Thursday, March 23, 2023



Anonymous said...

Old School. Like Phil Cowen, she's too old now.

Once upon a time, Caty was a rabble-rouser as BISD trustee. We don't need screamers, need do'ers!!

I'm voting no.

Anonymous said...

No, pos estaes una pelicula antigua, hermano. Ese tiempo ya paso. Se buscan nuevas mentes y nuevas ideas. Esta mujer ya tuvo su turno. Lamentablemente cumplio con poco.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Never again.

Anonymous said...

Female Erasmo Castro. Not going anywhere on Election day. (well, home)

Anonymous said...

Flake hair extensions Jessica did what for district 2 and for the taxpayers? Jessica didn't know what was going on at PUB? GBIC ? Bike and hike money trail? The list goes on? Why didn't Jessica take the lead and get to the bottom of the hundreds of millions of taxpayers monies missing? Jessica is first in line to party hardly. Get drunk Jessica needs plenty of photos ops by jumping table to table so people can think the people support her? Jessica needs to answer the questions about PUB, the current PUB board of the same people that are not going to do nothing about the lose of millions of dollars but brush it under the table. Jessica, you can't even sweep or mop or clean your own house and you want to mayor of Brownsville. You started with a bang and now you are in the gutter with the status quo of city commissioners.

Anonymous said...

Is Caty going to sue COB too? Just food for thought. LOL

Anonymous said...

Great lady, Seems like that the only one in district 2 that has any sort of experience in anything. Linda Mancias is a clone of Jessica Tetreau and the other guy just doesn't cut it. Hopefully Caty takes care of her people in District 2. Vote Caty!!

Anonymous said...

bad vibe coming from her this time around. She's been around too long. time for new, young blood.

Anonymous said...

Correction Headline: ...concerns FOR the city

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Caty! Get in there and tell them how the cow eat the cabbage.
Dob't let them try to pull the wool over your eyes like certain people did
at BISD. I always remember your Dad's description of you "Los mando por leche y para cuando los huercos viene con ella, Caty viene con el queso!" I know
you get things done and that is what we need in this city that elects people who are out to line their pockets or use it as a stepping stone to a higher

You have my vote and as many that I can reach out to and show them why you are the one we need in the commission. Be calm, cool and collective but do not let anyone run over you. Adelante y con ganas! Sorry I missed your
gathering tonight but I just found out about it. I will reach out to you
at a later date, OK?

Anonymous said...

Ha! No

Lopez for D2

Anonymous said...

Linda Macias looks and sounds like a high school student. Has no knowledge, experience or guts. Meek little mouse who thinks to high of herself. She thinks our biggest problem is side walks. Really Linda??? How about run down streets, and many other more pressing issues. She is clueless. Pobrecita because she is part of the slate she thinks she won. She will bring nothing to the district should she win. No to Linda. YES to Caty. You who say she is old are ridiculous. We need an assertive experienced leader. Not una mocosa.

Anonymous said...

By not resigning from. BCIC Linda Macias shows her arrogance and already not following the rules of the charter. I won't vote for her.My vote is with Caty Presas. She will work hard to make a better city.

Anonymous said...

So an assertive woman is a bi%ch. But an assertive man is made the CEO. But an older woman is too old but an older man is our President. Imagine Joe Biden is 80. Or would you make 30 year old like Linda Macias a Senator, President. Of course not. So she isn't ready to be a commissioner either. Maybe 10 years from now. And even then I won't vote for her. I laugh at those who say we need young people. PLEASE!!! Caty for D2.

Anonymous said...

Hell No! She’s sued, lied, and uses her power for personal and financial gain. Doesn’t do anything for the community but when she runs to expects the community to be there for her. Out with the old, in with the new. Linda Macias will do a great job. She’s community oriented, energetic, and intelligent. Macias for D2!!

Cameron County tax payer said...

We do not want an airhead representing District 2 we need a person with lots life experiences to run District 2 my vote goes to Caty

Wicho said...

