Friday, April 21, 2023



Anonymous said...

Smells fishy. Will there be an accounting of funds generated?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

gotta support the cops at least once in your life time, they are a necessity 10 days out of a year. put your life at risk once, cops do it every day.GRACIAS

Anonymous said...

All the women from Brownsville want to know:
Will da' "chief" be there to do his world famous "thumbs up" pose???

Anonymous said...

are they aware of the FIRST AMENDMENT? what? whas tat?

Anonymous said...

Would these guys show up on their days off?
Or are they just doing it to get off patrol?
Sounds like an excuse for a free work day

Anonymous said...

Payouts!!!???? What does this mean?

payout: to get revenge upon for an injury;

Anonymous said...

COPS deal with troublemakers, violent people and mischievous individuals

This is a nice event. Plus Charlie Clark will be there.

Anonymous said...

This is the group that endorsed some of the wildest candidates this year….nah.

Anonymous said...

PROPERTY TAX funds cops operations and everything else you see including potholes.

Anonymous said...

but but do they know about the first amendment?

Anonymous said...

These guys are fucking joke they still haven't announced what happened at the fishing tournament!!! Fucking cheaters and liars

Anonymous said...

what is corn hole tournament? can somebody esplein something sounds up to no good here. corn hole????

Anonymous said...

20 bucks to play corn hole shit in mata I pay 10 bucks and get a free bath..
