Wednesday, March 22, 2023


By Margaret Sullivan
The Guardian

As it tries to defend itself against the accusation that it knowingly spread lies about the 2020 presidential election, Fox News has touted some lofty notions about the role of journalism in a democratic society.

“There will be a lot of noise and confusion generated by Dominion and their opportunistic private equity owners,” said a recent company statement, “but the core of this case remains about freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which are fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and protected by New York Times v Sullivan.

The background, of course, is that Dominion Voting Systems is seeking $1.6bn in damages from the media giant, arguing that Fox News spread damaging falsehoods purporting that the voting machine company rigged the election to defeat Donald Trump. 

Dominion intends to show that network representatives at the highest levels – right up to Fox News’s founder, Rupert Murdoch – knew that this was utter nonsense, that the election was valid, and that their primary concern was not truth-telling but appeasing their disappointed pro-Trump audience.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe press rights belong to a wide spectrum of media organizations, whatever their political leanings.

But Fox’s reliance on first amendment protections – while part of a legal strategy that may prove successful in court – is the height of hypocrisy. America’s founders believed it was essential that American citizens be well-informed about the behavior of public officials and other powerful entities, and thus be capable of self-governance.

The recent revelations from court filings, however, make it clear that such a noble mission was far from top of mind at Fox, not just in the aftermath of the 2020 election but going back years.

Take, for example, one of the network’s biggest stars, Sean Hannity, who ventured far outside the bounds of journalistic norms when he appeared with Trump at a 2018 campaign rally. (Fox brass, normally tolerant of their stars’ excesses, went so far as to reprimand him.)

Hannity, who has stated that he’s not a journalist, has played the role of a Trump insider – even an informal adviser to Republican officials. Recall his January 2021 text message to former chief of staff Mark Meadows and Republican congressman Jim Jordan: “Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days,” apparently referring to persuading Trump to conclude his presidency peacefully before inauguration day.

“When Hannity advised the president about the ongoing insurrection he did not do so as a journalist but as an ally, a confederate, a teammate, rather than an umpire or observer,” the famed first amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams told me last year, characterizing this as “non-journalistic behavior, in fact almost the precise opposite of journalistic behavior”.

And given Fox’s clear reliance on the landmark press-rights case Times v Sullivan, why haven’t its journalists grilled their new heartthrob, the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, about his newsworthy desire to weaken the journalistic protection it provides?

DeSantis wants the courts to revisit Times v Sullivan, but somehow this doesn’t get the attention of Fox News interviewers. His alarming views on that landmark decision, which established a higher bar for defamation lawsuits involving public figures, haven’t provoked a single challenge in his 12 Fox appearances this year, according to a Media Matters for America database.

Initially, Fox even forbade its own Howard Kurtz, who hosts a weekly show on the news media, from covering the Dominion case. After Kurtz, to his credit, publicly expressed his disagreement with that prohibition, and after plenty of outside criticism followed, the bosses relented long enough last weekend to let him discuss the case and call it a test of the first amendment.

Meanwhile, Fox hosts for years have urged their grievance-hungry audience to despise journalists. (Granted, over the years, Fox has sometimes filed “friend of the court” briefs in support of other media outlets.)

Rants against the media are a mainstay for personalities like Laura Ingraham, who drops disparaging phrases like “leftwing media hacks” and “regime media” into her segments.

But it took Tucker Carlson – the very face of Fox News – to go further in a 2021 interview, calling mainstream journalists “cringing animals not worthy of respect”.

“It just makes me sick. I really hate them,” said Carlson, who more recently has been busy portraying the violent insurrection on 6 January 2021 as a largely peaceful protest or even a friendly tourist visit.

Yet somehow, when it comes time to defend the network’s profit-driven willingness to circulate lies, Fox News is eager to claim solidarity with those supposedly despicable cowards. Now, you see, it’s all about journalists standing together, arm-in-arm, on the very underpinnings of American democracy.

I’m all for press rights and for applying them broadly. But somehow, I don’t think this was what the founders had in mind.

Fox News doesn’t deserve the second word in its name.

(Margaret Sullivan is a Guardian US columnist writing on media, politics and culture.)


Anonymous said...

You are a scoundrel for not reporting on Hunter Biden's laptop and its contents. That footage has plenty of exculpatory evidence. The Guardian is from a country that doesn't have freedom of expression as we know it. Journalists have become nothing more than government spokespersons in the USA.

Anonymous said...

"A little bit like El Rrun Rrun, yeah." - Tucker Carlson

Anonymous said...

You are trying to tell us El Rrun-Rrun cares about honesty in journalism?

Anonymous said...

Hunter Biden's laptop had nothing. Dept. of Justice has said so how many times?

Get over it, racist Republican!!!

Besides, Biden is NOT an elected official, pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Well, everyone know FOX NEWS should be renamed The National Enquirer News Channel. They go hand in hand with the many lies they pass on their channels and their fellow Republicans eat it all up! Perfect fit those two!

Anonymous said...

Fox news= Fake news

Anonymous said...

Is Margaret Sullivan the same individual that worked for the Washington Post and later the New York Times? Left wing media owned and controlled by democrats. Our country is facing major troubles in the world stage. Due to Democrats weak foreign policies, we have allowed Russia and China to unite as well as Saudi and Iran. So who has our back? NATO? What a joke! NATO countries only need us to bail them out. They have nothing to offer. Democrats should have paid more attention to foreign policies and less time trying to take Trump down what they have been trying to do for numerous years at taxpayer expense to no avail. Democrats are chickens in a cage full of wolves. Scary!

Anonymous said...

March 22, 2023 at 9:09 AM March 22, 2023 at 10:29 AM March 22, 2023 at 11:03 AM
como chingas joto racist republican coco mamon y vendido. open your own blog joton. likes men joto

Anonymous said...

Thank God Trump lost his last election. Trump and Putin being joined at the hip would have been a disaster for the USA. We would be under Putin's control by now since that grifter Trump would have sold us out to Russia by now. He is the most dangerous president to have ever been elected. Why some Republicans refuse to acknowledge those dictator traits he possesses is beyond anyone. Democrats are not chickens in a cage full of wolves but Republicans are ready to give up our country to Russia, Saudi Arabia, China or any country that is lead by a dictator. Now what kind of monies or promises have been discussed with the grifter is another story. I guess some Republicans are eager to give up our Democracy and be under a fascist regime. I suggest they move to another country where they can live under one.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how back in 2016 thru 2018 the Republicans we had all three branches and didn't approve $20 billion for our country's security. Now we just throw away over $100 billion to Ukraine of our money!! We got to love the democrats!

Anonymous said...

Remember Trump's "Russia are you listening" calling while he was campaigning in 2016? But there was no Russian interference on the election?Remember his words "Putin is a genius" and last but not least, Trump believed Putin instead of his own intelligence agencies. Come on people, wake up, we surely need another president in 2024 but definitely not Trump. Not only no, but hell no.

Anonymous said...

March 23, 2023 at 8:46AM
I completely agree with your statement.

I find it super funny that he is calling for his supporters to go protest his arrest. The fools, if they go, will only get arrested themselves. I have figured out why he wants to be president again because if he his elected all investigations against him will stop. That, my friends, is his out of jail card.

Que viva la justicia.
