Friday, March 17, 2023


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Everyone agrees that city (and BISD, Port of Brownsville, TSC, etc.) are labeled as non-partisan elections.

That is, there are no parties running, just the candidates. Everyone follows the rules and things move along smoothly But when blatant political partisanship of a candidate shows, especially those blindly loyal to former President Trump, it becomes all too clear that this right-wing splinter group of elections deniers is now trying a new tack: infiltrate local governments and try to gain control of the various  governmental entities.

They've tried it with running their candidates for secretaries of state, elections administrators, and even local poll watchers trying to suppress the minorities' votes. It doesn't matter whether their voters is protected by the U.S. Constitution. Like their leader, the rules don't apply to them.

There has been persistent talk in social media that At-Large A candidate Susan Ruvalcaba has been one of the most strident Trumpistas and that her candidacy is the the spear point of the group targeting city hall to achieve their goal.

She was there cheering on the former president when he sought (and lost) the presidency to Joe Biden.

She posted  a photo of the huge billboard Trump ad on the frontage road and ridiculed former congressman Filemon Vela when the applauded Biden's efforts to distribute the COVID-19 vaccine, crediting Trump – who denied the virus existed and delayed action until Americans started dying by the thousands. 

It was a collaborative effort that continued through both administrations to make the vaccines available to the people who needed it, but Ruvalcaba would have none of it. She ridiculed Vela and Biden in a post she glossed over Trump's abject performance and gave all the credit to the former president. She said "You Democrats are seriously unbelievable.

Likewise, when the Nomorecheezmeh social page posted that "with everything that's occurred, I'm going to say (my opinion) that's it's probably best that he doesn't come," Rubalcava said that responded that the former president has a lot of supporters here and welcomed him. Obviously she supported her claim that the Democrats had stolen the election. See how quickly this partisanship appears.

Now, remember that this was just six days after the Trump insurrectionists attempted to stop the certification of the presidential election her hero had lost. People died, the people's house was vandalized and property destroyed, policemen and capital police died as a result, and this country's democracy was on the verge of being destroyed. It was not, as a GOP House member said, "a normal tourist visit.” More than 1,000 defendants have been charged in federal court, most have been convicted or agreed to a plea bargain. 

Rules don't seem to apply to people like this candidate. Take for example, the oversized signs that are appearing along the frontage roads. The city ordinance says signs can have no more than an effective area no larger than 36 feet and have can be no more than eight feet in length.

Now take a gander at the signs she is placing around town. Obviously they violate the city's political sign ordinance as we read it. Has she and her campaign staff been brought up to speed on the ordinance that guide the city? Or do they know, but are counting on the city code enforcers to turn the other way as they have done in some past elections under ex-city manager Noel Bernal. After all, his protege Helen Ramirez is now at the city's helm.

As we said at the top of this post, city elections are non-partisan affairs, but in Ruvalcaba's case, her red colors are showing, and her apparent disdain for the rules is evidenced in her actions. So far we haven't seen this type of behavior exhibited by her opponent Tino Villarreal. If Democrats sit back and allow candidates with these type of attitudes to enter local government, it may not be too long before they gain control and shape policy guided by their extremist ideals.


Anonymous said...

RAPIST, MURDERERS AND THIEVES obviously all these allegations were not meant to be directed at her, ONLY OTHER HISPANICS, COCOS ARE EXEMPT ALSO. right?

Anonymous said...


No Republicans for any office. Corrupt Republicans do not surrender political ground. Neither should RGV Democrats!!!

We are Democrats!!!!

Anonymous said...

Susan Ruvalcaba is a "pata rajada" Mexican. Was she born on a blanket made of bean tamales and air flautas? Maybe. Is her broken English really the Big Clue to her uselessness?

No, Ruvalcaba, we do not need your (what is that thing Trump likes to grab?) ____ in any public service office. You belong to Trump. We all know that. Not a damned thing you can do (or want to do) for us.

Get the fuck gone!


Anonymous said...

We need Republicans in this area to clean up the mess Democrats have created.

Anonymous said...

Is this Susan Ruvalcaba related to former and now convicted Tomas Yarrington Ruvalcaba?

Anonymous said...

People that love the USA have to vote against this Susan Ruvalcaba.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Come on good candidates, do your job and get the votes.

Como eon good voters, show up to the polls and vote for the good guys.
Early Voting is right around the corner.

Anonymous said...

Trump for 2024? People must be out of their minds for even thinking of nominating him again after all the harm he caused our nation. January 6th attempted coup, claimed rigged elections but the one caught trying to cheat was him "Georgia find me 11k votes" Putin is a genius, refused to served in the armed forces not once but three times but was quick to criticized Senator John McCain for being a POW. Mexico will pay for the border wall, I will replace Obamacare and the lies can go and on. Wake up people and realize who the big liar and biggest instigator is.

Anonymous said...

