Monday, April 3, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: We've intercepted some social media posts involving mayoral candidates Jessica Tetreau and former mayor Pat Ahumada, since disqualified by the Texas Supreme Court from appearing on the ballot. Blogger Jim Barton, under a heading of "Old Blogger Fooled Again By Seasonal Joke at Jessica Tetreau Meet and Greet,"  published the missive below and Zeke Silva and Ahumada jumped in the free-for-all. Zeke, by the we way, was also declared ineligible to run against Tetreau for District 2 in a prior election. Ahumada is now running a write-in "protest" campaign in tbe May 6 ection. Enjoy.)

By Jim Barton
Brownsville Observer

“There’s no fool like an old fool,” I told myself as I drove back home from the spacious home of the Barraza family at 5563 Whisperwind Way in Brownsville.

Jerry Danache, prominent Matamoros attorney and political savant, intercepted me as I wandered beneath the overhead canope covering a couple dozen metal chairs.

"Is Jessica here?" I asked, referring to mayoral candidate Jessica Tetreau, the "host" of this political "meet and greet" at the Barrara home scheduled for 5:00-7:00 PM.

"She'll be here at 6:00 PM," Danache explained.

"Grab yourself a drink and get some food. They've made enough food for 200 people, all volunteer. Jessica hasn't had to pay for anything."

"Oh, I thought she might be out rustling cattle," I joked, referring to Tetreau's recent disclosure that her family had been in the cattle business locally for 200 years. Maybe she just wanted to make a grand entrance.

As I fumbled with my phone to call Ana and tell her I was on my way home, Danache filled me in on Tetreau's qualifications for the mayoral job.

"She's focused on creating new jobs for our community," he explained.

"This is what our community really needs. Jessica has twelve years of service on the city commission. She's made mistakes, but learned from those mistakes and is prepared to work hard for our city."

"This is historic, Jim," Danache added.

"That sounds like a good campaign theme," I responded, remembering the trumpet sound of Jessica's first campaign as a write-in.

I slipped out to my car and was home in 14 minutes, the exact time spent on my trip to the pachanga.

"What happened?" Ana asked.

"Jessica wasn't there," I explained.

Ana said something I didn't fully understand.

"Fool," I thought I heard.

Was she calling me a fool?

"Isn't it a Day of Fools or something?" Ana elaborated.

"Oh my god! April Fools Day!" I finally figured out.

"Shit! I'm 75 years old and still being tricked my childish jokes!"


Anonymous said...

Jessica Treatue lost our votes. Now she is seen all over BISD with desperate wannabe Jessica Gonzalez, loser Drue Brown and joke Superintendent Rene Gutierrez. Jessica T is begging BISD for votes in exchange City Board seats. 12 years in office Juan and all we remember is her oozing over Elon Musk day in and day out. Now Jessica T. is oozing for Rene Gutierrez and calls him daily and go out to eat a lot. But Rene Gutierrez does not pay one penny, Jessica T. picks up the tab. If Jessica Gonzalez goes, its a big bill. Rene was heard saying that he needs a hand car wash by Jessica T. Orale Juan!

Anonymous said...

"Jerry" Danache
How does one go from jorge or ernesto to Jerry

Danache? Velarde? These are old matamoros families
They started as "federales" back in the day

Dime con kien andas y te digo kien eres

Anonymous said...

Had to be the guy that likes to be a bully(comadre). The fake religious guy who else? Zeke of course enough said!

Anonymous said...

Zeke Silva is Brownsville's Lindsey Graham - all over the place in local politics with his lloridos.

Callate, Guey, que me chingas los oidos.

Anonymous said...

She was there at 5:15… who cares?

Anonymous said...

Barton is irrelevant. his blog is dead.

nothing there.

Anonymous said...

People who are going to vote in the Brownsville election, don't vote for Jessica and Cowen, these evil flake people are going to suck the COB into stupidity. Jessica is completely flake from top to bottom. Plastic is the new body and Cowen takes credit for doing nothing but selling out and hiding the Tanaska millions of lost and taken high fees from customers. Just like Jessica the flake, these two idiots are clueless in Brownsville. Still waiting for the rebate fee check from PUB and COB from the 150 million dollars and NANA?

Anonymous said...

I am an American and I approve of Donald J. Trump being Indicted.

"Make Accountability Great Again "

Anonymous said...

Just noticed that Roy De los Santos' houseboy, Bryan Martinez, is advertising on El Rrun Rrun. Way to bring in the revenue Juan!

Anonymous said...

Juan, come copy stuff off my blog!


Anonymous said...

Pat you gotta teach these people how to fill out a write-in-ballot, but if they can't write how they gotta vote???? does anybody know?
and campaign in matamoros that helps also.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:26 ( you got the right idea) COB government is already a whole bunch of stupid, either one of these 2 is just gonna make it the stupidest it can be. And I mean a whole new level of stupid. All the candidates SUCK . We are headed for a trainwreck . Watch out ! get off the train tracks!!!!

Anonymous said...

It appears like that Zeke Silva character is what you classify as a Remora( look it up in a dictionary) . Kinda sounds like he sticks his nose wherever there’s something to gain . Saw him in that picture ( having coffee) with those 3 other crooks . In spanish they call it a “huelepedos”. Brownsville is littered with guys like Zeke .

Anonymous said...

a pair of num-nuts

Anonymous said...

The All-American city of Brownsville is also the unhealthiest city in our nation.

Anonymous said...

Barton, GTFOOH, what has she done bro? Look at the streets and drainage of her area for the past 12 years! No manches! The Flintstones had better roads than district 2. There is no way in hell I would want what she’s done for the past 12 years at the mayoral position, a whole lot of nothing! I want someone that can take the position serious and not treat it as a Facebook campaign displaying random moments. Let me ask you this, if a major corporation wants to enter Brownsville to establish major business who would you prefer they speak to, Jessica T. or Cowen? I’d hedge my bet on Cowen to land the gig. Think deep about this one fellow voters.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Danache is a wannabe lawyer. He is nothing more than a leech who like a chinche tags on to politicos. Funny how he is now representing Tetreau. Guaranteed she won't win. He is nothing more than a scoundrel. Pobrecita Jessica. Mira con quien vino a caer.

Anonymous said...

April 4, 2023 at 10:59 AM
He's just sucking up to gain some type of employment in the city. we all know that MAMON

Anonymous said...

Not one commissioner stands with Jessica T. Kalifa. No one trusts her, respects,believes her or wants to work with her. If she actually thinks she is going to be a leader is almost as her becoming Elon Musk wife number 15. She claims she is a size zero in dress size, 5'11" and the perfect size for a model. When she posted that everyone at SpaceX sent out an email with her face to keep her away from Elon and anyone he was with. She is scary looking. She has no clue of reality. Jessica lives in a fantasy world with Disney characters. Jessica is not right in the head. She fanasizes to much and has no clue of real life. Jessica T. Kalifa needs mental health first and maybe an institution that can help her understand life in life terms,not a fantasy world.

Anonymous said...

Juan any chence we might see a REFUND from the BPUB Scandal before the may elections just asking? miracle? maybe?

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreau A MODEL yeah right she’s one hamburger away from becoming Honey boo boos Mom’s size on that tv show. If she thinks that, she’s not only an airhead but is also delusional . Lady, it’s sounds like you’re not only politically useless but also a nut case. We’ve had 12 years of your SELF SERVING SKILLS and we need for you to go away. No more Jessica !!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
