Friday, April 21, 2023


By ESG Hound
Special to El Rrun-Rrun

"This past Friday, the Federal Aviation Administration issued SpaceX the license to launch the first orbital test of Starship, the largest rocket in human history, as soon as the next Monday, and the launch was scrubbed until this past Thursday. I predicted that this was a foolish and reckless decision, and impacts from even a nominal launch could prove catastrophic and significantly worse than presented to the public.

SpaceX and the FAA submitted extensive data as part of the NEPA environmental permitting process that started in September 2020 to demonstrate the impacts launches and operations would have on the surrounding area.

In May of last year, I demonstrated that SpaceX used modeling data from early 2019 to seek approval for the launches; at that time in Starship’s development, the megarocket’s total thrust was estimated at 61.8 meganewtons (MN). The rocket that that was launched Thursday was rated at 74 MN, a 20 percent increase in size.

This past week, I received a Freedom of Information Act from the US Fish And Wildlife Service regarding information collected by US officials from the surrounding Lower Rio Grande VAlley National Wildlife Refuge. An FWS employee measured a sound intensity reading of 110 decibels (dB) three miles from the launch site during a static fire test conducted in February.

This is a concerning development because the existing noise surveys indicate that the maximum reading that should have been detectable at this point is between 90-100. Decibels are a logarithmic scale (by tens), meaning that the FWS employee measured sound that is between 10x and 100x more powerful than what was predicted by SpaceX’s models.

Further compounding the issue is that the February static test fire of Starship Superheavy’s 33 engines was done at just 50 percent of total thrust. A full-throttle test would have produced a significantly larger noise impact."

In fact, this past Thursday, the launch used 43 rocket engines at 100 percent throttel and the noise impact was felt as far as the City of Brownsville, some 25 miles away.
"I posted pictures of the broken windows," said a Brownsville resident who happened to be at Port Isabel at launch time. "The house was literally shaking there."
And a Brownsville resident who lives near the intersection of Paredes Line Road and Alton Gloor reported that she was lying on her living-room sofa when she felt the house shaking.
"I felt a steady rumble and wondered whether there was something wrong with me, " she said. "But then there was a strong rumble and then...nothing. I thought it was thundering and looked outside, but the sun was shining. I was the SpaceX rocket exploding."

"SpaceX convinced FAA to approve a site that would host launching the Largest Rocket in History under NEPA’s Environmental Assessment (EA) process, which is saved for projects that do not have a “significant impact” to the environment. 

"This action was and is eyebrow-raising, as no major spaceport has ever been authorized under this process, always requiring a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). An EIS is the default multi-year approval process specified under NEPA. The FAA piggybacked on an existing 2015 authorization for SpaceX’s operation of 2-3 annual launches of the much smaller Falcon 9 rockets to forward this streamlined Starship “low impact” approval process through the system."

"Here in Texas, SpaceX’s launch tower sits 500 feet away from the protected habitat owned by either the Fish And Wildlife Service or Texas Parks and Wildlife. All of the surrounding land, however, is considered protected wildlife habitat under the Endangered Species Act."

In addition to the siting and sizing of the pad, SpaceX does not have a flame trench, nor do they have a water deluge system used to suppress heat and sound energy from any launches, as the Army Corps of Engineering permitting required to add these civil engineering systems is itself a multi-year process.

No large rocket complex on the planet: not in Russia, nor China, and certainly not in the US, exists that doesn’t contain one or both of these energy suppression systems. SpaceX does not.

In short, the FAA approved that a rocket system, the largest in history, will be fired off, from an inadequate facility, in the middle of an endangered species habitat, by a company that revels in the beautiful failure of explosions with seemingly no guardrails and no respect for the real danger this operation presents to the public.

The harm from the full launches will undoubtedly be greater than what was disclosed to the public. These damages may show up as shattered windows and the corpses of hundreds of dead shorebirds; immediate and obvious. 

Or they may not be entirely clear until years from now when SpaceX eventually closes shop on the Texas coast for greener pastures. The scars on the land, the people, and the wildlife won’t just disappear. They’ll linger, and hopefully, by then people will be willing to listen to the story.

Can’t say we weren’t warned.


Anonymous said...

Musk is out of control.

Anonymous said...

Barton's dying blog has a story by BobbyWC and, as expected, comments from BobbyWC too.

useless, irrelevant blog. Has no readers, old goober Barton admits.

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

for what lamp posts? my home made of brick and live 30 miles away moved and all the window rattled and scared the WHOLE neighborhood, and the elected officials laughting.
He came here because he was kicked out of florida, no se hagen pendejos pinches enanos gueyes.

Anonymous said...

This post has a lot of facts wrong. It says 43 engines. Not correct, only 33 engines fit. It says thrust at 100%, fact as reported was less than 80%.

Notwithstanding, everyone is advised of the activity ahead of time, including those living closer to the area who get a person visiting them.

We should be careful not to complain without the correct facts and embrace a community where everyone including spacex can live together in one area with all rules and regulations followed.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure in the past when other communities or activists near a new launch site began Cape canaveral, Houston, etc.) they too initially also complained of loud noises, then they became used to it. Activists have a harder time dealing with change.

Anonymous said...

