Monday, March 20, 2023


By Domingo Morel

W hen the state of Texas took over Houston's public school district on March 15, 2023, it made the district one of more than 100 school districts in the nation that have experienced similar state takeovers during the past 30 years.

The list includes New York City, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, New Orleans, Baltimore, Oakland and Newark. Houston is the largest school district in Texas and the eighth largest in the U.S.

While state of Texas claims the planned takeover is about school improvement, my research on state takeovers of school districts suggests that the Houston takeover, like others, is influenced by racism and political power.

States fail to deliver

State governments have used takeovers since the late 1980s to intervene in school districts they have identified as in need of improvement. While state administrations promise that takeovers will improve school systems, 30 years of evidence shows that state takeovers do not meet the states’ promised expectations. 

For instance, a recent report called Michigan’s 15-year management of the Detroit schools a "costly mistake" because the takeover was not able to address the school system’s major challenges, which included adequately funding the school district.

But while the takeovers don’t deliver promised results, as I show in my book, they do have significant negative political and economic consequences for communities, which overwhelmingly are communities of color. These negative consequences often include the removal of locally elected school boards. They also involve decreases in teachers and staff and the loss of local control of schools.

Despite the highly problematic history of state takeovers, states have justified the takeovers on the grounds that the entire school district is in need of improvement. However, this is not the case for the Houston takeover because by the state’s own standards, the Houston school system is not failing.
Low threshold for state intervention

Following a 2015 law, HB 1842, the state of Texas was granted authority to take over a school district if a single school in that district fails to meet state education standards for five or more years. The bill was passed by the Republican controlled state legislature with Democratic support. However, Democratic state lawmakers representing Houston argue that the law was a mistake and urged it to be revised.

Although the state has given the Houston Independent School District a B rating, it plans to take over the Houston schools because one school, Wheatley High School, has not made sufficient progress since 2017. According to state law, the state can take over a school district or close a school if it fails to meet standards for five years.

The Houston Independent School District has 280 schools. The district serves over 200,000 students. It employs roughly 12,000 teachers. Wheatley High School serves roughly 800 students and has roughly 50 teachers.

So why would a state take over a school district that has earned a B rating from the state? And why base the takeover on the performance of one school that represents fewer than 1 percent of the district’s student and teaching population?

In order to understand the logic of the planned state takeover of the Houston schools, it pays to understand the important role that schools have played in the social, political and economic development of communities of color. Historically, communities of color have relied on school level politics as an entry point to broader political participation. School-level politics may involve issues like ending school segregation, demanding more resources for schools, increasing the numbers of teachers and administrators of color, and participating in school board elections.

The process of gaining political power at the local level – and eventually state level – often begins at the schools, particularly the school board. For instance, before Blacks and Latinos elect members of their communities to the city councils, the mayor’s office and the state legislatures, they often elect members to the school board first.

Political representation at stake

In Texas, communities of color are politically underrepresented. Although Blacks, Latinos and Asians represent nearly 60 percent of the population in Texas, their political power at the state level is not proportional to their population. Whites make up 54 percent of the state legislature. The Republican Party controls the governorship, state House of Representatives and state Senate, but only 12 percent of all Republican state legislators are of color. 

Communities of color in Texas have filed lawsuits arguing that they have been prevented from gaining political representation at the state level by Republicans through racial gerrymandering, and voter identification laws that disenfranchise Black and Latino voters.

However, despite years of systematic exclusion of people of color, the political landscape is changing in Texas. Texas is increasingly urbanizing as a result of population growth in the state’s cities. Since urban voters are more likely to vote Democratic, the growth in the urban population may potentially alter political dynamics in the state. 

Also, while African Americans have solidly identified with the Democratic Party in Texas, Latinos have not. But that, too, is changing. Polls show that Latino support for Republican presidential candidates in Texas went from a high of 49 percent during George W. Bush’s reelection in 2004 to 35 percent for John McCain in 2008, 29 percent for Mitt Romney in 2012 and a low of 18 percent for Donald Trump in 2016, before bouncing back to 41 percent for Trump in 2020.

