Friday, April 7, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The recent ranking of Brownsville as the unhealthiest city in the United States is not the first time that this area, about 23 miles from the mouth of the Rio Grande river across from Matamoros, Mexico, has been considered an unhealthy environment, even for the soldiers stationed at Ft. Brown.

During hearings of  the U.S. House of Representatives of the 51st Congress on January 31, 1891, the Committee on Military Affairs recommended the abandonment of the fort because of the unhealthy conditions there. 

At the time, the committee had determined that clear title should be had for a mere $50,000 after its original occupation by U.S. troops since 1846 by troops under Zachary Taylor at the outbreak of the U.S.-Mexican War.

In its findings, the committee heard a report that stated that Gen. William Sherman, then Commanding General of the U.S. Army, had reported in his annual report that:

"Fort Brown is subject to overflow and during the present year has been afflicted with yellow fever in the worst form. I advise its absolute abandonment."

 Again, in the same report he says : 
"The following military posts are obsolete and ought to be abandoned: "Fort Brown, Texas." 

General Phillip Sheridan, in his testimony before the committee, testified as follows: 
Q. What, in your opinion as a military man, is the strategic value of this post?
A. Very little. It has very little value. 
Q. What, from a military standpoint, would justify its establishment?
A. I mean it has a very little value now, since new conditions have obtained and since railroads have been built. 
Q. You mean it is no longer an important point as a crossing point from one country to the other?
A. No, sir.
Q. That the growth and development of the country and the building of railroad have transferred what particular advantages it had to other points.
A. Yes, sir. 

The committee's report included the following table comparing malarial diseases at the various U.S. forts.
Surgeon J. C. Baily, medical director, Department of Texas, in forwarding a sanitary report from Fort Brown, Tex., remarked:

"On an inspection of the post, February 24, 1889, when the number of admissions had fallen much below that of November, I found members of nearly all the officers' families suffering with some form of malarial troubles...

"I was informed that many of the men, when suffering from chills, preferred continuing on duty to reporting sick. The washed-out appearance of nearly every soldier in the command plainly showed the unhealthful surroundings.

This post is closely hemmed in on the north by a large town (Brownsville) (population 5,000 or 6,000) which is practically undrained and filthy beyond description; on the east by a marsh, and south by a lagoon (resaca) which for 8 months of the year is cut off from the river. Into this marsh and lagoon all the sewage of the post drains. The lagoon is within 30 feet of the officers' quarters, and the marsh crowds up on occupied buildings on the other side. There must be taken into account the probability of the command being hemmed in by a yellow-fever quarantine. It will be a mild epidemic that does not decimate it in its present condition. If this unwholesome spot must be occupied I can only recommend that the garrison be reduced to the minimum and entirely changed every year."

The Surgeon-General of the Army in the same report, page 27, says: 

"At Fort Brown, which must be set down as the most unhealthy post in the country, 286 cases of malarial disease, or nearly two attacks yearly for each man of the garrison, added 1,986.11 to the admission rate and 26.72 to the noneffectives. These fevers alone give this post a much higher rate of admission than was given to the Army by all diseases and injuries... The nature of the Fort Brown is thus seen to have the worst record of any post in the Army. The nature of the prevailing diseases has already been mentioned. This post held the same unenviable position in 1888 and 1889..."

The Secretary of War, in his annual report for 1889, after referring to the investigation in the last Congress in regard to Fort Brown, concludes as follows: 

"In this connection attention is called to the report of the Surgeon-General for the past year, by which it appears that Fort Brown is the unhealthiest post in the country; also to the fact that General Sherman in his report for 1882 recommended its abandonment."


Anonymous said...

Being "healthy" or "in shape" is a choice

It requires work and dedication to a certain lifestyle

You see it with the people that win these biggest loser challenges every year

Stop making excuses

Anonymous said...

8:00 a.m. you are clueless. There is a long list of medical conditions which cause people to become fat even when then eat healthy. Almost everyone I know with diabetes is very skinny. The body does what it wants. You are so ignorant that you fail to understand what matters is what you look like on the inside, not the outside. I may be heavy, but my arteries are clear and all my heart related blood work is perfect.

