Sunday, March 5, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: After months of asking for a lid for the damaged dumpster in the alley between Chef Ricardo's Restaurant and The Sportsman Lounge from GMS Waste Disposal, both businesses are still asking. 

The stink of the discarded food wastes from the restaurant and empty beer bottles from the bar draw flies that congregate on the waste and swarm around the dumpster when pedestrians pass by. 

The city's health department is just a half block from the alley where the dumpster is located. Will their request to prevent the nasty, filthy insects from bugging their customers ever be heard and acted upon by GMS?)


Anonymous said...

That's on the driver in their area

Anonymous said...

"swarm around the dumpsters when pedestrians pass by," you write.

News for you: they're always swarming, pedestrians or no pedestrians.

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

That bar is not of high interest to City Hall. Just another stinking congal for local Mexican borrachos who do not pay taxes.


Anonymous said...

Ask for a new dumpster. you're paying for it, plebe.

shit, man.

Anonymous said...

Asking? Demanding! Grow a pair, bozos. Always the submissive Mexicans.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Lids or no lids Brownsville still stinks. Streets and drainage third world. But like so many on this blog have stated, this is a democratic controlled area. Great job democrats.

Anonymous said...

Lord of the flies. Juan de las Moscas.

Anonymous said...

How about a recycling bin for the cantina
Sure they throw away enough carton and glass

Anonymous said...

Its the smell of the hillbillys y cocos NOTHING ELSE no sean mamones pay your taxes to enrich all elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Jan, how about some serious stories? Your stuff has been weak and lame.


Anonymous said...

With millions of bike trail miles they are still having walking and running contests on city streets, WHY? PD has more important business to attend to, say like arrest criminals, violators and other dangerous persons. The are not there to control traffic for walkers or runners.
Who is approving this waste of time for the cops? The same elected officials that approve spending city funding on murals, bike tails and other non important projects?


Anonymous said...

How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Used to Detect Breast Cancer That Doctors Miss
The center for detection is located on la catorce.

Anonymous said...

Dont elect or reelect anyone with "Historical designation" bullshit on their homes or personal businesses. This people should be ashamed of either being an elected official or trying to be one. Not paying a penny on property taxes is an insult to their constituents who most struggle to save and pay their fair share of taxes. So, please, fellow citizens in no way, shape it form vote for anyone with this bullshit designation anymore. Vote them the hell out of office. Totally pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Trash pickup is way to expensive that company is overcharging customers time to look at contract commissioners or are they in your pockets? hmmm

Anonymous said...

Vote out the incumbants! We need new blood on the commission. Vote for Linda & Bryan!

Anonymous said...

Just switch it with the one from Dodici Pizza and Wine! Lol

Anonymous said...

Juan its on back order, will be here in 12-24 months as per GMS Employees whos company has had a nice cushy 47 year contract with the City since 1976. lol. Good Grief Charlie Brown.Ya Mero. y no llores

Anonymous said...

March 5, 2023 at 10:47 AM
Honkys and cocos stink alike can't tell the difference only by vision one's pale white and the cocos wanna be white. New color in the market.

Anonymous said...

Fuck eric garza

Anonymous said...

Juan, la juegas como pichon, hermano. Eres reportero no partera.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry with all due respect but this is not a Democrat or Republican issue. This has to do with irresponsible workers and their supervisors . You think it matters what political party or affiliation you belong to ?? In this town political party’s dont matter. Its all about who’s gonna make the quick buck. Its called accountability or lack of. No one cares in this town. Laziness galore. Taxpayers pay their taxes and what about the services?? Shit starts from the top and rolls down hill. We’re screwed.

Anonymous said...

The city should dump GMS disposal services. They have been doing a horrible job for decades with the same old trash trucks from the 80's, yet the city keeps on renewing their contract as if they were doing a great job.

BobbyWC said...

6:56 - spot on

bobby WC

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Esa es la casa donde vive la mierda half coco racista transgender dumpster rat! Ya dile a tu amor Biden que te compre una pinche casa con su dinero de china! Hahahahaha!
