Sunday, March 19, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
From The Texas Voice

Judge Juan Magallanes of the 357th District Court in Cameron County was recently disciplined by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct for his endorsement of Democratic Congressional Candidate Dan Sanchez in the special election for Congressional District 34 that occurred on June 14, 2022.

In addition to receiving a private admonition, Magallanes was also ordered to undergo additional education. Although Magallanes is not named on the State Commission on Judicial Conduct's website, The Texas Voice has confirmed that Magallanes is the judge referenced in the disciplinary action handed down by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct on January 3, 2023.

The entry for the disciplinary action involving Magallanes states, “The judge lent the prestige of judicial office to advance the interest of and authorizing the public use of the judge’s name and judicial title to endorse a candidate in a special election by hosting a political event and making introductory remarks that a reasonable person, either in attendance at the event or watching a video of the judge’s remarks on social media, would believe was the judge’s public endorsement of the candidate. [Violation of Canons 2B and 5(2) of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct.] Private Admonition and Order of Additional Education of a District Court Judge.”

Canon 2B of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct provides that a judge shall not lend the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others. Further, Canon 5(2) of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct provides that a judge shall not authorize the public use of his or her name endorsing another candidate for public office.


Anonymous said...

Education is what most political figures here need. The majority estan bien brutos.

Anonymous said...

Uh, what about that federal judge that tried to get Trump out of a mess?

They got Juan Magallanes, but they could easily get a few fuckin' dozen more, Republicans mainly.

Justice has turned uber-political. If appointed by a Republican, that judge will side by Republicans and their issues 100% of the time. Same for democrat appointees.

U.S. Supreme Court is the same way. Now useless and unreliable.


Anonymous said...


Uh, NO.

He's still a judge.

(Consider your wording, Montoya. It's always a tad off.)

Anonymous said...

Did he actually buy that horse or did he get it through some adoption program? You would think that a judge with so much money could afford a better horse. As for his misconduct what else is new in Cameron County?

Anonymous said...

Happens all the time.

Enforcement is selective. probly cause Magallanes is Mexican.

Anonymous said...

He should be in Jail with Limas.

Anonymous said...

Nevah hoid a dis bum.

Anonymous said...

Was he sent to Resaca Elementary School which by the way is closed?

Anonymous said...

Walmart shirt on Magallanes.

typical Mex.

Anonymous said...

The Commission has never won one of these cases in court.

Anonymous said...

Toya is not after poiometry, the study of literary greatness.

He resigned himself to being average at best 35-40 years ago, hence his lingering penchant for using other reporter's writing on his blog. As if the obvious excellence will rub off on him.

I know, "open" my own blog.

Anonymous said...

Interesting you did not post your source - link. is that because the author pushes Republican hate towards Latinos. "Phelan Prioritizes Border Security, Democrat Histrionics Ensue" There is no story here. Also the author shows the picture of the speech but does not allow you to hear it. In the Nathan Hecht case the appellate court found a judge cannot be held accountable for the words of 3rd parties. How about doing some research before you take your paycheck? Even the author in this story admits the words came from a 3rd party. When Judge Magallanes wins in court, will you print that?


Anonymous said...

This bull shit is no "CHISME", nor hear say this corrupt, greedy so called Cameron County judge is given disciplinary actions on January 3, 2023 by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. This corrupt judge is just one of the MANY Cameron County Judges who think they are above the law. This crime looks like the conspiracy to Committe election fraud by this judge. Even Dan Sanchez should be investigated for this crime. Se cree muy chingon. Life is a bitch when you are caught.

Anonymous said...

Stories portraying local judges/lawyers as unethical are so numerous we’ve lost count. Does it really matter?? In a perfect world Ofcourse, but this is the RGV. All these stories come and go and no one is ever held accountable. We never even find out the outcome of these complaints/grievances. This judicial cesspool will always be the norm folks. Nothing will ever change(has it ever?) Don’t get me wrong, their are a handful of honest/ethical judges but they are heavily outnumbered by the corrupt/self serving ones. Hey judges which group are you a part of?? I’ll let you decide!!

Anonymous said...

Juan not to worry these so called STATE commissions dont do diddle squat to these elected officials or judges just a slap on the wrist and dont do it again y ya. WAHT HAPPEN WITH BPUB CEO JOHNNY BRUCIAK? HE RETIRED Y NADA, SO NOT TO WORRY SNICKY NICK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In photo: Which one is the gelding?

ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2023 at 9:55 AM
Pinche mamon Open your blog estupido ya pusistes gorro pinche idiota. nobody reads your shit. leave open your own blog guey

Anonymous said...

I saw a similar guayavera at garcias on sale 4 for ten bucks and he makes over 500k a year go figure.

Anonymous said...

My concern is Judge Magallanes may have to be admitted to the hospital POR LAS TRES PELADAS que le dan los republicanos. This man is the epitome of a good, decent man that I am proud to call your honor.

Anonymous said...

Good man. Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. What a fckn joke.

Anonymous said...

March 19, 2023 at 10:00 AM
buy a newpaper baboso.

Anonymous said...

das not a real horse its from that carousel at the mall
y jilberto? ya habla espanol tiene 50 anos que no hable espanol. me no espiquilie espaaneeish "NADA"

Anonymous said...

Where is your story on Elia supporting and openly campaigning for Luis Sorola, Gloria Rincones, and David Sánchez! That clown was driving viejitos to the polls in her red Mercedes.

Anonymous said...

Ask them judges how much money they get under the table from certain attorneys.

Anonymous said...

Juan es del Pueblo. El es justo y acertado. Uno de los mejores jueces del condado. No te dejes intimidar Juan! Deja que los perros sigan ladrando.

Anonymous said...

No hay necesidad de insultar. Si Magallanes es tu héroe ( y es uno de los mejores) que bueno. Pero ni somos perros , ni ladramos tampoco, es la opinión de lo demás. Somos libres de opinar . Asi como usted opina nosotros tambien . Para eso es este blog PARA OPINAR. GRACIAS.

Anonymous said...

juan how come there is no drug testing law for all elected officials? city, county and state especially judges? just wondering about all these coca and el polvo guys?

Anonymous said...

I have a bunch of 10 Buck shirts. Nice shirt by the way.

Anonymous said...

The entire courthouse is corrupted . Judges are not exception at all they favor certain people and make deals with individuals they like . We can no longer trust our judges . Auditors needs to start auditing every department some supervisors rarely show up to work . Funds are being mishandled . Documents are being altered. Enough with corruption Mr County Judge . Do your job and start letting people who are corrupt , manipulative and deceitful go . Remove the supervisors who bully their staff and get away with it . It’s no surprise that Magallanes backed the Sanchez brother . Didn’t his previous admin just move to Pretrial Services ? Especially since this person has no background or experience in running a department . But a favor for a favor runs the courthouse ….. sad to say this kind of behavior won’t ever change. I wonder when MR DA Saenz will step up and look at the corruption that is right under his nose .

Anonymous said...

He was endorsing Dan Sanchez and that is a no no.. Deserved to get sanctioned.. He was also endorsing Vicente.

Magallanes sentences people for shit he himself does. His campaign signs are all over the valley even in Hidalgo year round and no one says anything to him. Take them down. Sick of seeing them. Ah but since he is friends with the DA,and pays Mario Saenz to help in his campaign he gets away with stuff.