The Starship rocket looks like the one from the 1960s "Lost in Space " very outdated. We need the Space Shuttle program back if we really intend to be ahead of the Russians and Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with change just as long as it does damage personal property.

Anonymous said...

Musk owns boca chica. Too late to complain now.

Anonymous said...

Listen up, Pollyanna. Musk and Spacex have no rules or accountability here in Texas, menos en Cameron county. Opposition to Musk’s shitshow is based on destruction of an entire coastal ecosystem just so spacex can make more money.
The public has been screwed out of their right to public beach access, which was the law in Texas before Elon came around. No justice, no peace.

Anonymous said...

Musk's historic launches and explosions are causing property damage and unknown debris falling. Eddie trevino, communities didn't sign up for this. Yes many people said "We need SpaceEx", but at what cost?

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2023 at 8:44 AM
you don't live close to a bomb ready to explode. You don't know all the facts.

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2023 at 8:44 AM
where do you live in austin? Move the bomb to austin and hear and see happens.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that the ESG Hound is ignorant, lacks the facts and is emotionally disturbed. Probably unemployed or is lazy and has nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

The noise was heard at military hwy and Alton Gloor intersection. Just wanted you to know.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 8:44 First, what launch site in Houston? And, this rocket was in the neighborhood of twice as loud as any launched at Cape Canaveral -- you know, twice the thrust of any previous rocket and 32 engines. The shock wave from that kind of sound can do actual physical damage to living creatures. People choose to hang around but the wildlife doesn't get the warning or the choice.

Anonymous said...

Yes, all the people in my hood were on the street afraid of the rocket.

The City of Brownsville should create a protocol, a siren, for residents.
Where do we go? Where do we hide? Who do we call? How about the children at school?

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2023 at 8:50 AM
change is for the better otherwise we'd be living on trees

Anonymous said...

debris fell from the sky after the atomic bomb blast. I got a wallet from an elected offical with a promisory note and a couple of trinkets seems like they were donated to some head honcho. the fell from the. I will post them on librodecara tonight. they all seem to be local RATAS esquik esquik

Anonymous said...

Can’t we all just get along

Anonymous said...

He also wants to complain about the long line for barbacoa at Marcelo's on Sundays.

Anonymous said...

We don't have activists protesting anything. Our current leaders will load kids and women on train carts if they can get away with it.The Pigs will gladly follow orders. I have no faith with any shithead we have in office from the progressive fascists to the conservative ninnys. Each Brownsville Commissioner is a big pile of shit from the short one to the gay one, they are useless.

Please don't compare Boca Chica to Cape Canaveral. The people there actually cared here they don't. Instead of people protesting they were celebrating.

Space X is gentrifying this area, it's industrial gentrification. If you live by the Port of Brownsville, your property tax might have doubled or even tripled. You can thank the future Mayor of Brownsville for that. Hope you enjoy eating gravel rocks, tanker trucks, and a dusty HWY. This is the wrong type of gentrification because they're going to hire many from Mexico, that's who you're competing with. These companies don't need the city's help, they don't need to hire people with a permanent residence to work here.

Anonymous said...

Juan if the Apollo rockets used by NASA in the 1960's and early 1970's were successful in going to the moon and back, why was all that technology dropped and then came the space shuttle and now private rockets. Millions, billions or maybe trillions of dollars $$$$$$ are being spent and now NASA wants to go back to the moon for what? I think its a waste of taxpayers monies, use that money for better things, like roads or highways, water and sewer projects, drainage infrastructure, bridges etc. Just saying el porter homie.

Anonymous said...

They missed the target, it was brownsville not port isabel. So sorrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy oh well maybe tomorrow we'll hit it.

Anonymous said...

Local politicians "roll over and spread 'em" like teenage groupies for a rock star when the out of town Pied Pipers come to town with their con jobs. Give away a public beach and whatever - no big deal. Wait till some of that explosive debris hits the LNG terminal or falls of PI or SPI.

Anonymous said...

Move it to austin next to the capital and see and hear what happens. pinches ratas mamonas all elected officials here are RATAS LAMBISCONAS all they want is more money and anything they can steal.

Anonymous said...

7:58 -- you are correct

Anonymous said...

right on the surf they are going to destroy boca chica beach or they already have, gracias pinches RATAS elected official.

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2023 at 10:14 PM
lambiscon k a did musk gave you a chupaleta to suck on.

Anonymous said...

Growing pains. I still rather live in the Brownsville now, then 15 years ago. Wipe the dust off your car and fix 3 windows that broke throughout the city. If they broke that easily maybe your new beautiful stucco home is still under warranty and you can blame the builder for not putting it in right.

Anonymous said...

call the govenment and ask for billions
built a rocket
fine a city full of pendejos to give you
a beach front that's worth more billions
and the rocket fails.

si mi patronsito si.

Anonymous said...

ALL candidates for mayor and commission are in loVE WITH Musk. I was at their forum. Space X will destroy our community, our natural resources but hey, Elon is our "friend". $$$ talks .

Anonymous said...

That's not the rocket its that pendejo that insults everybody here. He was on the sand with el cherif (his camote) and cut a big fart. pinche apestoso hediondo he got kicked out of las prietas for doing that. joton maricon. did you get your check today? joto
