Sunday, March 12, 2023



Anonymous said...

She is working very hard. She may win. Poor brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Where's that hot balloon picture shaped like her fat ass?

Anonymous said...

so, how do you run when you're pregnant?

Anonymous said...

y pat?

Anonymous said...

That'll get in the way of her campaign. Take care of the family first, in other words.

Looks like Whitey John Cowen takes the early lead.

Anonymous said...

Another Democratic loser for mayor. God help this poor shit of a town. This is one of the main reason this town has never and will never progress.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Jessica will win is the Dumb Ass award presented by the Dumb Ass Association AKA Asses

Anonymous said...

This is a charming woman, just what Brownsville needs. God knows we've had intelligent men but for what. We get screwed in the end. God loves a graceful woman.

Anonymous said...

Who's the father?

Anonymous said...

She’s spending some money. Where is it coming from?

Anonymous said...

El viejito is still capable? I can only imagine what she will
look like in those tight dresses at 6 months!

Anonymous said...

If whitey wins ya al' better check your deeds. Pay your property taxes, make sure your name is on the deeds and be on the lookout for fishy tricks design to take your unsigned land deeds.
It happened once and it could happen again...

Anonymous said...

Remember it has never mattered whether its a Democrat or Republican in charge(as mayor) Most Brownsville mayors have failed Brownsville. They have never done anything but for themselves$$$$. And now going back to this airhead Tetreau, is this the angle she’s working now ( the maternal one) so everyone can feel butterflies and see unicorns!!! Dont be fooled folks, if she’s implying she’s pregnant, good for her but how does that make her a better candidate??? She been a commissioner forever and has never done squat for this town( and she was pregnant then also). So these candidates will so do or say whatever to get elected. What new angle will Cowen, Erasmo,Stanton try?? This is turning comical now !!! Lets wait and see.

Anonymous said...

It's slim pickings for mayor but tired of these rich family connected educated greedy asswipes screwing the rate and tax payers in Brownsville. If Jessica's only problems are facebook or that she parked in front of the zoo we'll hell I'd pick her over the bearded greedy Mamon.

Anonymous said...

Are you criticizing her weight? Would not expect that from Montoya. Don’t be a male chauvinist pig. We already have one with McHale (whom by the way wasn’t invited to his son’s wedding)
Tetreau is going to beat Cowen. She has the female vote.

Anonymous said...

When you look at the candidates, she has the most experience. It’s everyone’s internalized misogyny saying she won’t be the right fit. We’ve had plenty of men, why not a woman with a decade of experience on the commission?

Anonymous said...

Los viejito siempre pueden. Now, the quality of the sperm may not be great but yes they can impregnate a woman.

Anonymous said...

she already has the baby registered to vote, any bets?

Anonymous said...

March 12, 2023 at 11:52 PM
She may be the best candidate but she dress ho down cheap. No, she does not have the woman vote. Personally, I am no voting for her.

As a woman I understand the need to want to feel and be sexy. Especially for your husband but as a public representative of the community you tone down your womanhood. You want people to pay attention to what you are responsible of doing and saying instead of them, the people, being focused on your assets.

Can someone list what she has done for the area of the city that she is responsible for?

Maybe, if she takes the constructive criticism, I hope Montoya post, I will consider voting for her. She needs to work on her attire image as a public representative and not as a public servant who charges for her services.

When she dresses up she looks ver elegant.

Anonymous said...

Will never vote for a gringo "N E V E R" period. They stole 10,000 acres from my family and THEY ARE STILL LIVING ON IT. No tienen verguenza pinches RATAS.....

Anonymous said...

Track record as a commissioner for a decade: nothing, poorest roads in the city, flooding fixed by txdot, little to no input on the district with poor economic development. I want a mayor who wants to be the Mayor for the right reasons, someone with vision and not envy. I don’t want to elect someone thats treating this race as a beauty pageant! In terms of persona, I don’t think I can support her because I don’t feel she’s mentality fit for the job, nor is she fit for being in politics in general. We are at slim pickings for the mayoral position. Hopefully in 4 years we can improve this situation.

Anonymous said...

fladas makes a big difference, believe me.

Anonymous said...

Jessica record speaks for it self???? Get the camera and photographer ready for her accomplishments!!! Drunk driving, throwing punches at her spouse and taking credit that she owns the carwash? Guess which one is wrong? And she wants to be mayor.

Anonymous said...

Jessica may not be the brightest of the bunch, but at least she is not fake. Los Cowen nos quieren regresar a los 1800’s. AcuĂ©rdate lo que le hizo el Gringo al mejicano, Juan!

Anonymous said...

How to build Nomadic Huts en le Southmost,
y las prietas, el west, el ramirenio, el east, y la moralla.
Vote gringo!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

March 13, 2023 at 9:52 AM

Best candidate…you said it!

Anonymous said...

Where are all the comments. Are some candidates being protected?? Just asking!!. “ O TODOS HIJOS DE DIOS O TODOS HIJOS DEL DIABLO”

Anonymous said...

Jessica has no buisness in city office or any other office. She has been a embarressemnt for the City Of Brownsville. She is a sell out. She has sold her vote for Disney Trips, for purses, for dresses and for shoes, while the citizens of Brownsville has padid millions for her nose job and fake boobs, ass, hair, lips and wig.

Anonymous said...

Y los comments de la presas garcia donde estan??? Apoco ya se olvidaron de toda la mierda que causo en la escuela BISD. No escondan los comentarios o esta bueno el $$$ de la comadre?
