mendez against ex-Mayor Tony Martinez (as did all of the city's bloggers, btw).

Much good would come if Brownsville bloggers never took sides or protected their friends in politics. That, says I, is a cancer in town. Residents deserve an objective, non-partisan news venue. Bloggers are either too lazy to gather facts or are easily bought.


Anonymous said...

Monty, the brownsville observer posts a story every three weeks! Not exactly news, either. What's the observer's style - Clogged Colon Journalism?

Barton is irrelevant.

Anything else by anybody else is better, and you know it, ese.

he dicho.

Anonymous said...

No to Ronnie zamora for sherife

Anonymous said...

Juan, you need to advise Jessica Treatue to choose her friends wisely. I saw a post from her that her close friends are Ex-BISD failed Board Member Drue Brown that let all of her supporters down and was not reelected. As one Pricipal said, " Drue was always for the gringos and would never help anyone. Too much pride, too much ego, and no leadership. La cago." The picture also had current Board grifterbJessica Gonzalez who is now led by Drue Brown. Jessica has no education and all she cares about right now is to get her daughter a job, lunch dates with the Superintendent and turns the other way if you tell her a concern. Jessica T. lost our vote. She is too busy with these two losers that want free stuff and monies. Jessica Gonzalez wants a free lunch.

Anonymous said...

We may need a woman mayor?????

Anonymous said...

Let’s hope for the best on this next one, I feel if Jessica gets voted in things can be a catastrophe. She doesn’t seem to have a sound mind and much less has a history of hiding during major votes. Whether it’s the use of the bathroom or an abstain, she ran when we needed her. I’m sure a social media politician is not what we need for this city. I live in District 2, Jessica did nothing for this area, we were neglected for 12 years, so I ask the question, why would I vote for someone that has done nothing historically? Facebook posts do nothing for me or the community. We need someone to step up to the plate and swing not someone who shy’s away during a monumental moment. Family, friends, and other work constituents have spoken to me about this, I’ll be honest, we’re going with Cowen on this one. Seems to be the best candidate all around.

Anonymous said...

How can you tell that our local
elected/appointed officials, BPUB and their boards are lying?
They move their mouths.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pat could not have gotten a 20+ check without the approval of the finance supervisor the "I HAVE BEEN HERE 50 YEARS". FACT but he took the fall. re-open the case and investigate. JUSTICE MUST PREVAIL.

Anonymous said...

Can't expect much from Democrats! Same old same old. Brownsville to continue being a pile of crap. Just look at the streets, drainage issues, and old buildings that should have been demolished years ago.

Anonymous said...

One commissioner is following everyone around-wants control by locking in 4 votes. Looks like Cowan may turn our to be a puppet to.
Real problemas in my town.
My district is lost..the candidates don’t seem to stand for anything. MAy have to go with Katy-we know where she stands. A bit loca, but not wasteful and fooled easily.

Is erasmo the ONLY mayor candidate with no strings attached?

Anonymous said...

Out of the 3 Martinez will go do down as the most diseased of the three. From what I understand there still some form of investigation into Tenaska and I hope justice will be brought to all who were involved with that theft.One thing in common is that 3 of these mayor's were attorneys including Eddie Trevinio and one thinks he's one.

Anonymous said...

12:20 I dont care if its a martian or a hermaphrodite, as long as they have honesty, integrity and the willingness to look after the best interest of Brownsville and its citizens. PERIOD!!!

Anonymous said...

This is Texas history at its best, all three of these greedy so-called mayors denied Cameron County the quality of life and dignity it deserved. Also keep in mind who the County Judges were who played an important role in the corruption needed to complete the plan, non-other than Carlos Casco, and Eddie Trevino. All of these criminals stole Grant Monies that should have been allocated for the Cameron County quality of life purpose. The Cameron County Judicial system was set-up centuries ago by our so-called corrupt leaders as Charles Stillman, Miflin Kenedy, and Richard King and Frank Yturria to steal the land off of the heirs of Spanish land grants and changed land titles to justify their corruption. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

10:40 AM the second you wrote Katy and Erasmo on your comment you lost all credibility, sounds as if Katy is lurking this dying blog, you complain of others but forget Katy snagged up $500-$600 from the Red Cross, we don’t forget!

Anonymous said...

En la foto Pat esta enojado porque lo pescaron con EL CHEQUE. What a joke y los otros dos tan peor!!! Pura rata de dos patas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that Texas laws signed in 2021 are officially in effect with the start of 2023. S.B. 12 Restricts the ability of Public Schools districts to LEVY which means to impose a tax, fine, or punishment on a person or a business, property taxes especially on the ELDERLY or DISABLED.
These disgusting political leaders and lawmakers were greedy bastards making money off the elderly and disabled. No wonder Cameron County had tons of Nursing homes to complete their corruption. Even though this corruption was finally addressed about these corrupt political leaders, they added a provision that will provide funds, (monies) for districts facing budget shortfalls as a result of forthcoming property taxes. Wasn't this the whole purpose of using the grant monies appropriated? Another bill affecting public school funding is H.B. 1525 which restricts how local school districts can generate monies from property taxes. This are bills addressing the Property tax code revisions. H.B. 3774 addresses the Judicial branch Overhaul. The bill allows the public to access the state's court document database. It will restructure the State of Texas Courts system by creating 10 district courts, five statutory county courts, one statutory probate court and one criminal law magistrate court. These bills are way overdue to victims of corruption.

Anonymous said...

the anti-Barton comments are all from Duardo Garza, a failed, frustrated, jealous "blogger" from McAllen living in the house of his deceased mother.
