Friday, March 24, 2023



Anonymous said...

This, this will get the Brown Bum Toya off the couch for some real no-holds-barred street reporting. If it doesn't, we can then say Toya is useless.


Anonymous said...

Nambe bro this guys is done don't matter how much bullshit he post on social media he is done

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eric you should've thought about this before too late now

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza is a politician. He will do what he has to do to remain one.

Montoya is so naive.

(Btw, Monty, is your Republican financier John Chambers running for sheriff one more time? Tell it all, brother!)

ja ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Linda Macias: "I'm not an old pony trick."

Anonymous said...

March 24, 2023 at 8:39 AM March 24, 2023 at 9:02 AM
Otra vez maricon como chingas joto go downtown and look for a hombre you like men so everybody says. PINCHE MARICON. JOTO

Anonymous said...

aver jotingo tu padrote mamon, quitate de mamar. joto.
OPEN YOUR OWN BLOG para que mames mazzzzz.

Anonymous said...

Transparency you can trust?????
Charles Hoskins clocking in at 5am, taking his kids to school while on the clock using a police unmarked unit, who in da fak he think he is

Clerk Cornejo using a police to go to motel 6 with another clerk

Narco sheriff Gilbert shooting his county issued assault rifle to shoot on new years at his house

Eric using county units to pick him up while he is at a girl's house drinking and fking

300+ jailers and 40 deputies resigned under his administration so far

Jessica Ramirez getting paid 50k while deputies get 36k

Really Garza??? Da faq out of here PUTO we will make sure you end up back living at your parents driving your punk ass Hyundai Santa fe LMFAO

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eric you have no shame. But i guess you have to run for re-election so people wont say you ran away with your tail between your legs!!!! BREAKING NEWS TO ERIC : you were a catastrophic failure as sheriff of Cameron county . Good Riddance

Anonymous said...

Todos los amigos del viejito Lucio eran puros aprovechados. Y dicen que hay varios que quieren ser Sheriffe. Bola de sinverguenzaz nadie tuvo los pantalones. Arriba Sheriffe Garza. Dios lo bendiga alrrededor de puros evidiosos y abusadores.

Anonymous said...

A lot of us are like Manny Trevino or Rep. Rosas? Not certain not sure but for reals not Eric Carza (g) [no llega a garza este guey].
I wish they would debate so the people can have a good look at what they offer. Carza had his chance and did not bring the department together. he divided the department and destroyed the support from the commissioners. He got rid of Gracia a little to late. Gracia messed it up for you Carza, you are going to need to go out and work again to turn around this race. As of right now the word I hear is that NO VALES and time for real change. Manny is going to give you a run for your money.
Manny if you win, are you going to clean house of the people in charge or give everyone chance to keep jobs if they deserve?

Rosas what do you bring to the table, I hear a lot of people like you at the SO. Do you know you have to work Harlingen, San Benito and the ranches on 281 to win. Manny is working all this areas. You see Manny signs where ever you turn.

Anonymous said...

@10:51 you are not being honest. You must have been the few privilged to get a bigger second check as per the Reyna Administration. Only favorites go it.. for years. EVERYONE KNOW Lucio was not running the Dept for years. Change comes all the sick people start the control mechanism. Re-Elect Sheriff Eric Garza. Citizens u derstand that decades of such environment takes time to change. SHERIFF Garza has brought the department to a new educated staff. The previous administration would control everything including the giving access to law enforcement education Be smart. All other people running for office are a Product of the precious sick Administration.

Anonymous said...

Someone get hoesie Hernandez off me

Anonymous said...

To: March 24, 2023 at 10:51 AM

What is so wrong with driving a Hyundai Santa Fe?????

Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Nambe Garza neta no vales verga saliste peor que el viejito de lucio

Anonymous said...

I remember Garza's videos during his campaign he ended up doing the opposite we don't need this parasite

Anonymous said...

Honestly the jail division is going down we need a solution what is the main problem at the jail division alot jailers are quitting and deputies also instead of pointing fingers work together to resolve the problem

Anonymous said...

The jail is a circus you have jailers in transport doing hit and run and not getting arrested you have a captain his fucking lost always you have Lt in downtown doing favors to inmates transport sgt 520 getting lost during the day the shift sgts fucking scared of inmates it seems inmates are running the jail not the jailers eric garza change that lacking balls to make inmates follow the rules instead of focusing in schools look at the jails there a fucking mess

Anonymous said...

Rosas 2024

Anonymous said...

I don't care who wins conque nosea el puñetas cacariso del puñetas de garza

Anonymous said...

Comments against the sheriff are by disgruntled employees.

pay them no mind.

son flojos, los jotos.

Anonymous said...

SHERIFF, "shire reeve", looking for robin hood, y el pendejo de robin hood esta blogging en la computa.