On the soldiers they did not choose to be stationed in a disease infested swamp.

But as to the Castro and Sanchez podcasts they are the town clowns. Castro claims to have exposed everything when in fact he steals from the blogs. The Tenaska numbers changes like Texas weather, if you do not like them they change.

The purpose for Tenaska was correct. But no one wants to talk about how Brownsville, TSC, the Port and Texas A & M did nothing for the job training to bring new companies to Brownsville which would have used Tenaska. Elon Musk said we are not makers, and has complained several times it is impossible to work with Brownsville.

Castro accuses everyone of stealing the Tenaska money but cannot name one person. But facts do not matter to him which is why he always has on the liar Roman.

The price rollbacks should have happened when they knew Tenaska was not going to happen. But your fuel surcharge went up when they ran out of the Tenaska money to pay for the extra cost of fuel.

Castro demands his money back. Does he pay his parent's utility bill?

Castro will come in dead last big time.

Right or wrong John will win this, and nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

Take a walk-in downtown Brownsville and then take a walk in Mattamores and you'll notice HARDLY any difference. Before 1846 the Fort Brown area was a prosperous planation that belonged to Miguel Salinas, who bought the land from the Cavazos's land grant. This was private bought land with Title to Miguel Salinas that was stolen by corrupt military Army political leaders. The so-called corrupt Army leaders bought their families and workers that were to build the railroad and were also allowing the Mexicans to cross over, without making provisions as to where these people were to take a SHIT. IT WAS THAT SHIT AND NOT HAVING CLEAN WATER TO WASH THEIR HANDS IS WHAT SPREAD THE DISEASE. They allowed too many people for such a small establishment. Does this ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

The low ranking is due to: more parks are needed, more dietitians and nutritionists needed and lower cost for gyms so that people go and exercise. Also the ranking officials are looking for: nutritious restaurants, more farmer's markets, and hiking trails.

Also they want Brownsville to offer low costs for visiting the doctors, pharmacy and dentists.

They also want more green spaces.....small gardens, trees all over the city, plants etc The city has to look clean and pretty.

Also they want more people walking, running and doing exercise around the neighborhoods.

Poverty creates unhealthy communities. Good food is expensive. Fruit goes bad in three days. Lettuce and cabbage: difficult to prepare.

It is easier to buy fast food. Few people in Brownsville cook.

The leaders in the community, the mayor, the commissioners have to help get Brownsville healthy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Estamos todos pancones. Face it.

Anonymous said...

Nintendo is what got all this obesity started. Who makes Nintendo?

Anonymous said...

Dr. Bowen: Fail!

Anonymous said...

Why are all the people on the trails fit?

Because they use them regularly

You see few obese people on the trails

I seen them around New years for a week or two then they stop

Same thing at the gyms
They phase out quickly

Anonymous said...

How about all the viejas that stay home start cooking nutritious meals for their offspring instead of sending them to school with a bag of Takis for breakfast fast and don't you dare forget the Lucas Pel Lucas. Parents no longer care to take the time to care for their children. Parents don't even take the time to notice what their daughters are wearing to school. However, the parents have cellphones and all sorts of social media that they must keep up with. I have it all wrong the married couples no longer exist the Moms have a boyfriend and the Dads have a girlfriend forget the word family unit.

Anonymous said...

fat people can't get on bikes das why the fat city of mcallan don't have bike trails. somebody invent a bike for fat people be the next muskies and start a launching trail at boca chica

Anonymous said...

There should of been a study on the most corrupt city government mayor's under the the height of 5-10' Brownsvilles own Trevinio and Martinez and I could of been a contender Pat A.would of come in 1st place.

Anonymous said...

April 7, 2023 at 9:53 AM
How can hey help if they can't help themselves, one is hairless, one is fat (maybe 2), one is a joto, one is a nut job and the other is lost, the short one is going away sooooon.

Anonymous said...

GRINGOS HEDIONDOS no need to say more.
