Monday, March 6, 2023


By Polo Sandoval 

CNN – Four US citizens were assaulted and kidnapped after crossing the border into northeastern Mexico on Friday, according to the FBI, which is working to locate the missing Americans.

Soon after the US citizens drove into the border city of Matamoros, Mexico, on Friday, they were fired upon by unidentified gunmen, a release from the FBI in San Antonio said. The agency did not identify the victims.

“All four Americans were placed in a vehicle and taken from the scene by armed men,” the release said.

The US citizens were driving a white minivan with North Carolina license plates, according to the FBI.

The FBI is seeking the public’s help in locating the Americans and identifying those responsible for the kidnapping. The agency announced a reward of $50,000 for the return of the victims and the arrest of those involved.

The FBI said it is cooperating with other federal partners and Mexican law enforcement agencies to investigate the kidnapping.
Members of the National Guard wait for members of the General Attorney¨s Office to leave in a caravan with relatives of disappeared persons in the border city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas state, Mexico on August 24, 2021.

CNN has reached out to the FBI for further information on the victims and has also sought comment from the government of Tamaulipas, the Tamaulipas Secretary of Public Security’s office and the Mexican Attorney General’s Office.

Matamoros, a border city with more than 500,000 in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, just across from Brownsville, Texas, has been wracked by violence and organized crime at least since the Mexican Drug War began in 2006. The city is home to the Gulf Cartel, a once-powerful smuggling operation that has splintered into small, competing gangs, according to the Congressional Research Service.

On the same day as the alleged kidnappings, for example, police issued a warning to parents to keep their kids home from school due to two shootings in the city. The US State Department has issued a “Level 4: Do Not Travel” advisory for US citizens thinking of going to Tamaulipas, citing crime and kidnapping.

“Criminal groups target public and private passenger buses, as well as private automobiles traveling through Tamaulipas, often taking passengers and demanding ransom payments,” the State Department advisory says.

Matamoros was also the site of a large tent encampment of migrants – mostly Venezuelans and Haitians – hoping to cross into the US to request asylum.

Anyone with information related to the incident is encouraged to call the FBI San Antonio Division or submit a tip online.


Anonymous said...

Whitey goes looking for trouble; Whitey finds it.

No sympathy here, ese.

Anonymous said...

Arturo TreviƱo says that travel into Mexico is safe and I believe him. Stop promoting the lies about Mexico Mr. Publisher. This blog is a joke

Anonymous said...

Have you heard the fake news of Americans kidnapped in Matamoros. They were Haitian adults. Probably drug dealers, smugglers or thugs. Read they were harassing people in Mexico for a while.

Anonymous said...

At least this would have never happened in the 16th safest city in the U.S.,,, what a load of BS!! Maybe the last few homicides this year in Brownsville will bump Brownsville to the 19th safest city. No mames Chapo Sauceda!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why no newspaper report on what is happening in Matamoros. Matamoros is no safe period. No law and crooked police doing more harm than good. Brownsville Hearld and the Matamoros newspapers must keep quiet because these two cities need tourists, now that's a joke, Brownsville has no tourists coming to this ghetto city that loses millions of dollars to fake projects and have loses running for mayor and commissioners spots. Don't vote for the incumbents and vote for anyone else but these rats.

Anonymous said...

It's a set-up, Montoya. Republicans hiring losers to go get kidnapped and embarrass President Biden. But the story will come out, 'cause Mexicans cannot keep secrets.


Anonymous said...

Fuck Eric Garza

Anonymous said...

The drug cartels own Mexico. The US military needs to do something about that. Hope it happens soon.


BobbyWC said...

Okay CNN is reporting endless lies on this story. The internet has the video of the car near the bridge with North Carolina, but CNN is saying the cartel did not know the were from the U.S. Really? the cartel people are so stupid they do not know a U.S. plate? Also CNN is reporting Matamoros is east of McAllen with now mention of Brownsville. They are reporting they were going for medical reasons and then say for medications. I am so tired of U.S. Americans blaming the president for going to do not travel countries. the warning was there and they ignored it.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Get over there, Monty!

