Monday, March 20, 2023



Anonymous said...

So many used-car lots in Brownsville.....and this guy is waiting on the city bus. No, pos, no. Como decirle a este guey.

"Haber, mano, quieres un ride? Pa donde la tiras, ese?"

Anonymous said...

"Si, pos voy al refin. Alla al Toddle Inn."

Anonymous said...

Sure does not look like Ebony Street where the ex-mayor lives or Rio Viejo.
!Que gauchos!"

Anonymous said...

To the moron calling evrybody cocos & mamones -

Stop eating your mother's leftover, defrosted placenta, you retard!

Open your own blog, sincesos!

Anonymous said...

ese bro es el southmost no te haga ya estas.

Anonymous said...

Rose Gowen is worthless. What has she done as commissioner JACKSHIT!! Millions of dollars spent on hike/bike trails . Hike and bike trails would have been ok but after fixing the streets, cleaning the alleys, more police presence etc. It’s called priorities lady. But yours are not priorities they are pet projects, one perfect example: your so called farmers market at linear park. Do you even know what a farmers market is? Where are all the vegetables/fruits and other edibles at lower prices?? Nowhere!! And now more tax payers money is being used to refurbish those warehouse looking buildings to house your “farmers market “. Its just another disguised venue for the “elite” in Brownsville to meet for Saturday morning coffee and buy expensive trinkets. And you also allowed the Tenaska fiasco to continue without lifting a finger. You too are guilty of that. Not one of you assholes on the city commission stood up for the citizens of Brownsville on this blatant abuse. You even let Bruciak walk unscathed. Im sure your hands were in the cookie jar also. $$$$$$$ is the name of the game huh?? Shame on all of you .

Anonymous said...

Again, I say Brownsville veterans should muster-up and launch a Bus Shelter construction campaign. It will show the community that they are more than just old, aging Lifers interested only in alcohol.

let's go, boys!!!


Anonymous said...

Why blame just Rose Gowen, Toya?

Didn't you post a story here two years ago quoting Mayor Mendez, your darling in the election against Tony Martinez, that some 25 bus shelters would soon be built? They never were.

Yes, you did, fucker!!!

you do something, Toya!!!

Anonymous said...

Three palm trees! That's plenty of shelter. Plus sitting down on a bench is bad for blood circulation, especially for aging vatos y viejas.

Stand tall, raza!

Anonymous said...

Easy, just designate that street a bicycle trail, and she'll order for a bench to be placed there.

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna ride the bus, wear a freakin' Hawaiian shirt!!!

make people think you're a rare tourist.

Anonymous said...

But the bike trails have shelters!

What a joke your town is

Anonymous said...

...but we have bike trails. Standing up is a form of exercise and helps beat diabetes. Can you imagine how many more benefits the Dude would get if he would pace while waiting for the bus. Though exercise is good I am being sarcastic. I personally know what a hardship it can be to take the bus.

Dude should have gone to TSC and have become a BISD teacher.,.there goes my sarcasm again. 😂

Anonymous said...

"El Chief Chapo Sauceda se la come" for mayor !!!

Anonymous said...

That dude in your bus stop photo looks remarkably like Ronnie Zamora.

Is it?


Anonymous said...

That fake commissioner is the same as Jessica, do nothing but take credit for doing nothing. She is garbage for Brownsville and it's funny that the At Large commissioners can be elected forever? The bike and hike trails is milking the cash cow of Brownsville. She knows how to milk that cow 24 hours a day. The biggest losers are the fools who support and voted for her. Does the city of Brownsville is paying people to used the bike and hike trails because the truth is?

Anonymous said...

The Big Flag in the photo: "Oh, how they long to be Americans........."

Anonymous said...

Toddle Inn manages to burn their beans cause every time I have taken a risk
to go with friends to that restaurant, me dan frijoles quemados. I'd rather
go eat cabrito on Monday at the International Coffee Shop on Cleveland and
International. All the food is delicious, especially las milanesas, y el
bistec ranchero. It is difficult to find a parking spot at that place cause it is always packed. Good food and good environment.

Anonymous said...

"Si, si. Voy para Mata por un tummy tuck. Haber si no me agarran....."

Anonymous said...

City candidate Linda Macias: "Rosie The Riveter was way, way before my time. I don't know who that is or was."

Anonymous said...

Don't elect or reelect anyone with Historical designation bullshit on their personal homes or businesses. These people should be ashamed of themselves by not paying a penny on property taxes while most of their constituents struggle to pay their fair share. In fact, the State of Texas should do away with these bullshit designation for personal homes or businesses. It's only a smoke screen so greedy people don't have to pay their fair share. Totally pathetic.

Anonymous said...

The ese bro don't pay any property taxes he lives with his mommie and she is trying to kick him out of her house but can't maybe his friend el cherife can offer some help to his mommie. STOP THE CHECKS TO THIS IDIOTA PINCHES RATAS. OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG JOTO.

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2023 at 10:55 AM
If I called you a coco and a mamon is because you are one and as long as you think you are a whitey you are a coco y un mamon. ese bro joto likes men and hates females. MARICON MAMON Y COCO

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2023 at 12:09 PM
quit insulting people here estupido mamon. open your own blog idiota

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2023 at 12:09 PM
como chingas pinche joto open your blog estupido

Anonymous said...

Being city commission has been lucrative for her without it she probably wouldn't have a job.She used her position to position herself using the city staff and resources to do research in grants available to her buddies. She is a lap dog for ex mayor Martinez and turned a blind eye to his bullshit. Lady we know your game anybody sees her at dinner let her know how you really feel.