Anonymous said...

Transparency? Eric was drinking and driving and crashed his Cameron county issued unit and didn't report it lol. He got someone to fix the unit in their back yard Lmao. Vote anyone else besides Eric Garza.

Anonymous said...

Mejia 2024

Anonymous said...

March 25, 2023 at 7:03 AM

Y los que lo quieren son maricones.
no gana

Ratón de la Casa, Empujador de Papel!

Anonymous said...

The question of whether to privatize jails or have them run by the government is a complex issue with different perspectives and arguments.

Privatization of jails involves contracting out the management and operations of correctional facilities to private companies. Proponents of privatization argue that it can lead to cost savings, increased efficiency, and better outcomes for inmates. Private companies may be able to operate at a lower cost than the government because they have more flexibility in staffing, procurement, and operational decisions. They may also be incentivized to provide better outcomes for inmates in order to secure future contracts.

However, critics of privatization argue that it can lead to a profit-driven approach that prioritizes cutting costs over rehabilitation and safety. Private companies may have an incentive to keep more inmates in their facilities to maximize profits, which could lead to over-incarceration. They may also cut corners on staffing and training, leading to higher rates of inmate-on-inmate violence and staff misconduct.

On the other hand, government-run jails are operated and managed by the government, which is accountable to the public through elected officials. Advocates for government-run jails argue that they are more accountable and transparent than private companies and prioritize rehabilitation over profit. Government-run facilities may have more resources for rehabilitation programs, mental health services, and staff training.

However, critics argue that government-run facilities can be plagued by bureaucracy, inefficiency, and lack of innovation. The government may not be as responsive to changing needs and may struggle to implement new programs or technology. Government-run facilities may also be subject to political pressure, corruption, and nepotism.

Ultimately, whether jails should be privatized or run by the government depends on a variety of factors, including the goals of the justice system, the specific needs of the population being incarcerated, and the capacity of the government to manage the facilities effectively. It is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of both approaches before making a decision.

Anonymous said...

98% the SO is against this payaso the other 2% just got hired

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza should have never EVER chosen to run for sheriff. He was never the right person for that position. You were not QUALIFIED son!!! The mere fact that you did not have a minute of experience in law enforcement put you behind the eight ball from the start!! Also it sounds to me ( from all the stories out there) that you were not ready for this gig from a maturity standpoint. Thats right MATURITY. Sounds to me that you were not ready to give up your partying (drinking) and womanizing just yet. Although there’s nothing wrong with that behavior ( right of passage as a young man) it does become a huge issue when you decide to run for SHERIFF!! It got you in trouble right away and the perception you gave of yourself to the public was degrading . From the get go, it seems you surrounded yourself with wrong people. Starting with the ones that convinced you to run then the ones when you won. Rule of thumb: you always surround yourself with people that are smarter than you and with experienced ones. Not ass kissers, yes men , compadres and in your case a bunch of Rambo wannabes. You made many mistakes and continue to make them. If i were you, when you lose the re-election race, (which you are gonna lose ) I would step away from the spotlight , do some soul searching and move on with your life. LET SOMEONE ELSE CLEAN UP THE MESS YOU LEFT BEHIND.

Anonymous said...

Looks like more idiotas will go to bisd cause Garza aint going anywhere lmao

Anonymous said...

You're done garza, I don't even think the cartel is willing to give you money again

Anonymous said...

11 months to go! Can't wait to see this retard and his minions out

Anonymous said...

No one cares about his Facebook posts anymore, oh wait, just carlos mamavergas del bosque.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10 meses y pronto beremos un camvio. Yo bote por Garza y me decepsione

Anonymous said...

Dani it's time to put your transport supervisor on call we are getting hammered and he is just driving around in his unmarked unit bullshit

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza holding a basic peace officer license trying to direct real experience deputies LMFAO

Anonymous said...

Clusterfuck think about that one next time you vote folks

Anonymous said...

Mejia 2024? No mames lol. Ese vato ya se queria matar porque no puedia correr OCJ con 160 inmates. Los mas Osicones de supervisores son los mas panochones pero para chingar a un jailer son mamones. El unico Que si ayuda a la jailers y le vale madre es el pinche Castillo, los otros se precupan mas de mamarle el pito Al commander. Verdad Garapata? Y el Mr potato head de la pulga. Se pasan raza lol

Anonymous said...

Bad decision on his part, he should of just let it go, he is definitely loosing in March. All elected officials are against him because his ignorance and stupidity. He believes social media will save him just wait and see all the shit that is going to come out. Cornejo, Jessica, Nereida, Palma, Angel, Gilbert start working on your resume.

Anonymous said...

10 more months!

We don't give a damn who wins just get thus looser out of the office

Anonymous said...

