Wednesday, March 29, 2023


50 year Vietnam Commemoration.
Hamburgers hot-dogs , raffles and music.
Don’t miss out Wednesday 3/29/2023 4 P.M.
1801 Veterans Dr., Brownsville, TX.
Open to the public


Anonymous said...

Top photo of statue: No Mexican there.

porque no?

Anonymous said...

You call them and ask then stupid. go buy the daily pendejo.

Anonymous said...


Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner apparently won’t be “defending him” either.

Anonymous said...

Whitey is the soldier fronting the statue.

always whitey.

Anonymous said...

Veterans, do something for your hometown. Clean trash off city streets, mow grass, help the elderly with home repairs.

Show your gratitude for Brownsville.

Drinking and partying is okay, but do some civic duty. Organize a clean-up drive today. Make Brownsville even prouder of you.

Anonymous said...

7:04 poster - how did you determine there are no Mexicans on the statue? Bronze comes in only one color but what do you say about the Jose Lopez one at the Veteran's Park on Central. Mexican or not? This is what causes so much hate and annimosity towards human beings cause we do not know when to keep our mouth shut and look at the positive instead of looking for negatives. Live
and learn, whatever or whoever you are?

And to the one who wants them to go around cleaning streets and houses, do you not ever think that they already did their duty by cleaning up messes across the ocean in order to keep us safe in our country? Did you ever serve? If you did, you would not be making such demands.

Anonymous said...

March 29, 2023 at 1:08 PM

picatelo guey con mi M4A1. yellow belly

Anonymous said...

No such thing as Vietnam War.

Never was declared. History knows it as the "Vietnam Conflict".

BTW, I agree with commenter who asked vets to do community work. They are capable and should. Plus, I did not read it as a "demand," as did the critic.

Anonymous said...

March 29, 2023 at 7:04 AM

There is a Hispanic figure in the statue. How did you want for the Hispanic to be depicted? Did you want him to wear a sombrero, zarape, chanclas, and a mocajete? In certain situations you do like the Romans.

Research the statue and share what you learn, Mexicano.

Anonymous said...

March 30, 2023 at 6:57 AM
correction - he is NOT a mejicano but a gringo coco white lover and a joto. we all know ese vato mamon

Anonymous said...

This issue is about showing respect and honor to United States Veterans for defending OUR country. Keep in mind that in Cameron County alone there are more or less 12,000 Vietnam War veteran survivors. Also, idiotes, note that many and I mean many of these Veterans were DRAFTED and had to serve by force. They didn't have a choice. Many of Cameron County Vietnan Vets. were never protected nor honored by our so-called Cameron County political leaders. Let's start off with our so-called Veteran Cameron County Political leader such as Filemon Vela, he was in charge of making sure our Cameron County Vets were shown the BEST quality of life issues with these Veterans, yet he gave the Veteran's Medical grant to Valley Baptist, where his cousin Manny Vela is president. In my opinion it's one of the worst Cameron County hospitals. The question is WHAT the hell was Filmon Vela using the Veterans grant monies for. Check it out, as of today Cameron County is now considering having its own Veterans Cemetery. Cameron County now is acknowledging our Vietnam Veterans. Filemon Vela is no longer running the show with the Cameron County Veterans. This shameful so called congressman Filmon Vela should explain to the Cameron County Veteran's families what he had been using the grant monies allocated for the Veterans on. He has enriched his deep pockets with corruption and should be held accountable. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

To all Vietnam veterans, Thank you for your service for to your country.

Anonymous said...

Soldiers just follow orders. If the government says it needs to be done, do it.

I don't want to shoot unarmed women and children, who cares, it's your job? Here's your 20 medal of Honor badges for the Wounded Knee Battle. Also, if they ask, load the women and children into train box carts, STFU and Just do it.

That's what serving means.
