Monday, March 6, 2023


By Juan Montoya 

The mills of the gods (feds), local lawyers say, grind slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.

So fine, in fact, that lawyers representing Ruben Gallegos, Ruben Gallegos Jr. and Juan Gonzalez – former president, CEO, and the finance director of International Education Services respectively – have asked for repeated continuances from the federal courts citing the complexity of the federal charges filed against them August 2022. In fact, so has the government.

All three face theft and embezzlement charges they are accused of committing during the time they worked with and operated IES. On February 8 attorneys representing Gallegos Jr. and Gallegos Sr. stated that they continued to receive "discovery" from the federal government and "discovery in this matter is voluminous."

A federal motion filed Feb. 10 by Gonzalez's attorney – Reynaldo "Trey" Garza – states he is not ready to proceed with this matter and that at an earlier court date, "the matter was certified as complex by order of this court."

The federal docket states that jury selection is scheduled for May 8, but at this rate, don't hold your breath.

Count one of the indictment charges them with conspiracy. Count two charges them with theft concerning programs receiving federal funds

Among the charges and according to a portion of the indictment, Gallegos Jr. was paid salaries way over the $183,000 cap limit with his 2017 salary at $435,416.88. 

But that only covers that year. Other documentation filed on IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, listed their salaries and benefits, respectively, $677,242 (Sr.), $663,240 (Jr.), and $546,877 (Gonzalez) in salaries and benefits.
(Eduardo Andres Lucio is former Texas State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, and was listed as receiving $125,000 a year as I.E.S.'s legal counsel. But there is talk that the actual total approached $400,000. Since the story was published, they have erased all the pictures of them together on their Facebook page, especially when Ruben calls Eddie his business partner. Shouldn't the state rep have known better?And is that the reason that Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. and Lucio III decided not to run for re-election?)

According to the Appellate Division of the Department of Health and Human Services Departmental Appeals Board, the total amount of IES expenditures of federal funds to house migrant children "disallowed" amounted to $17,673,785.40. (DAB 3055, Docket Nos. A-18-46 and A-18-47 from Dec 30, 2021.) 

The defendants are also charged with approving transactions with Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs) controlled by the Gallegos with less than arms-length transactions and used federal funds to – among other things – pay for construction on property owned by them even though reimbursement of such costs were not allowed by federal grant regulations.

Additionally, the indictment charges that the three contracted for unallowable consulting fees from related individuals or entities paid with federal funds. They are not named in the indictment, but we're sure there are some people who did business with IES losing sleep as the indictments start to rain. Some have claimed that a portion of their extravagant "compensation" found its way back to Gallegos Jr.'s pockets.  

But if anyone flaunted the cash, it was Gallegos Jr., who – in collaboration with former Texas State Rep. Eddie Lucio III, the IES board's External Affairs, in-house counsel – lived high on the IES hog for years and flaunted his access to his ill-gotten gains. 

There were the private jets jaunts to exclusive Jackson Hole, Wyoming posted (since erased) by Gallegos Jr. Then, of course, their jaunts to the exclusive Park City Mountain, Utah ski resort and rubbing elbows with Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) heavyweight stars like Frank Mir in Las Vegas, one of his Vegas "friends" who was among the many fighters paid by Gallegos to promote his and Lucio III's clothing line "Ganas." (In fact, he had a slot machine tattooed on his chest as can be seen in the photo at top.)

The IES contracted with the Unaccompanied Alien Children Program and provided temporary shelter care and other related services to unaccompanied alien children, according to the federal indictment.
IES received almost all of its funding in the form of federal grants, and for each fiscal year from 2014 through 2018, it received millions of dollars in federal grant funds.

Private jet jaunts to exclusive ski resorts or to Vegas to rub elbows with celebrities were just part of the way Gallegos Jr. splurged the pile of cash the government awarded IES. There were also the "toys" like pedigree dogs, and motorized tricycles.

Through all this, Gallegos Jr. and his "friends" in South Texas lived in the lap of luxury paid by the federal government funds meant to provide temporary shelter and other services to unaccompanied minors.    

If found guilty on count one of the indictment, each man faces five years in federal prison, and/or a $250,000 fine and three years supervised release. If found guilty on count two of the indictment, they face up to 10 years in federal prison, and or a $250,000 fine plus three years supervised release.

All three have pleaded not guilty to the charges and are out on bond.

As we said at the start of this post, the mills of the gods (feds) grind slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.


Anonymous said...

"From the rocking of the cradle to the rolling of the hearse, the going up was worth the coming down..." - Kristofferson

Wanton thievery is an upwardly mobile move for many Mexicans like Gallegos.

Rot in jail, pendejo!

Anonymous said...

It's "living high ON the hog," Monty.

check your saying son Google before you post them. Save you some embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

The FBI is investigating a kidnapping of four US citizens who were last seen in Mexico, the US Embassy in Mexico City said Sunday.

The Americans crossed into Matamoros, Tamaulipas, in a white minivan with North Carolina plates on March 3 and came under fire soon after, according to the embassy.