Report from the front, not the couch.

BobbyWC said...

okay CNN once again will report anything without first investigating. This claim about a mix up is pure BS. Really they thought NC plates meant Haitians. Also Eric Garza has the video of them crossing from the US. We can see who was in the vehicle and see if the cartel could have confused then as Haitians.

I had a family member about a year ago drive an old truck across for a repair. They grab it just as he passed the Marines. He ran for the Marines and they took the truck.

People ask why the Mexican Marines do nothing. Sure start a shoot out and kill a bunch of Mexican nationals to save a few U.S. Citizens who do not understand a "Do not Travel Warning."

I'm just waiting for them to blame Biden for not doing more about controlling Mexico. I personally favor using drones to level all cartel top members homes in Mexico and central America. The first time we give a 15 minute warning to get the kids out, after that no warnings. Mexico will complain but not the people of Mexico.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Moo Moo Bah Bah, pura VACAS folks just dont listen and understand to take these warnings seriously, te van a matar en matamoros dude.

Anonymous said...

March 6, 2023 at 3:49 PM
como chingas joto!

Anonymous said...

Bobby, are you serious, you are a fake disabled veteran,, The Army was scrapping the bottom of the barrel when they recruited you, I bet if it were 4 drag queens kidnapped in Mexico you wouldn’t be so passive about it, It’s simple Bobby WC hates blacks, and only cares for queers

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why no newspaper report on what is happening in Matamoros. Matamoros is no safe period. No law and crooked police doing more harm than good. Brownsville Hearld and the Matamoros newspapers must keep quiet because these two cities need tourists, now that's a joke, Brownsville has no tourists coming to this ghetto city that loses millions of dollars to fake projects and have loses running for mayor and commissioners spots. Don't vote for the incumbents and vote for anyone else but these rats.

March 6, 2023 at 11:26 AM

Mexican people at home, at public places (restaurants, hospitals, schools etc) do not talk about this. They do not trust others, who can listen to them talk about what is going is just a precaution to stay away from trouble.

Here in the USA, you can talk about all this and everybody is your friend.

The US Government also made a list of states that were dangerous for Americans: Michoacan, Tamaulipas, Guanajuato etc..... but it is hard to stay away from visiting Mexico, you hope you will be ok.

Anonymous said...

Proof is in the Pudding, Bobby Boy, these poor people were in Mexico for Medical Care, because they can’t afford it here in the United States, because of people like you that suck up all the benefits, claiming to be a disabled vet, You complain about everything, you complain about the VA, PUB , COB, BPD, BP, and now you complain about poor black folk going to Mexico to get medical treatment, You know what’s worse than a racist, Answer: A Fake disabled veteran queer racist, shame on you Bobby “Whiteman” Cervantes

Anonymous said...

BOBBYWC a fake disabled veteran?


(ban his ass off this blog!)

Anonymous said...

Its a daily occurrence some racist republican got a hold of the tape or purchased it and sent it to all the starve for news companies. We've seen this before and we'll see it again. More so near an election time.
Surprise the lapdog crip is keeping quiet.

Anonymous said...

(It’s simple Bobby WC hates blacks, and only cares for queers)

LOL! Funny as hell, but I agree.


Anonymous said...

Danger Will Robinson, folks were warned not to go to MEXICO, MOO MOO BAH BAH, y ay van pepe jones

Anonymous said...

Medical agenda bull
These people had other plans and weather either targeted or dumb enough to fight a carjacking from cartels fleeing from national guard
There was no confrontation between civilians it was a shootout between the government of Mexico and a criminal group
Oh the lies they feed us

Anonymous said...

Are you sure spring breakers can't just show up and buy a few kilos to re sell on South Padre Island to finance their trip?

Anonymous said...

A protest is planned by the victims of violent crimes on blacks, this sunday at the Island. Everybody is welcome and bring your own alcohol and drugs.

Anonymous said...

breaking news: the whitman army store will open sooooon very sooooooon.

Anonymous said...

At 225.00 pesos a gallon they ran out of diesel. pendejos, in mata its 550 pesos a liter
