Friday, March 31, 2023


By Jennifer Bowers Bahney

Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN), who tweeted he was “utterly heartbroken” over Monday’s deadly school shooting that took place in his district, is being called out for sending a 2021 Christmas photo showing his children holding firearms.

The founder of the anti-gun violence group Moms Demand Action tweeted the photo Monday afternoon.

“THIS is last year’s Christmas card from Tennessee Rep. Andy Ogles, a Republican who represents the district that Covenant School is in in Nashville,” Shannon Watts posted.

The photo shows Ogles, his wife, and two of three children holding rifles in front of a Christmas tree.

Watts told MSNBC’s Joy Reid that the photo looks like they’re “celebrating guns as though they are toys.”

“It’s a sickness,” Watts said. “You know, there are three issues here in this country: our lax gun laws, electing people who support the gun lobby, and gun extremism. And then this culture, right? A culture of guns for anyone, anywhere, anytime, no questions asked. Celebrating this—these guns as though they are toys.”

Earlier Monday, Ogles released the following in a statement:

Police say28-year-old Audrey Hale opened fire at the private Christian school until she was shot and killed by police. Authorities identified the six victims killed: nine-year-olds Evelyn Dieckhaus , Hallie Scruggs , and William Kinney ; 61-year-old Cynthia Peak ; 60-year-old Katherine Koonce ; and 61-year-old Mike Hill . The three adults all worked at the school, according to officials.

Police also revealed the following information on the woman they identified as transgender.

Hale was a former student at the school that serves preschoolers through sixth graders. Police recovered a “manifesto,” and “maps drawn of the school in detail,” according to police.

“The shooter in this situation reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol,” President Joe Biden said during a press conference. “So I call on Congress, again, to pass my assault weapons ban. It’s about time that we begin to make some progress.”


Anonymous said...

The citizens of the united states need guns to protect themselves from the crazy left. First came the indoctrination, than the burning of christian books replaced with Woke shit. Now they're after the guns. Sounds a lot like Hitlers Nazi Germany!

Anonymous said...

The citizens of the United States need guns to protect themselves from the crazy Right. First came the Trump indoctrination, then the demonizing of Gays replaced with Nazi shit. Now they're after Our brains. Sounds a lot like Hitlers Nazi Germany!

(In politics, it's all about the angle you take.)

True Shit.

Anonymous said...

Old news, Monty!

What I would like to know if New York requires the accused to remove his hair piece before the mug shot is taken.

ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

No one needs AK-15 guns except in war.

Anonymous said...

Comatose blogger Jim Barton now posting comments to his own dying blog.

how sad.

Anonymous said...

"We need guns to protect ourselves"

What a joke

Half the people will take no action

Where were all the gun toters when we needed to protect the capital from the insurgents

Anonymous said...

Who were they going to shoot? Omg 😲 Santa!

Anonymous said...

Back in the day( settler days, wild west) this was a normal/common family scene. Hunting was basically main way to obtain food, a livelihood (furs) etc .And lets not forget the only way to protect the homestead and your family. But as we all are aware time goes by life goes on and TIMES CHANGE. Fast forward to our time , unfortunately we live in a very uncertain and volatile world. Violence, war, insanity, danger, civil unrest, lack of humanity ( Pick your poison) and on top of all that A PANDEMIC. So I think we can all agree the world we live in is upside down and our minds are bit overwhelmed. That being said, we live in a country that allows ( for lack of better word) many rights. One of those is the 2nd amendment . I for one dont have any issues with it BUT in the world we live in unfortunately it is misunderstood. By this i mean ( my opinion) this right has been around almost as long as our country has, but what has changed is not the amendment itself but the world around it. In our time we have social issues and technological advancements that have exploded exponentially We now have : internet, social media, violence in movies/video games, accesible pornography , gender issues,re-birth of racism, MENTAL HEALTH, socioeconomic failures worldwide etc. So the factors are numerous and unfortunately it translates many times into violence ( guns) and death. So to me its a combination of factors not only one. And it hits home when one of our loved ones becomes a statistic ( gun violence) . And finally getting back to the Xmas card I believe that was a judgement call on his part. We have a long way to go when it comes to this issue and hopefully a peaceful and in the near future solution can be found. Thats my opinion( kinda long. Sorry)

Anonymous said...

Who cares, show a Christmas card of people in Brownsville with a shopping cart full of food with so much food stamps that the government gives to people who don't work or not even citizens. Working people are too rich in the valley? Touche!

Anonymous said...

Where did they burn Christian books?

Big Lie.

Lie, lie, lie. That's Republicans.

Anonymous said...


“I am fully aware of the insanity of it being a porn star. But it’s also poetic; this pussy grabbed back,” Stormy said, referencing vulgar comments Trump made to TV personality Billy Bush in a video clip that surfaced in 2016, just before he allegedly made hush-money payments to Daniels.


Anonymous said...

I want to congratulate the politicians, state and city, of Tennessee. They allowed for the sell and possession of assault rifles and someone used it for exactly what it was designed for -- assaulting people so, I guess, a win for Tennessee. Their citizens know what the weapon was designed for and used it accordingly. I mean, if you didn't want that to happen why enable the ownership of a weapons who's purpose is right in the name.

Anonymous said...

That congressman looks like one of them quiet kids

Anonymous said...

Putin Kills children in Ukraine. The REPUTINKKKAN and the NRA kill our children in the USA. There are alot of gun nuts out there. REPUTINKKANS should be aware that GUN CONTROL will become a doable issue when they will have to bite the bullet. Then the NRA and gun manufacturers will be held accountable. KARMA!!!