Gunmen opened fire on the van and then pulled all four Americans out and ordered them into another vehicle at gunpoint, officials said.

Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen to these people 5 years is nothing I would do it to become a millionaire

Anonymous said...

Look at Sylvia Atkinson 5 years in prison is nothing for what she did these guys deserve more time put an example

Anonymous said...

May he be well-fucked and often in prison.

Anonymous said...

Fact check: Trump delivers wildly dishonest speech at CPAC
He's already practicing his lies just in case. He will neve be president again racist republcan

BobbyWC said...

4 U.S. Americans kidnapped right at the bridge while driving their minivan into Matamoros. What Part of the Sign "DO NOT TRAVEL DID THEY NOT UNDERSTAND?"

Oh yes in short order their families will blame Biden for not doing enough to stop their loved ones from entering a DO NOT TRAVEL ZONE. I am sorry they may be dead by now, but they made the choice to ignore the warning. It is time for personal accountability.

Anonymous said...

This post is what makes Juan Montoya the Nurith Galonsky of blogging.

youse know it.

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 7:19 AM

Anonymous said...

Da Blimp always late with the news everybody already has.

poor loser.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Mr. Montoya, but you forgot to include the names of all those who were also high on the hog besides the Gallegos boys and the Lucios. You forgot to mention that all Dr. Ruben had to do was show up with one of those big checks and get things from people for donations he made - probably using the money he was misusing from the federal grants. Even the Gallegos girls and their families were involved in their gambling expeditions to Vegas and everywhere, always flaunting their power with money they were stealing.

Anonymous said...

“After a week he was moved to a different wing and into a shared six-by-eight cell with a grizzled old con called Dog. He had faded tattoos that stained most of the visible skin on his hands, arms and neck a dull blue, sharp eyes and a thick beard that made his mouth look like an axe wound on a bear.”

― R.D. Ronald, The Zombie Room

Anonymous said...

Bobby Whitman Cervantes. Please go away. No one listens to you nor do we care to read your comments. You are a trader and never will be accepted nor trusted in any city in the USA nor a 3rd world country. Didn't you leave Brownsville? Please stay gone. Please leave us alone. You are worst than a nightmare.

Anonymous said...

The constant fear and continuous talk through the years about Trump is making him a martyr and getting him closer to the presidency. This is probably not a bad thing since someone has to stop the madness from the extreme left. Biden is basically giving our country away. The Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German research institute. Is anyone keeping track of all this money? Remember the Ukrainian government has been known for its corruption. No wonder 80,000 additional IRS agents are being hired. Our government needs more of your hard earned money. Making things worse is that not all European countries are paying their fair share towards the war that belongs to them. Last but not least, Ukraine is not going to win this war especially since China is supporting Russia.

Anonymous said...

Every time Junior drops the soap in prison bubba is going to pull the slot machine on his chest it's going ring "cha ching".Ganas!

Anonymous said...

I don't blame these crooks. They're too stupid to make money legally so they turn to corruption. It's part of their nature. I tend to blame the democratic party that funds too many grants and fails to monitor them. All federal funds spent illegally should be returned, high fines and jail time should also be imposed. A slap on the hand will not deter corruption.

Anonymous said...

After all is said and done you are nothing but common THIEVES
Correction, Educated RATAS

Anonymous said...

Will soon see if Lucio the Turd is still a thunder buddy like in one of the pics.As an attorney and a state rep he dam well knew what he was involved in.

Anonymous said...

El dedo comes from the rich and famous gringos that live here. They figure that only they, are allowed to steal.
Most are livin' on stolen lands FIX THAT FEDS.....

Anonymous said...

Puros Bandidos

Anonymous said...

Heart patients get special treatment. Heart disease will be his TRUMP card!

Anonymous said...

Ojalá y el gabacho ponga firma la ley. Ningún hispano está superior a la ley. Fuera con los corruptos. Todo se llega Juan. El que mal hace bien no espera. Haz notado que toda la gente política que ya está grande de edad y ha hecho tranza, es bien religiosa? Dios no los va a salvar!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lowlife Atkinson gets 5-8 yrs( I believe) for accepting a $10,000 bribe , and these high roller criminals are possibly facing 5yr and or 10 yr ( if I understand correctly) sentences if convicted for stealing possibly millions of$$$ and from the federal government???? Something is rotten here. Do the charges fit the crime or are these idiots being given a pass because of who they know and who else may be involved??? Or do they fall under “ The John Bruciak statute “ created to steal millions, make $325,000 a yr salary and then allowed to retire unscathed . Will there finally be justice made or will it be more of what we are so accustomed to see— NOTHING DONE OR A SLAP ON THE WRIST”!!! We shall see

Anonymous said...

