Thursday, March 23, 2023


BROWNSVILLE, Texas (Valley Central) – The City of Brownsville honored a Sesame Street puppeteer at Tuesday night’s city commission meeting.

Brownsville native, Bradley Freeman Jr. was recognized by the city for his work in the popular and longtime-running children’s show.

In the show, Freeman brings to life the characters Wes and Tamir. The character Wes was first introduced in 2021 and has brought up the topic of racial justice through the music video “I am Somebody.”

Tamir made his debut in 2020 in the special “The Power of We,” where the characters discussed their common interests and feelings about racism.


Anonymous said...

Another Montoya steal...from ValleyCentral?


Anonymous said...

Did the puppet mention anything regarding our cities drainage and street issues?

Anonymous said...

Flinty Roy De Los Santos is the puppet.

unaccomplished politician.

"Eh, Juan, amigo, que es Tenaska? El BPUB es algo malo? Pos, diganme!"

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 7:49 AM
como chingas joton go buy the herald or open your blog mamon joton We know you like men joto

Anonymous said...

Muy buena pregunta. Aunque por el título me imaginé que trataría de los efectos que provocan el crecimiento descontrolado en el medio ambiente al igual que el desplazamiento de la gente nativa. Este problema lo hemos padecido durante muchos años en diferentes pueblos y ciudades de México en donde pareciera que ya es muy tarde para hacer algo. Espero que algún día se pueda hacer algo para proteger nuestra naturaleza, cultura y gente. No quiero ser mala vibra, yo también disfruto mucho de estos lugares pero también me doy cuenta de estos problemas. Que tengan todos un buen día!

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 7:49 AM
ponte las chanclas y vete pal town y levanta hombres joton. Your favorite pastime MARICON

Anonymous said...

Goofy, landlubber Trey Mendez is the puppet. Always has been. Poor vato cree que es chingon, pero realmente es Tom Thumb, el enano.

Anonymous said...

As the child the Seseme Street puppets always scared me. I am happy for Mr. Freeman. However, I would be more impressed if it was someone with a Hispanic last name.

Anonymous said...

The only puppet is El Chapo Sauceda, he will do anything to save money in order to get brownie points from the commissioners. He will go as far as assigning up to 8 patrol officers on night shift to cover the entire city. But hey,,, according to him, Brownsville is the 6th safest city in the world.... Idiota!

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 7:49 AM
Ya mama is giving away free tokens pendejo do you know who your dad is?

Anonymous said...

Da'blimp/stuck in the closet wants to be mayor but still lives with his parents, what a joke!!

Anonymous said...

there is a pendejo here that keeps insulting people and the blog owner, just because his mami won't tit feed him.

Anonymous said...

Muppets have a hidden agenda. Rainbows etc.

Anonymous said...

Treys greedy ass is trying to cash out before he gets out and Gowen they already scammed watch there asses closely.looks like they learned a lot from Martinez

Anonymous said...

Rose Gowen Being city commission has been lucrative for her without it she probably wouldn't have a job plus she was a shitty doctor with the bedside manner of a mechanic., thats probably why she works for the indigent now.She used her position to position herself using the city staff and resources to do research in grants available to her and her buddies. She is a lap dog for ex mayor Martinez and turned a blind eye to his bullshit. Lady we know your game you fool no one anybody sees her at dinner time let her know how you really feel.

Anonymous said...

Was Bradley hired as a consultant to teach all Brownsville politicians how to become puppets? There is always someone or something pulling the strings of all those that are shown here. I bet Bradley came to learn about our own
puppets and how they get away with all their shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

All commissioners are puppets …. Fitting

Anonymous said...

Which puppet? I see a couple…and three if you count the Sesame Street one….

Anonymous said...

Emerald green, Jessica would look beautiful in emerald green. Sea foam green woul look great on her too. This is from one vieja to another.

Anonymous said...

about their speed muppet/puppet speed that's all we get here. DO NOT RE-ELECT NO ONE EVER AGAIN

Anonymous said...

the city is going to the dogs and these pendejetes are playing with puppets. DO NOT RE-ELCT NO ONE EVER AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
As the child the Seseme Street puppets always scared me. I am happy for Mr. Freeman. However, I would be more impressed if it was someone with a Hispanic last name.

March 23, 2023 at 8:56 AM

You're not the brightest bulb on the Christmas Tree are you? The reason that this is such a big deal is because these are the first "Black" muppets to be featured on Sesame Street. Mr. Freeman is half African American and half Hispanic. You're exactly the target audience when they bring up the topic of racial justice. Yeah, let's have a hispanic talk to the world about racial justice in regards to African Americans. Stay in your little hole.

Anonymous said...

Why is LiMu Emu (the Liberty Mutual ostrich) showing up at so many publicity events for photo opportunities now?

What has LiMu Emu done for Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

He is being being honored for promoting the idea that he did not get a fair shake in the valley because he is black. Move to the urban ghettos if don't feel welcome here.

Anonymous said...

Che Vieja en chanclas!

Come on commission dress the part!

Reminds me of mayor Tony and his faded jeans


Anonymous said...

Roy de las chanclas is a joke! He belongs in sesame street not on the city commission!
