Friday, April 21, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: These photos sent to us by one of our eight mobile readers show a three-car crash at the intersection of Morrison Road and Capri Street in Brownsville's northwest side Thursday evening. Incredibly, our reader said that the two women and another person still in the vehicle and visible at the lower left photo were unhurt and walked away from the scene, as did the drivers and passengers of the other two cars. Yesterday was their lucky day!)


Anonymous said...

The great majority of the people in this town can’t read so traffic signs are useless. They are also disrespectful and drive too fast with no concern for the safety of others.

Anonymous said...

people that live in that area think they own all the roads and traffic signs do not apply to them FACT

juat like the truck drivers on hwy 48

Oh, at the donut shop, but there ain't no donuts shops here, not since vinnie and all the gringos left town to that KKK village.

Anonymous said...

People need to slow the helk down Boca Chica also has turned into a drag strip

Anonymous said...

Y los burnias con Mas Coca
No wonder it's called flying pig

Anonymous said...

Looks like a mild one to me.

so one vehicle tried to climb another. Not a big deal.

next scandal.

Anonymous said...

Son de matamoros?

Anonymous said...


Montoya, you now have eight MOBILE readers. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

one sheriff -two missing-men DON'T GIVE HIM ANY IDEA por favor.

Anonymous said...

Facebook lawsuit, you're only eligible if you had an active Facebook account sometime between May of 2007 and December of 2022. You don't have to have had it for all that time, just some of that time. You have until August 25 to submit a claim. You can do that right online. You have to go to a website. It's

FACEBOOK I already made my claim I heard that some of the applications to apply were falling from that failed rocket.

I applied and got twenty centavos on a notary public approved check.

Anonymous said...

There is a possible risk of severe weather today. Wind and hail are possible. Look out for large hail.

its just the beginning lauch another bomb and see what happens, snow?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So close to homes....what a danger for the people inside the house.
The police always try their best to educate us when we are driving, but we get distracted: music, phone, daydreaming, problems etc

Anonymous said...

They were Blessed.

Anonymous said...

blessed? you mean blasted

Anonymous said...

April 21, 2023 at 1:13 PM

Everybody is driving like idiots around town. I see and hear people zooming and vrooming, peeling out, speeding, passing red lights, not making complete stops,no use of signal lights, etc. Puro lawlessness! Cops need to enforce the driving laws and give more tickets to stop these idiots from driving like idiot maniacs. As a Harlingen lady cop once told me. If you can't hurt them physically, hurt them in their wallet.

Anonymous said...

I was bombarded with popcorn from the ceiling my living room is covered with popcorn and what makes me stinking mad is there is no nfl games but lots of popcorn pinche musk idiota.

and who wants to see the astros trying to hit a little ball with a fat bat. really people????

Anonymous said...

What I see is a lot of drivers on their phones. Unfortunately this is the new normal because these people grew up with technology and don't know how to disconnect.

They are not like the older generation. Even la chota is on their phone.

Anonymous said...

folks the reality is that people drive like maniacs, dont follow the rules, got no drivers license or got it at Walmart or somewhere else, are on the cell phone or distracted in one way or another. A report came out last week, here in the RGV are the worst drivers in the state of Texas. Most drivers Les vale madre.

Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong here that's the way they park in that area. cada barrio tiene su manera de estacionarse no se haga pendejos... nobody got a ticket first amendment the right to park anyway you want.