Houston, as the largest urban center in Texas, is at the forefront of this challenge to the Republican grip on state power. 

The Houston schools, in particular, are representative of the state’s demographic and political future. The nine-member Houston school board is reflective of the community it serves. It has three Latinos, four African Americans and two white school board members. This, in my view, is what has put the Houston public school system and school board at the forefront of a battle that is really about race and political power.

The Houston public school system is not failing. Rather, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, Education Commissioner Mike Morath and the Republican state legislature are manufacturing an education crisis to prevent people of color in Houston from exercising their citizenship rights and seizing political power.

(Domingo Morel is a n Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Service, New York University.)


Anonymous said...

The only improvement would be to put all those huevones that work only 8 months and get paid for 12 months to work a "FULL YEAR:, just like you and I.
NOW THATS YOUR TAXES AT WORK anything short of that will be a failure.
Now that's racist republicans at work, in texas 90% of teachers vote racist republican fact.

Anonymous said...

Blacks aren't allowing other minorities to learn with their violence and intimidation. Teachers are too busy teaching stupid shit. Don't let movies, TV shows, or television commercials tell you otherwise, but blacks aren't the most educated people in America.

That "professor" is afraid that educated minorities are going to start voting Republican .

Anonymous said...

pinche coco mamon

Anonymous said...

There are several issues confronting our educational system. First, we need to get away from funding schools for attendance instead of performance. Second, school administrators need to be strict within their schools and no longer tolerate disruptive youth. At a certain point disruptive youth not wanting to learn should be expelled and sent home. Teachers need to concentrate on teaching not babysitting. Lastly, teachers should speak out about the issues confronting them on a daily basis. But teachers will not speak out, due to fear of losing their high paying salaries. So if nothing is done to change these issues the taxpayer will just continue paying more for a product that will not meet up to the challenge.

Anonymous said...

We all knew he was a republican ever since he picked up that so call texan slang, he really is a true coco one of the originals here en el valle.

Anonymous said...

March 21, 2023 at 8:04AM
Teachers fear losing their jobs because like you and me they need to provide for their families.The politics involved at the workplace are horrible ...but " high paying salaries?" Teachers' salaries are a joke. Yes, teachers earn more than minimum wage but it is not enough for what they do. Teachers are better off going to work for the COB. Shhh, don't tell them you saw this suggestion here.

Anonymous said...

What does one have to do to explain to those idiots that teachers do not have 2 months off with pay. In the early 60''s or so, the State of Texas gave teachers option of receiving 12 checks or 9 checks. Their contract was already signed for a total figure of a salary for their teaching job. The teachers could select 9 months and get a higher monthly salary or select
a 12 month option and receive less each month thus allow them to divide the contract salary by 12. If he were to receive $27,000 on his salary and he opted to take it in 9 months, his monthly check would be $3000 a month. If he selected the 12 month option he would receive $2250 monthly.The remaining
difference would then be issued during June July and August. Get that into your head and quit claiming that teachers get paid for not working. Besides, you should be happy that they are there to provide free baby-sitting for some very disrespectful families and don't forget the free lunch that the kids are getting. Maybe while the kids are in school, those that
receive Lone Star should have the amount reduced since lazy parents send their kids to school hungry. La zorra nunca se ve la cola!

Anonymous said...

To 8:04 who claims that teachers are afraid of losing their "high paying jobs"
should do research and maybe find out that teachers are the lowest paid professionals and they are the ones who have educated you and every other professional. What would you do without teachers? You complain cause you
have to worry about paying out money during the summer for your kids baby sitter. Study the facts before you make certain ascertations~

Anonymous said...

Ese vato que se llama gobernador de Tejas es un mentiroso cauzando lastima
en su motocykleta! No se recuerda que su esposa Mexican con el nopal en la
frente fue educada por maestros hispanos o negros y tambien su hija.