Vote Caty!!

Joe cantu said...

We need old school values look at our city go to a business there's no parking space buildings are too close to streets no setbacks our streets are deteriorating not enough police officers overpaid city managers too much b******* at the building permit office and the list goes on I will vote for a person with experience anytime over education let's do it for present two c a t y all the way

Anonymous said...

Wake up Brownsville look at it carefully our city out of control Pub out of control ripping people off BISD out of control bunch of non experienced people running for office we need people with life experience people skills to get things done let's vote for c a t y

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 8:08's comment about BISD. The 3 musketeers are the reason so many are retiring, quitting or moving to another district. These 3 persons are in no way prepared to meet the needs of a school district the size of ours. They have been runned out of their previous districts for reasons that should be researched and published.

People like Caty Preses-Garcia can and will put a stop to the same type of
so-called commissioners' actions that only address their pet projects.

Vamos con Caty! I loved the comment about her being quicker in thinking and
doing things, Para cuando los huercos van por la leche, ella ya viene con el Queso! You should use this as your slogan.

Anonymous said...

Ya no Caty. Ya vete Todavia quieres mas. Ahora quieres viajar con la feria de la ciudad como lo hiciste en BISD. Ya no queremos mas drama . Se necesita gente nueva y honesta Ya basta de estos dinosaurios que no hacen nada por la gente del pueblo pero para ellos nomas. Puro matalote

Anonymous said...

Juan que está pasando con Chente con La Gente? Se la está pasando de viaje. Is he suckling on the government tit or is he using special interest money? Se ha olvidado del pueblo! La Mayra mentiras va a ganarle si no se cuida. No le vaya a pasar como a Villareal y va a perder con una republicana! Ayuda Juan!

Anonymous said...

Cata is Pat Ahumada in a skirt

Anonymous said...

Personally, I like older you don't have to baby sit nor change the dippers nor train and you can tell if they are mentally incapable.

Tax payer said...

Linda Macias nice little girl however she's not ready to be a commissioner and we sure don't want a puppet in District 2 vote for c a t y experience and has to know how to do things the right way she helped with BISD and yet there's some haters they didn't like her the reason they didn't like her is that they couldn't steal from BISD when she was there

Anonymous said...

Out with the old in with the new. We need change. She had her chance and did nothing for the community.

Anonymous said...

Caty, she loves the fight and will do good things for D2 and the city, Your never to old to do what is right! And that's what this city needs! But it will take all of them she is just 1 vote. All the city commisioners and the Mayor need to look at what's right and do it. Stop talking and show us results.

Anonymous said...

Fuera con los antiguos. We need NEW BLOOD!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has the 3 Musketeers San Benito has the 3 Amigos and the Wonder Boy. Viva SAN BENITO.

Anonymous said...

Caty îs terrible. Awful, bitter person with a horrendous track record of service on BISD. No thanks!

Anonymous said...

Caty is a bone fide Trumpeter . Ugh, no thanks. I will say she's got guts , as far as I know is honest and is no airhead. Can't vote in this race any how.

Anonymous said...

Linda Macias should pay attention to being a mom to her 2 toddlers. The youngest is not even a year old. She works all day until 5 pm. Then goes to the gym and her board meetings. When does she bond with her daughters? Why have them so someone else can take care of them. Pobrecitas niñas. A mom who doesn't give a damn about being a mom. She's shrugs it off by saying I have a good support system. WRONG are supposed to be the mom!!! And you want to be a commisioner and also be on the BCIC board. Maybe you can give up those kids so they won't be a bother for you. You know nothing about taking care of your children but want to be a commisioner. Charity starts at home right?????

Anonymous said...

Caty is the best choice for D2 commissioner. She has experience and courage to change things to make the district and city better. As a realtor she knows the city well and what the major issues are. She also has the free time to be available to answer any concerns the residents have. She loves to help people. That is why I am voting for Caty.

Anonymous said...