Enough time given, send these corrupt criminals to prison, and not to these so-called holding cells for the elite with special privileges. These so called wanna bes knew better and they chose to follow the path of corruption. Put them in the cell with the cartels and allow the cartels to do whatever pleases them to do with them. The Lucios for years had been abusing the Cameron County Judicial System along with compadres like The Houston Dannenbaum Engineering firm to build an ILLEGAL railroad to please the Tamaulipas corrupt former governors, like Tomas Yarrington. The Lucio's also had been making money and deals with the private prisons, by incarcerating illegals and making money off of them. These bastards should rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 7:19 AM
ese bro eres un idiota

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 7:19 AM
como chingas joton open your own blog and quit insulting people here vete pa tu pueblo matamoscas mosca estupida

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 7:19 AM
This is a blog estupido you are not a bisd teacher eres nada mas que un pendejo OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG ESTUPIDO!

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 9:11 AM

Anonymous said...

Whitman army store.

Anonymous said...

3.16 pm you are right, Johnny Bruciak is a gringo so he walked away untouched and with a retirement check que bonito, what about the finance guy and the COO too, they were part of this team too. No investigation by Mr. Ni Fu, Mi Fa our wonderful Cameron DA, hey makes you wonder why not? Whos knows? Imagine if the CEO had been a hispanic or latino running the show at BPUB, would he or she get the same treatment or would that person would be in jail by now, i dont think so, times have not changed.

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 7:19 AM

Otra vez mamon open your own blog mamucas, better yet open a teaching class on how to insult people that are on blogs. estupido mamon.

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 7:19 AM
pinche maricon open your own blog estupido ese bro!

Anonymous said...

Yes, enough is enough! These educated thieves know the consequences of what they did. What they did was a choice they made. What I find confusing is why the "fajita guy" got so much time and these people only get five years. I gather that it has to do with their level of education. BTW Sylvia the "Muggsy" of Brownsville got more than $10,000 and then she came out with "La Llorona" que I have a gambling problem.

What they have are sticky fingers.

Anonymous said...

I smell cheese. There must be a rats around here. A-ha! This is what rats/ratas look like when they gather, assemble, collect, and congregate together.

Anonymous said...

What is STEP? Benefits of Enrolling in STEP

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Were they enrolled in this life saving program? of course not.
Next time you pendejetes want to travel, enroll in a step program it guarantees that you will return safely home.

so sorrrrrrrrrrrryyyyy they did not enrolled, paid by the travel safely for usa citizens close to your home.

Anonymous said...

What these educated asswipes are doing are setting up fake projects so they can scam off money from through over charging engineering firms,attorneys etc.,in the end after millions spent the project fails like the bridge to nowhere and Tenaska.

Anonymous said...

This is Brownsville where everything is swept under the rug. Look at BISD. That criminal justice teacher G.E. that was fired from Veterans for messing around with not one, two, but three female students. He owns a T shirt business that still does shirts for BISD schools. He's even allowed on campus. No checks and balances there are there? What's to keep him from hitting on more females when he's delivering shirts to the different campuses?

Anonymous said...

Chuy from Chuy’s Custom Sports was notorious for bragging about how he directed his staff (including his nephew who is running for San Benito School Board) to clean out the sock and underwear stock at local Walmarts; reason for this directive was because he was reselling to IRS for an exorbitant amount. Also, the Gallegos clan funded Chuy’s daughter’s (June Aguilera) school board campaign for which she was elected to the San Benito School Board. Then, as a middle finger gesture, June gets employed by IES. How is it that no one questions the fraud committed by vendors such as Chuy’s Custom Sports?? I do not have a preference and do not have a vested interest in local politics….but think twice before voting for a corruption-related candidate such as Julian Rios.

Anonymous said...

y llorar, llorar y llorar, ah pero la feria? esta muy buena.... mamones go to jail and stop there for abt 20 years. jotos.

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 7:19 AM
como chingas joto like your mama living high on the stick...

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 7:19 AM
How much do the RATAS pay you to insult the owner and the commenters here? Pinche vendido.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous March 8 @ 11:05 pm: Meant IES not IRS. True dat!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Si no ay transa.......

Anonymous said...

Leave Chuy alone. He is a Honorable Family Man.Just being haters.

Anonymous said...

@March 11,2023 at 11:02
Oh yeah, and the faulty computers/laptops he sold to SBCISD isn’t an indication of his corruptive nature!! You must be wearing rose colored glasses. The man is the definition of nefarious!!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous @ March 11, 2023. Wow!! Are you serious? No, wait you are right. Chuy is such a family man that he refused to pay Child Support for his daughters from his second baby mama. Instead, he paid Child Support arrears with Home Depot gift cards so the second baby mama could, in Chuy’s infamous words, “build a home where some other poor bastard could screw her.” Think I agree with Anonymous (March 8).

Anonymous said...

Just reading these comments and can’t help but laugh at the comment that Chuy is a family man. Don’t know who’s posted prior to me but I can’t bite my tongue. Is Julian Rios someone we want to elect to office with this type of family member? With family and friends like this, no thanks.

Anonymous said...

Well it is said Julian Rios doesn’t pay any School taxes. How can someone what to be on the school board when he doesn’t put any money in the School District pot.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, where did Lucio come up with all this money for his Pizza and Orange Theory businesses? Did he save the earnings he received, from IES, by working 40 hour weeks for how many years?
