Monday, March 20, 2023



Anonymous said...

Wow! I hope that it says nothing degrading because it looks good. Hopefully, it reads "be proud of your roots." There is a lot of evil in our community but mostly there is good. If this person got paid, good for them. If they didn't, may you do something constructive with your life. "Porque el talento ya lo tienes." May goodwill and prosperity always accompany you.

Anonymous said...

It says: "Let's annoy Old School fools like Toya!"

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2023 at 6:37 AM
maricon jotingo tenias que salir con tus mamadas joto! Quit insulting people here pendejo

Anonymous said...

This scene from the movie, Falling Down can explain it.

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2023 at 6:37 AM
eres joto? nomas los hombres te gustan mamon maricon?
Open your own blog maricon

Anonymous said...

It's a mural of Jessica T.Kalifa without makeup. After numerous encounters with her husband Art Kalifa, Art decided to let it out how he actually pictures her at night after eating chinese food and removes her makeup and wig. It is Art way of coping with life and after much thought he asked someone to draw her as he sees her.

Anonymous said...

It's a sumo wrestler on a Concha
And the writing is gang graffiti

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2023 at 6:37AM

Listen fool Toya is what I started calling Montoya first. Why don't you crawl back from whatever "congal" your mother had you and raised you at? What did Toya fuck your grandmother, mother, sister, & wife and know you are jealous because he didn't do you?

You don't annoy Toya. If you did he would never post your, what do you call it, criticism. Estas bien Pendejo keep on dreaming. A Toya ni a los talones le llegas.

Anonymous said...

GR...the that the artist?

green, lemon green, kelly green, hunter green, blue green.

Super Green.

black: the symbol of grief
green: the symbol of life
the bowl of food, food flying all over the place:

I like this mural. What does it mean?

Anonymous said...

All Graffiti art is helping the city of Brownsville become a ghetto city. Why don't the artists put shit on those walls of downtown Brownsville. Put these ghetto art in our elementary school to get our students to put Marijuana and drug pictures to get a good start in life. Garbage art the true art of Brownsville, keep up the good work idiots.

Anonymous said...

It's Edmond Honda street fighter video game character.

Anonymous said...

It says that the painter(s) were on fentanyl.

Anonymous said...

Murals should show our heritage and local environment. Why not a mural on Hispanics picking crops in our local area? Ocean scenes? Local nature? But no, we allow an idiot to paint junk! These type of murals are often seen in drug plagued areas.

Anonymous said...

I see that shit when the Union Pacific train blocks the road.

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2023 at 12:09 PM
como chingas joto open your own your where you can insult everybody and yourself since you like to insult blog owners joton loves males. maricon

Anonymous said...

March 20, 2023 at 5:52 PM
Your are the one making yourself a fool here joto. te gustan los hombres maricon

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This scene from the movie, Falling Down can explain it.

March 20, 2023 at 9:04 AM

So it was just an artist, doing art and no explanations are necessary. Just to leave him alone and enjoy the mural?

PS I like the movie...I have never seen it. I will see it. Thank you.