We need her for district 2. WHY??? Because Linda Macias has no knowledge, experience,or platform and is a narcissist. It's all about her ego.. Ernesto is a nice guy but he too has little experience. For those who say she is old how silly. She is not old I think she is in her mid 50's and that is still young. Perfect age to be a commisioner. Para delante con Catalina...

Anonymous said...

Caty Erasmo n Susan … 3 good friends with evil intent

Hinojosa said...

I like to thank Caty, and the school board members that approved the the facility for the Construction technology program at Hanna High School that was never recognized for many years thank you again. Vote for c a t y she'll do good as a commissioner in the city of Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

La Lynda is only nice when she needs something from you. We need a veteran like Ernest on the Commission!

Anonymous said...

Cata was a realtor back when she was at BISD , so what good did that do??? Yes she also had a lot of free time but how did she utilize that time? (She was always on her “ business trips” doing god knows what). Sure as hell wasn’t for the benefit of the school district. Cause it was always drama ( personal attacks on her) she was always the victim . It was always the same story(attacks,confrontations,fingerpointing, lawsuits etc) Her history is well documented. Is that what we want again, but now at the city level?. One question to all ? If it was your business and you were hiring and Cata applied , would you hire her( after doing research, reading her resume/ history, contacting her references(BISD) ) ??? Would you allow her to work for you. You decide!! Same concept goes for all these other so called candidates vying for these coveted city positions. Its no longer about PUBLIC SERVICE its about SELF SERVICE. Thanks

Anonymous said...

All that I remember, from the last time that she ran for BISD, is that she stated that her opponents wanted to get on the "gravy train." When she made that statement I thought that she was reflecting what she herself wants. She will sue the city of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Fake hair, botox Jessica and bend over Linda the fool will put a fake show at city hall. It's nice to have the cash to get of drunk driving and husband beater for mayor. That Linda got her position like every else in high positions, kissass. Cathy got our votes period in order to get to the bottom if the Tanaska missing millions of dollars.

Anonymous said...

No mames Montoya …. How much did she cough up for you to post all these absurd comments… much less the advertisement, shows you the limited validity of this dying blog.

Anonymous said...

Out with the old … in with the new …. Linda’s got mine and my family’s vote!

Anonymous said...

Linda is easily the strongest candidate, educated, motivated, professional, a go getter none the less! Linda all the way!!

Anonymous said...

Let’s analyze District 2 candidates…. Lopez ??? Who the hell is that narc anyways?? Cata? You gotta be kidding me, politically black balled… sued her own board as an elected official, I call this the juice of garbage… Lastly, Linda is very much more appealing, has a sound mind, has good ambition, very good energy, nonetheless it is apparent she is hands down the best candidate for the job.

Anonymous said...

La Mera Neta: Ese Lopez es cholo, ni puede hablar ingles, ni paga sus trabajadores… es El puppet de Jessica …. Eso es la mera Neta …. Y todos pensando la jovensita era parte de la Yessica…. No mames … y la otra vieja - en el barrio le decin La Fea … que chingaos quiere … mas dinero de la communidad … que se vaya y’a….

Anonymous said...

Reading through the comments it’s really sad someone brought up things that aren’t part of politics, such as Linda being a mother, I understand there is freedom of speech, use it, that’s fine, but don’t drag other issues into this situation that are of no substance. Those comments to me only display the lack of “dirt” they have on a candidate. Nonetheless, this informs me there isn’t any dirt. It’s an obvious political opposition is reaching for anything they can think of, how sad. Hold your political oppositions accountable when needed because of historic decisions they’ve made while sitting on an appointed or elected position but don’t drag family into this. That’s such a low class statement and shame on you Montoya for allowing that under the belt jab. I felt the need to post this as I too am a mother and can only imagine if someone criticized me for being a mom of 4 and wanting to go out and be apart of community service event. All is possible!

Anonymous said...