Hey Cherife...what are u planning on doing with deputy Wolfe having that going affair with the clerk and he got busted... You protecting him because cheating is what you build your campaign on you fukin dead beat

Anonymous said...

I understand what needs to be done... I guess I'll be the one to save the community, this department and this county... I will fuck angel's wife to bring everything back to normal.

Anonymous said...

what dumb quote did this taquache say "the change we deserve" this dude going to do a sex change next.

Anonymous said...

11 months till the department falls apart, all the mamavergas are going to scatter likes roaches to distant themselves from eric and silver

Anonymous said...

carlos "double dip" del bosque. Carlos "fake marine real dispatcher" del bosque. Carlos "I am good friends with the sheriff" del bosque. Carlos "blade pls stop" del bosque. Carlos "I wont take a day off to study for captain test but still fails" del bosque. Carlos "Im going to take over swat again just wait" del bosque

Anonymous said...

hahahaha oh wow "woman arrested for PI" damn yall really got that Hector hernandez guy working huh???? He just takes pictures, works ot and chills all day. hes real job is to post facebook post so he really making his money with all that posting he does jijijiji

Anonymous said...

why is the sheriff nephew inviting people over to his house so they can drink and meet the sheriff LMAO bro no one wants to be your friend get out of here.

Anonymous said...

Can the feds just arrest gilbert el scorpion already

Anonymous said...

Mark Trevino getting rid of any competition at the court house thinking the girls there will hit on him “tas pal perro pa” he’s more focused of keeping Deputies away from his hoe ass bb momma than running the court house

Anonymous said...

Carlos Martinez Pct 2-2024 is the way to go … ahhh no se crean es un pendejo

Anonymous said...

Diez meses y van a volar cabezas, meto las manos a la lumbre que Garza va andar cerca de ganar contra Mr. Manny Trevino. Se va poner dificil para que gane Garza la gente que tenia como Gracia lo daño mucho. Y ahora con los que puso ahi anda asiendo la lucha en las escuelas para aggarar votos de los maestros. No es mal pensado, en una High School hay 300 empliados, mas los esposas y esposos son 600 y mas 2 hijos cada uno y un IN LAW, son 900 votos en cada escuela que visita. Menso no es.
Mr. Manny Trevino, apenas que vallas a las escuelas tambien. No se quede atras.

Anonymous said...

One thing for sure I learned the hard way … Be very careful with Gilbert “Chile “ Cisneros,, he will backstab you if he gets the chance to look good or save himself…

Anonymous said...

border patrol needs to raid rosie's house because she is smuggling mojados and marrying them

Anonymous said...

angel killed ilay

Anonymous said...

Y lazo 2024

Anonymous said...

Lt pansas Ayala feliz con la casas en Dc1

Anonymous said...

Yo Nomas regreso si Barajas lo asen captain y Rodríguez lo asen floor Sgt that’s what county needs

Anonymous said...

So when Captain Guerra retires will Karen's fatass also retire? Asking since they're just moving dick suckers like Salinas and Reyes into siu and cid

Anonymous said...

Accountability?? Oh yeah just like the two people that got killed because your stupidity or the guy who got away from the electric chair because your fuck up at the district clerk's office. Faq out of here rookie .. I can't wait for the campaign to start I'm going to have fun with you

Anonymous said...

Nomas el "Chile" te gusto joto. A tu ruca tambien.

Anonymous said...

Lazo 2024 😂😂😂 I believe you have to be a US citizen to run for sheriff. So no thanks I'll pass on that mojo.

Anonymous said...

Omar start losing some weight fatass

Anonymous said...

I have never seen shit like this, Osiel Cardenas Jr got to Carrizales and when he was going to get his picture taken he refused and said "Get Mendieta here".. I was actually expecting for this mofo to obey and get his picture like everyone else, well... Commander Mendieta got there and basically protected the criminal.. no picture taken.. I guess the rumors are true

Anonymous said...

Puro pinche cartel de los costillas, LT Costilla for Sheriff

Anonymous said...

You caused enough damage already erik you need to go

Anonymous said...

Accountability??? Si pendejo we have 8 deputies leaving right now plus the 40 that left under your so called "change we need protection we deserve" campaign slogan.. what a douch

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lloron @ March 28, 2023 2:29 PM

What is your Policy if any inmate tells you or any other jailer to call Erik Garza, how fast do you have to go get him? What is your Policy if they ask for Mendieta, do you have to go get him, do you stop doing your job and wait for Mendieta to come and make the decisions? DO YOU DROP EVERYTHING YOU DOING AND COMPLY TO INMATE????????
I do not think so.....