Republicans need to either revisit or eliminate all social service programs bleeding taxpayers. No more Food Stamps (SNAP Food Benefits), Welfare or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). People have become dependent on these freebies promised to them by Democrats and have lost all interest in working. The elderly and handicapped should get preference. All lazy blacks, whites and browns need to find a job. I hear people commenting that this area is a high poverty area. Yet everyone has a cell phone, a car and a Gucci bag. You visit the local restaurants during the morning, noon and evening and they are packed. Not to mention the bars. Are the most in need really benefiting from all these programs? Democratic corruption at its best!

Anonymous said...

Many, many years ago it was easier to vote either REP/DEM because most candidates back then were going to represent their constituents with their parties ideals. Unfortunately now, thats not the case. Neither REP/DEM govern by their parties ideals, all they seem to want is $$$money and unlimited power. GREED is their motto. When and how long has it been since the town and its citizens benefited???? Our best bet is to try and figure out who the best candidate is and not the party affiliation. ITS A CRAPSHOOT. We’ve been in a bad place/ bad shape for a long time. We seem to have adopted the GEORGE SANTOS SYNDROME where they all lie and do or say whatever it takes to get elected. Thank you for your time, that is my opinion

Anonymous said...

uh, Monty, aren't you the one who worked for Republican John Chambers in the last sheriff's election. And, dolt, you're still at it, dumping on Democrat Sheriff Eric Garza every freakin' chance you get.

Don't get preachy with us, ese.

Anonymous said...

Our president and vice president Are Democrats and we are the laughing stock of the world. There’s good apples and bad apples in both parties. Choose wisely.

Anonymous said...

Pata Rajada?
Is that like
Pata humada?

Anonymous said...

Just when you think and hear that there may be a decent candidate out there, the skeletons start coming out of the closet. We shall have to research all this .Thats just too bad if this is true. Well it sounds like Susan Rubalcava is just like the rest. Another bad apple in the bushel of worthless candidates. We shall see how this unfolds .

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2023 at 4:19 PM

Spot on! They just don't have a cell phone, they have an iphone! They have better clothes and shoes and a better truck than the working man, cause these people pay no rent, spend no money on groceries, and get everything free. There is something wrong with our system, when the lazy people have better things than the working man who pays for everything.

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2023 at 3:31 PM

That would be good for a change, but people down here are brainwashed to vote Democrat no matter how bad things are. Eventhough the shit and corruption is right in front of their faces they will vote Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing this to light. Definitely not voting for her! Will share this info.

Anonymous said...

@4:19 Research how the welfare pie is diced. Corporate welfare is a major problem too. The top 50 US companies don't pay federal taxes. However, they manage to get tax refunds and benefit from tax subsidies. The social welfare race breakout is as follows: White 37%, African America 26%, Hispanic 16%. Current tax laws benefit the wealthy. They can afford lobbyists and donate to political campaigns to sway revenue laws to their favor. Thank you, Citizens United. Direct your animosity to the appropriate area.

Anonymous said...

It is not the party but the candidate we should vote for. There are good an bad apples in every political party/group. Let us look at the qualification and potential to help our community.

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2023 at 4:19 PM

welfare was created for the hillbillies mamones, no sean idiotas. There are 7 count them SEVEN eatern states that are full of hillbillies and every one of them have millions and millions of hillbillies that DO NOT WORK HAVE NEVER WORK AND ARE 3 AND 4 generation of non working familes. You pendejos should see their houses or should I say mansions, and right YOU should talk about coroprate american NO TAXES just ask TRUMPUTO. In the last 3 or 4 years he has paid either "NADA" AND THE MOST HE HAS PAID RECENTLY WAS $750 BUCKS. SOME COCOS PAY MORE BUT MOST ALL AMERICANS PAY A LOT MORE THAT TRUMPUTO....AND THAT'S A FACT

Anonymous said...

Highly mistaken from the racist republican as a gringa but in fact its a coco.

Anonymous said...

I think she said she was a redneck and gave her some campaign funding.

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2023 at 4:11 PM

Your message is short sweet and to the point. I bet you are a woman.

Anonymous said...

March 18, 2023 at 2:27 PM
A democrat you know the ones that think with their heads

Anonymous said...

Susan Rubalcaba is the best suited for the position she is running for.

Anonymous said...

Susan is not the only one with large signs. La Mantia,Vicente, Denise Saenz had several trailer size signs and you said nothing. How convenient!!! Now she is breaking the rules. Such hypocrisy.Your biased favoritism shows.Especially if they pay you Montoya. It's all about the money.Since when do you hate Republicans so much? Should be who is the best candidate not the party. She is the best choice face it.

Anonymous said...

SUSAN? coco

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2023 at 5:01 PM
pinche maricon nomas la del te cabe JOTO?

Anonymous said...

Susan? otra coco...

Anonymous said...

Guys, you are applying national politics to a local race.

The federal government doesn’t have to fill street pot holes. The local does.
The federal government doesn’t have to balance a budget. The local does.

Susan is right for the job because these are local issues.