Inside intel: there are slates

Slate 1: Rubalcava (trumper/Qanon), Cata (Pat in a dress pero te hace sue), and Pat (anda buscando cheque nuevo con Cata)

Slate 2: Jessica (apesta gaucho, anda controlando ese vato Lopez), Lopez (segun es boss pero el vato anda en Dallas buscando trabajo hahaha)

Slate 3: Tino, Cowen (son camaradas)

- ya estas gente …

Anonymous said...

District two is an obvious choice for my family and I, Linda Macias! I got to meet her at a recent event loved her energy, platform and vision.

Anonymous said...

Linda went to the Jaime Zapata clean up event on Saturday. How long did she stay? 15 minutes!!! Yes 15 minutes. Enough to take pictures and post on her political page how much fun she had. How sad. Gente that is her style. No tengo tiempo. Not even now that she is campaigning did she stay long. Just a quick photo of and bye bye.She should not be a commissioner. She is all SHOW.Not really committed. She will not represent the district well.

Anonymous said...

Whether they were 15 minutes or 50 minutes, she picked up more trash than the other two candidates! No one asked her to be there, she took it upon herself, and showed up with good intentions! The next garbage clean up she will attend will be May 6th as she throws out the other 2 trash candidates! Linda! Linda! Linda! Linda!

Anonymous said...

To the woman who got offended about someone who said Macias was a mother. Well it has to do with having time to be a commissioner.It has nothing to do with a personal attack. If you serve then you have to put in the time. Tino Villarreal resigned from PUB when sadly his parents got cancer. He did the right thing. If you chose to be in politics you open yourself to questions. If you are easily offended don't run. Mr. Montoya is right in not censoring comments. Thank you. Free speech.

Anonymous said...

The comment about Lynda not having dirt and that is why they bring up she being a part time mom. It must be true or it wouldn't have upset the writer. If the shoe fits wear it.
Lynda resign from the BCIC board!!! Why haven't you. Because if you don't win as commissioner at least you have BCIC. Not to confident you will win.

Anonymous said...

To the woman who got offended about someone who said Macias was a mother. Well it has to do with having time to be a commissioner.It has nothing to do with a personal attack. If you serve then you have to put in the time. Tino Villarreal resigned from PUB when sadly his parents got cancer. He did the right thing. If you chose to be in politics you open yourself to questions. If you are easily offended don't run. Mr. Montoya is right in not censoring comments. Thank you. Free speech.

Anonymous said...

8:09 AM You're completely full of it, I was at the clean-up, the young lady was there as long as I was, one hour and fifteen minutes to one hour and half (that's my guess, because that's how long i was there and saw her the entire time), no one was tracking time on how long every volunteer was there, that wasn't the point of the gathering, the point was to pick up trash, which we did, and she was gracious enough to help, that's all that matters. The real question is where were the rest of you so called community advocates? We definitely could of used more help to get more done. Thank you to Linda for the help and thank you to everyone else that volunteered as well. Monty, help us out next time with a post on your blog to improve the amount of volunteers at our next clean up.

Anonymous said...

8:50 if it’s about time then what’s the issue, the young lady seems to get it all done, community service, work and being a mom. Obviously she has not been limited by any situation she is presented with, so I don’t see your poor argument. Once again it appears as her political opposition is reaching for something that doesn’t seem to be a problem. Linda, we know what your capable of, no need to worry of the incapable.

Anonymous said...

Does this candidate not know her district? Why is she posting her campaign signs in District 3? Someone please gift her the zone map.

Anonymous said...

Wow I thought I've seen it all but NO. Linda supporter stating Linda went to pick up trash the other 2 didn't. Linda went to meet people so they vote for her. If you are serious you stay the whole time .Not just enough to pretend to care. Yet you call her other 2 opponents trash.Terrible to refer to a Purple Heart Veteran that way. Wounded defending our country. My Lopez is a nice man. So is Caty Presas. But you call them trash.
Speaks volumes about your lack of humanity. Que triste. Linda is that you who wrote the comment? Or was it your friend? My mom used to say, "tienes razon lo que no tienes es verguenza."