I would think, the jailer gives directive to Cardenas and expects Cardenas to comply. If he does not comply you start with your consequences to get him to comply. You bring in backup and you make him comply. He can ask for your supervisor (Mendieta in this case) 1000x, while you get to that he has to comply. What happens if you are working swing shift and Mendieta is not there? Do you obey the inmate and just leave it as no picture, or move on your booking job and get it done? Sounds to me that you set up Mendieta, you wanted to see what was Mendieta going to do. If Mendieta agreed to no picture I would think its because you already have one on file and Cardenas was right about not needed to take it. Supervisors want to defuse situations that is why they are supervisors.
In this case you proof to be a weak jailor that allowed your supervisor to make decisions for you. Handle your shit bro. you handle that punk. He is just another inmate in there. You need more backbone, I would've called Mendieta when that punk was already in a suicidal suit, and spit face mask. It's on you man, not on Mendieta or any other supervisor. But it's easier to come and cry here and point fingers.
I'm sure whoever typed the lloron entry is not even the booking officer, he wouldn't type it cuz Mendieta would know who it is. It's hearsay and weak, like many post of Llorones.

Anonymous said...

😂😂😂 let's give this mofo a 100 comments again because he's a piece of shit
Eric your bye bye 🖕✌ you thought you could handle a county 😂😂😂 nice try. Piece of advice don't run again.

Anonymous said...

But how does Osiel knows Mendieta is in charge if the jail???? Exactly....

Anonymous said...

Mark Trevino se la come junto con su pocket holder 125 walking around the court house sniffing his ass at all times

Caminando como si fueran algo jijiji todos puñetas no valieron verga en patrol poreso están donde están

Anonymous said...

Lord forbid a active shooter pops off and you have hoesie Hernandez say responding from 109’s office tf she gonna do when she get there besides be in the way of the Deputies who have the balls to go and look for criminals.

Rumer has it she parks as far away as possible so Goodluck whoever lives in her assigned District you gonna be alone for a while and don’t bother complaining her supervisor Loves them DSL

Anonymous said...

Deputy Peña #177 tomaste una de mis llamadas y no vales verga como eres chota si no entiendes español todo puñetas tratando de ablar “mi no espeak españish” pinche werco meco devolada me di cuenta que eras un pendejo antes de que te bajaras de tu unidad con esa cachucha que ni tiene escudo de los sheriffs

Anonymous said...

Que no se les olvide que asta Omar lucio le dio tronco a la house Hernández

Anonymous said...

I wonder what would happen if all the constables and smaller cities started to refuse to "assist" the sheriff's office because the deputies are 10-6 on other calls. Garza should at least thank the constables and smaller agencies that pick up the slack for his department because the sheriff office doesn't have enough deputies on patrol.

Anonymous said...

125 couldn’t even last a month on patrol had to go cry and suck Marks dick so they had to replace him with the GOAT 🐺 Wolf

Anonymous said...

I’ve been a Deputy at the Sheriffs Office for 5 Years Ive worked for Lucio and the Reyna Bros. So far since Garza started as sheriff the only people I see complaining and crying are the same people that were always Kissing the Reynas ass. Like when some Deputies under Reynas were allowed to work Space X, Stone Garden and be 3/4 Rover cried and complained he was No longer allowed to do as he wanted so he went to work for Precint 4 Constables. (He knows who he is no need to name him) some of y’all are only good at complaining get of your asses and just go to work mind your own business. Right frank #124

Anonymous said...

If only the people that are complaining are the ones who used to kiss Reyna's ass why are deputies hired by Garza still leaving? CCSO is the only agency that is hiring at all times because the turn over rate is so bad. CCSO is a stepping stone for new guys or a dead end for people who can't get picked up anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

El narco sheriff Gilbert Cisneros is picking up money from the cartel for Garza but he is not reporting it to far 25k

Anonymous said...

Wolfe Should change the last name to puppy he’d cry about everything in pct2 even tho we never did shit but talk chisme at the courthouse he supposedly wanted to patrol so he moved to the sheriffs but first thing they offered him to go to the courthouse he said yes lol what happened palomita scared of flying? Daddy is gonna be your boss again and you’re one of the first ones out.

Abel for sheriff 2024

Anonymous said...

Kenya beats Karen= Deputy Quezada Lt. Robert Sgt Jerry Sgt Mario Sgt Cris way to get hired

Anonymous said...

Y me la sigues pelando puto

Anonymous said...

Hosie Hernandez beats everyone Lt.Robert Lt.Rivera The Reyna’s , Lucio , Garza , even that new guy Carlos

Anonymous said...

Wolfe is the goat 🐐

Anonymous said...

Es un pendego este bato

Anonymous said...

Don't leave Captain Guerra out from Kenya's list Lmao

Anonymous said...

Wolfe for chief Deputy 2024

Anonymous said...

Llorones, get to work. The race for sheriff is going to be one for the books, lots of things will come out.
